Currently, I'm using Gradle and I need repository to sore libraries.
My question is: Does Oracle Cloud Artifact Registry support Gradle?
I searched in I only saw it supports Console, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI, or REST APIs
I want to know any guideline documents to help me using Oracle Cloud Artifact Registry with Gradle.
Officially I dont believe there is support. However you can get Maven and Gradle plugins. for example -
I am new to the SonarQube.
I am using SonarQube to security scan my Java source code. I am also using Trivy to security scan my Docker container where I pack my Java app for deployment.
I deploy my code on JBoss and Tomcat web servers.
So, I have SonarQube to security scan my source code and Trivy to security scan my Docker image, but now I need something to security scan my code's dependencies (JARs).
Can SonarQube scan dependency Apache libraries and report which dependencies contain security flows and needs to be replaced with newer versions? If yes, how?
I think the dependency-check project is what you're after; there are Grade and Maven plugins to make using it easier and it can be integrated with SonaqQube.
You can use this Trivy plugin to convert Trivy results into SonarQube format and import it as external issues report to SonarQube:
I know we can use the maven plugin to deploy the application to GCP. E.G
mvn appengine:deploy
But for certain reason, I would like to deploy the application not from the source code, but from artifacts repository (like Nexus).
What I want to do is to fetch the war from Nexus and use some command line to deploy the war to GCP. Anyone know how to?
I didn't find a way to do it but if you are interested in such functionality, you can use Cloud Source Repositories, which provides private Git repositories hosted on GCP.
You can use them to deploy in App Engine and even automate the process.
If you need to specifically use Nexus, you could file a feature request for App Engine.
What's the purpose of spring-project/spring-framework repository in GitHub?
How to run this applications using eclipse?
This is where Spring Framework source code is hosted.
If you want to start using Spring, you don't need their Github repository, I'd recommend starting at their official site: There you can find the documentation, description of the subprojects that comprise Spring Framework, as well as instructions of how to use it. There is an example on their main page.
If you want to build an application, you could take a look at Spring Boot: The site, again, contains documentation, guides, examples and so on.
Here you can find information on how to run your Spring Boot application in Eclipse:
They have their own IDE based on Eclipse:
And if you want to rebuild Spring from source or (more likely) learn how it works, then its Github repo will be useful for you.
Is there a way to integrate gradle with Jira ?
I use Jira cloud service and I know they have rest based API to support but I want to know weather there is a gradle plugin with good documentation to connect with Jira?
It looks like Intershop Communications AG provides a plugin for dealing with JIRA from gradle. This might be what you're looking for
Has anyone ever migrated an existing maven repository into Cloudbees repositories?
Currently, I have a self-hosted Sonatype Nexus instance with three custom repositories (snapshots, releases, and 3rd-party libraries not hosted in Maven). I have an existing Cloudbees CI environment, and I'm looking at migrating my maven storage as well.
If anyone has any helpful hints, tips, or an existing migration guide, please point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance.
The simplest way would be to zip/tar.gz up your existing repository and upload it to the DAV repository in question.
Submit a support request and it can be unpacked on the server (DAV is quite slow for moving lots of files)