Should I use an image organization plugin in my Woocommerce website? - image

Is there a connection between the organization of the images to the speed in which they load?
I was wondering if a division to folders can speed up the website or is that unrelated?
I am currently migrating a website which has 30,000 images.
Obviously uploading them all to the same folder can be a lot easier, but I was wondering if I should maybe get an image organization plugin to help the website's speed.
Can such plugin help the speed by helping the "look up" time for each image?


Is there any way to improve a website speed without damaging front end website

I am working on my client's website. I am trying to speed it up but Google page insight kept on showing slow speed of my website. Can you please suggest me how can I improve my client's website.
I minimize HTML and JS files.

My website pictures loading are slow in the server and failing google mobile testing

My website pictures loading are slow in the server and failing google mobile testing- In google mobile testing pass my website but some of the (18 pictures) are loading slowly. This is basic hosting I am running my website. Can anyone helps on this(suggestion and recommendation). Thanks.
Generally you can use Photoshop or an online service to optimize your pictures, there are also free optimization services up to certain limits.
This question is a little bit old, but can quide you in the right direction. You can also have look here.
Personally I do not have Photoshop and I use Kraken free service.
The optimization can be lossy or lossless, I prefer lossless (without a visual decrease in quality).

Google PageSpeed Insights - Too much compressing on images

I am currently optimizing our website and I'm surprised by the Google PageSpeed Insights. For days, I've been trying to reach a good ranking and I'm concentrating on optimizing the images. But Google PageSpeed Insights says that the pictures mostly still require a compression of 90%. You can already see that the pictures have been severely compromised and have lost in quality.
The page I'm optimizing is knorke. de
For example:
The suggestions in the analysis show that the image "Wicked-Print-Logo.jpg" can be compressed by 95%. The image has a size of 16 KB. I do not believe that it's possible to compress the file anymore, without losing image quality.
What am I doing wrong?
Why is Google so strict here?
I'm thankful for every suggestion.
I did a test speed insight of your page, Google already helped you to much, because it offert to you the possibility to download optimized assets (images, css and js) for your website. You just have to download it and replace your images with images optimized by Google.
Note that the decision lies to you, if you think that images optimized by google are very bad quality, you are not oblige to use them.
I also suggest you to configure the cache browser, it could help a little boost your score
Find the link just under all test notifications.

Improve prestashop site page speed

Hi i want improve prestashop page speed
i tried following thing
Speed Up your Site and compression with htaccess file (also tries this )
minfied css & js
use cdn (but not working )
Is there any way for do this currently page speed is 11.6 i need it 4-5.
Thanks in advance
You should use Prestashop Profiling system to see if there are long running SQL queries or if a hook is taking too much time.
To enable Prestashop Profiling you should edit your /config/ file and turn line define('_PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_', false); to define('_PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_', true);.
We can't help you further without more informations.
Ok, so this is not just a problem of optimization of your code. I can see that you added a cdn optimize1., Prestashop allows you to add 3 different cdn, you should use this option (it will allows parallels downloads of your content). Here is some information on the subject.

magento image loading takes too much time

I have a problem with magento application. the site taking too much time to load. problem is with category page , images of category are not loaded as it should.
can anybody help to find server is bluehost.
everything was working fine previously, but now i am facing these issue.
Other than caching the images, there isnt much you can do except maybe upgrading the hosting account. If you are on a shared hosting account and loading 10+ product images on a page, it may take 6-7 seconds to load.
You should check the size of the images. If you are uploading images from your digital camera, a lot of times they can be several megabytes in size.
I would suggest using jpg images no larger than 800px x 800px in size. And make sure Magento cache is enabled. Each full resolution image in file size should be under 250KB.
You could also attach your magento store to a cloud service that caches images and pages which can greatly improve speed.
One more thing you can do, open a ticket with bluehost and ask them to check the speed of the site, lots of times they have tools they can run diagnostics. Maybe its something other than the images slowing things down like javascript getting hung up (any extensions installed related to the images?)
