Webos denied getting mac address for old tvs - webos

Im developing an app for both samsung and LG.
I have 2 LG TVs, one is old (2017 webos 3) and the other one is a (2020).
Im tring to get the mac address of the any network interface using :
webOS.service.request("luna://com.webos.service.connectionmanager", {
method: "getinfo",
which works perfectly with the new LG, but it returns an error in the old on (webos denied method call "getinfo" for category)
I have tried everything but nothing seems to work...


Blank Image when loading from remote url

Everything seemed to work fine, however when I try to load an image from remote url, it shows up blank on debug device. This is when deploying from VS on Windows to physical iPhone device.
It works fine in iOS simulator and Android emulator.
Tried the following:
image.Source = new Uri(url);
image.Source = ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri(url));
As well as things like loading the image from stream using ImageSource.FromStream
My best guess is it has got something to do with permissions?! But the app seemingly connects just fine with the server API. Why would it have any trouble loading image from the same server?
It seems the problem only exists when debugging from Windows (Using Xamarin Hot Restart). Deploying the same project from a Mac didn't cause the same error. Hoping for a fix to this specific issue, as developing on Windows is my personal preference.

Xamarin Android 10 UDP Client In Background (Release Mode Only)

I am having an issue with the UDPClient in Android 10 (worked fine in Android 9) so Im assuming Im missing from Android 10 that I have yet to be able to find so far.
I have a UDPService (background service) running which is a pretty standard implementation (Port is 64200)
m_udpSocket = new UdpClient(m_port);
m_udpSocket.Client.ReceiveTimeout = (int)m_healthTimeout.TotalMilliseconds;
m_healthSocket.Client.SetSocketOption( SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveTimeout, (int)m_healthTimeout.TotalMilliseconds );
I wont post the sending and receiving code at this stage as I think its more permissions related.
The client periodically sends some UDP data to the server for processing. Its all local network based (not internet) and the data is sent via the WiFi on the device.
In Android 9, it all works as expected with the app in the foreground or the background.
In Android 10, it works perfectly when the app is in the foreground, but when the app goes to the background, when I try to issue the send on the socket
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): Access denied
This error only happens in release mode on Android 10. If Im running in Debug Mode attached to the device, I can put the app into the background and the UDP traffic works as expected.
Based on all the above, Im assuming there is something else I need to do to allow the socket to work in the background in release mode but I cant seem to put my finger on what it is. Ive read about INTERNET permission and how Debug mode automatically adds this so is there something else I may be missing in the Android Manifest that could cause this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
For anyone experiencing similar problems, in the end it had nothing to do with the actual code, but it was the Battery Optimisation Settings in Android.
Once I removed the app from the automatic battery optimisations, everything worked as expected.

Qt + VTK fails to run on Surface Pro X

I have an application I have been working on for the past year. It builds and runs normally in various machines (including Mac OS). I just got a Surface Pro X and was surprised I was having issues when rendering in a QVTKOpenGLWidget. The application runs, but when I open a window with a QVTKOpenGLWidget, it crashes and gives access violation error in Qt5Gui.dll.
I changed from QVTKOpenGLWidget to QVTKOpenGLNativeWidget which seemed to have improved somewhat the situation, but I can't render anything. The window opens and stays open so long as I don't add any actor or call to render.
From looking at the logs, Qt seems to have issues with creating a context. The VTK logs keep popping up the following error:
vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow (0CAD3408): GLEW could not be initialized: Missing GL version
I have tried the following with no positive results:
// First attempt
auto format = QVTKOpenGLWidget::defaultFormat();
// Second attempt
Has anyone figured out how to get this working? I don't think the problem is specific to the Surface Pro X, but to any Windows GPU driver.

Kony : access a host name from android device

i'm using kony mobile fabric i'm trying to access the hostname http://youxel--tech:8080/mfconsole
from my android device but it says ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSEDit randomly works and randomly stops working is there anyone has an idea about solving this issue

How to run DayDream Controller from Unity Editor?

I am developing a DayDream app and working with a Pixel XL and real DayDream Controller (on a MacBook Pro). I would really like to be able to test with the DayDream Controller when running the app from Unity Editor. Currently, I am forced to make a build for every little change and its killing me (slow).
I believe that I can do this by connecting my Pixel XL via USB cable to my Mac and then using adb to configure it. But, all attempts have failed so far.
I don't know about real Daydream Controller, but you can try using your phone as DayDream Controller Emulator.
As it said here, you should download emulator APK from here, install it and run on phone connected to WiFi.
In your Unity project find GvrControllerMain and change Emulator Connection Mode to Wi-Fi. Also find Assets/GoogleVR/Scripts/Controller/Internal/Emulator/EmulatorConfig.cs and change line to IP address displayed on daydream controller emulator app on phone.
// IP address of the phone, when connected to the PC via WiFi.
public static readonly string WIFI_SERVER_IP = "";//"";
Click "Play" in Unity, it should work.
In addition to diesersamat's answer, I would like to add two things:
You could run the controller emulator via USB by choosing "USB" from the Emulator Connection property of the GvrController script that is attached to the GvrControllerMain component. For the USB connection to be made, you have to make sure that %AndroidSDKHome%/platform-tools is added to your PATH variable.
You could use the real controller via Emulator: Open the Controller Emulator app --> open the Emulator's overflow menu --> select Switch to Real Controller. For this to work, the phone that runs the emulator has to be Daydream ready. I usually use the same phone that I use for Daydream VR as a controller emulator.
At Google I/O 2017, the Daydream team announced instant-preview which supports a "headless" controller-only mode.
The repo is on github: https://github.com/googlevr/gvr-instant-preview
The moment in the Daydream keynote where it is mentioned is here: https://youtu.be/tto90e-DfeM?t=26m45s
I had the same problem trying to get the emulator to work. The solution for me was to set up the player settings to android and click the VR supported tab with the daydream SDK selected in the VR SDKs dropdown BEFORE importing any daydream/google VR packages.
Took a lot of trial and error for me to figure that out. Hope that helps.
