What is the endpoint of a minio bucket? - minio

I am trying to find the correct endpoint to use to connect to a minio bucket. I am running minio on a minikube cluster, and I am using argo workflows to launch pods. When I give the addresss I use to login to minio (, I get:
Error (exit code 1): failed to create new S3 client: Endpoint url cannot have fully qualified paths.
Or when I use minio:9000 as endpoint i get:
Error (exit code 1): failed to put file: Get "http://minio:9000/my-bucket/?location=": dial tcp: lookup minio on server misbehaving

Turned out to be the name of the service with the port. In my case for argo workflow it was:


MC can't Add a Cloud Storage Device

I am trying to create a MinIO Server and Client so I can run some tests and I am getting the error bellow when I try to run mc:
C:\mc.exe alias set myminio admin password
mc.exe: <ERROR> Unable to initialize new alias from the provided credentials. Get
"": dial tcp connectex: A socket operation was attempted on an unreachable network.
I just copied the command given to me when I started the MinIO Server. I am using a Windows10 PC remotely.

Facing this error when i upload laraval app to live server

This error occur when i trying to hit api from live server.But locally api running correctly. I got this error
cURL error 28: Failed to connect to testapi.certccie.com port 443: Connection timed out (see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html)
Here we uploaded error image
Maybe this is because of your host that your host dont access to certccie.com.
Try on another host.

elastic apm can't connect to elasticsearch

My apm server can't connect to ES with the following log
2020-04-12T04:08:17.102Z ERROR pipeline/output.go:100 Failed to connect to backoff(elasticsearch(http://example.com:9200)): Connection marked
as failed because the onConnect callback failed: resource 'apm-7.4.2-span' exists, but it is not an alias
I tried to 'reset' the index by the following command, it won't work either
$ apm-server setup --index-management
Exiting: resource 'apm-7.4.2-span' exists, but it is not an alias
I tried to setup a policy where apm data is deleted after 3 month, and I think I messed up the index setup.. (I can't remember what I did exactly)
How do I reset the index and start using apm again?
(It's a plus if I can retain the data, but I can sacrifice it)

How to run portworx backup to minio server

Trying to configure portworx volume backups (ptxctl cloudsnap) to localhost minio server (emulating S3).
First step is to create cloud credentials using ptxctl cred c
./pxctl credentials create --provider s3 --s3-access-key mybadaccesskey --s3-secret-key mybadsecretkey --s3-region local --s3-endpoint
This results in:
Error configuring cloud provider.Make sure the credentials are correct: RequestError: send request failed caused by: Get EOF
disabling SSL (which is not configured as this is just a localhost test) gives me:
./pxctl credentials create --provider s3 --s3-access-key mybadaccesskey --s3-secret-key mybadsecretkey --s3-region local --s3-endpoint --s3-disable-ssl
Which returns:
Not authenticated with the secrets endpoint
I've tried this with both minio gateway (nas) and minio server - same result.
Portworx container is running within Rancher
Any thoughts appreciated
Resolved via instructions at https://docs.portworx.com/secrets/portworx-with-kvdb.html
i.e. set secret type to kvdb in /etc/pwx/config.json
"secret": {
"cluster_secret_key": "",
"secret_type": "kvdb"
Then login using ./pxctl secrets kvdb login
After this, credentials create was successful and subsequent cloudsnap backup. Test was using --s3-disable-ssl switch
Note - kvdb is plain text so not suitable for production obvs.

What might cause the Kubernetes API server to fail to write the client CA configmap?

I'm experiencing that the Kubernetes API server fails to start during cluster bootstrapping with the following error log, apparently due to being unable to initialize its "client CA configmap":
E1029 14:35:56.211083 5 client_ca_hook.go:78] Timeout: request did not complete within allowed duration
F1029 14:35:56.211121 5 hooks.go:126] PostStartHook “ca-registration” failed: unable to initialize client CA configmap: timed out waiting for the condition
It seems to happen here in the Kubernetes source code. What might cause this error?
See the full log here.
Update: It seems that my etcd cluster isn't accessible from master nodes, even though the same command works from etcd member machines:
$ sudo ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --cacert=/opt/tectonic/tls/etcd-client-ca.crt \
--cert=/opt/tectonic/tls/etcd-client.crt --key=/opt/tectonic/tls/etcd-client.key \
--endpoints=https://coreos-testing-etcd-0.socialfoodie.club:2379 \
endpoint health
https://coreos-testing-etcd-0.socialfoodie.club:2379 is unhealthy: failed to connect: grpc: timed out when dialing
Error: unhealthy cluster
I found out that despite the cryptic error message in the API server, the cause is that it can't write to the etcd cluster. The reason was that the API server was configured with a different client certificate authority than what the etcd cluster was using, due to a timing issue wrt. copying certificates in my Terraform cluster setup. I figured out that the CA was the problem by using curl to contact the etcd cluster instead of etcdctl, as it gave a clear error message.
Thanks to #johnharris85 for suggesting etcd connectivity being an issue!
