Where are Edge browser 'Other Search Engines' settings stored?
If it stored as a file, then I want to copy/paste to another profile.
It is stored in Web Data file under your profile folder. You can find your profile path in edge://version/.
I'm trying to reset my user settings for debugging purposes. I'm using the "Synchronize" button under the Settings area of the Project designer. When I do so, I get a message box with the following:
No user.config files were found in any of the following locations:
After some investigating, I determined without a doubt that my debug session user.config file is actually being saved at this location:
This is the only folder under my AppData\Local\MyCompanyName folder, and there are NO folders under my AppData\Roaming\MyCompanyName folder. This folder also corresponds to and updates with any settings changes I make while debugging my application. So it's clearly the correct folder.
However, that folder has a completely different "Url" ID from either of the Local folders the Settings designer is looking for when doing a Synchronize... which explains why it can't find it.
Why is it looking for the wrong folder, and how do I correct this?
I found some threads recommending to delete my company folder under the AppData\Local folder, rebuild my project, and run it to re-create the settings folder. I did this, but it just re-creates it under the same Url, and Synchronize continues looking for the same incorrect Urls.
I have an azure website published, and I want to examine some files. Using VS2015's Cloud Explorer, I have to navigate to find my file:
App Services
This is a real pain in the neck. Especially once you get down to the "Files" part, you then keep having to hit "Load More" if your file doesn't appear.
So given the above structure, and I know there is a file named File2 is there a quick way of finding it in Cloud Explorer and/or opening it?
You can use KUDU to navigate around your Azure Web Apps file structure. You can download, edit there as well apart from great deal more things. You can go to KUDU by 2 ways.
Method 01
Use the Azure Portal and navigate to your Azure Web App and then in the Development Tools section click on Advanced Tools and then on Go link. Look at the screenshot below,
Method 02
You can also add scm to the middle of your Web App URL and navigate to KUDU. For example, if your Web Site URL is
you can change it to
and this will take you to the KUDU site. You have to login with your Microsoft Account to authenticate.
After login in to KUDU website, in the menu do to Debug Console and Click on CMD link.
This will give you a command prompt where you can navigate the file structure either by DOS commands or clicking on the file tree links. You can edit files, download files, delete files here.
According to your description, if you just want to easily locate to the special file in the could explorer. I suggest you could use its search box.
Like below:
In the search box, if you want to locate the file2, you could try below format.
/{your subsurscriptions name}/{the web service rescource group name}/{web service name}/Files/File2
Then you could right click the file and click 'open' to open the file in the VS.
We have a feature in our app which can save file to ExternalStoragePublicDirectory. Below is the directory path we are using.
It looks like file is getting saved in the directory. But I cant locate the saved file in Desktop or Chromebook. Can anybody please point me to right direction?
Under ARC, your external storage files are being read and written to the HTML5 filesystem. Under Chrome app (yours included) gets its own filesystem.
You can view this filesystem with Chrome (desktop or Chromebook) using some experimental developer tools. You have to enable them and then restart the browser. Here is how:
Visit "chrome://flags" in your browser.
Search for "Enable Developer Tools experiments", and click the "Enable" link.
A prompt to restart your browser should have appeared. Go ahead and click it to restart your browser.
Go ahead and launch your app. It needs to be running so that you can browse the filesystem.
Next visit the "chrome://inspect/#apps" page in your browser, and find your app in the list. Click the "inspect" link to bring up the inspector window.
Click the gear icon in the upper right of the window.
Click the "Experiments" tab listed on the left side of the popup. This is only visible if you enabled the experimental features at all.
Click the "Filesystem Inspection" checkbox to enable the filesystem viewer.
Finish up by closing the options page with the "x" at the top left.
Now you can view your app's filesystem.
From the inspector window for your app, click the "Resources" tab along the top.
You should see a "FileSystem" option appear in the list on the left side. Click it to expand it.
Click the "persistent -chrome extension:" subpanel.
You should be able to then navigate to the download directory by expanding the view that appears. I believe for downloads you want "/storage/sdcard/Download".
Selecting the directory will display basic metadata on all the files in the directory. Selecting the file might display it if it is supported. Or you might just get a "Binary File" message if not.
If you want to actually manipulate the data beyond that, you will need to connect with the browser with the Android adb command/shell, and you should be able to "adb pull" the file. See https://developer.chrome.com/apps/getstarted_arc#bestpractices to get going on that.
You can also add {"enableExternalDirectory": true} to your application's metadata. Enabling this option means that ARC will prompt you for the directory to use for for the external directory, and you can pick a real directory on your system to use. But if you already download a file prior to enabling this feature, you will have to download it again.
i want to know where chrome stores the userscripts that are installed.
i couldn't find any answer elsewhere.
i'm on a mac.
Finding the extension ID
If you have many user scripts, we'll need to find the extension ID of your user script for the next step. Go to chrome://extensions/ in your address bar, or navigate to the wrench icon, then Tools -> Extensions.
Under each extension, you'll see an entry like ID: inoibihbncpenbmllpjoonoaadechdng. This is the extension ID. Find your script, and observe the ID.
These user scripts are usually stored in:
~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions
If this path makes sense, you can skip the next section. Otherwise, follow along below for more detailed instructions.
Finding your Extensions folder
Go to your user folder. You can do this by opening Finder, and going to Go -> Home. Then we want to navigate to Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/
If you're not using multiple Chrome profiles, at this point you should be able to just go to Default/Extensions/
Extension layout
Each extension will be in a folder, named after their extension ID. Inside this, we'll have a version number, then any metadata files. In the latest version of Chrome, userscripts will have at minimum a script.js file and manifest.json. You're looking for script.js, which contains the actual Javascript.
I am creating a clickonce installer using the deployment strategy of Install from the Web or network share, on one of my project. I am learning how to use click once installers. When i publish my project it gets succeeded. i gave the URL of my website that i had created through google so that anyone can install from that URL. After publish gets succeeded the URL should be launched automatically but it is not. Moreover. When i check my website and in it that page whose URL i had given, there is nothing there. No installer. Please help.
Right Click on Publishing Project
Click Properties
Click "Publish"
In "Publishing Folder Location" is anything set there?
Click the button with ellipsis (...) to the right of the combobox
Click "FTP Site" (not Remote site, as this needs FrontPage extensions)
Enter the Server information, Directory (that you have access to), keep it as passive mode, uncheck the Anonymous option and put in the valid FTP instructions.
Click Open, and Republish. All should work 100% with this.
If not, have a look in your wwwroot/ folder and find the application information (if it's there) and you will have to manually upload the files.
EDIT for comment:
The website that you are uploading to, does it have FTP access? Meaning a place that you would upload file to for display on the website, even like your html content? (index.html etc.)
If not, you will need to get these details from your website hosting provider and fill in the appropriate fields for the FTP upload.
It's a while since I did this, but I'm fairly sure that you have to upload the files manually.
The installer needs the location so it can build the web page etc. All the files should be in an output folder in your project.
EDIT: I've just checked and the output folder is the one you specify on the first step of the Publish Wizard. If you specify a local folder the files will be put there for you to FTP to your website later. You can also specify a remote address as and FTP or HTTP location (which I'd forgotten when I posted my original answer). You'll have to enter the user name and password for connecting to the remote location later in the process.
Are you using Visual Studio 2008? The default behaviour of deploying a "publish.htm" page has changed.
Bring up your project's properties and switch to the "Publish" tab. Click the "Options" button and switch to the "Deployment" section of the dialog. You'll see by default that the "Deployment web page" TextBox is empty. You'll need to give that a value and also check the "Automatically generate deployment web page after every publish" CheckBox.
I've taken to filling that in with "default.htm" so that whichever folder you deploy your app into will have the ClickOnce publish page as its default page.