How do I inject a variable value into a command that prompts for a password within a bash script [duplicate] - bash

I am trying to do ssh-add from script (don't care about about security at the moment).
Now ssh prompts for passphrase, which needs to be automated, so i read couple of things like this and found expect.
And now i do following:
eval `ssh-agent -s`
script defined as :
spawn ssh-add /root/.ssh/id_rsa
expect "Enter passphrase for /root/.ssh/id_rsa:"
send "my_pass"
ssh-add -l
If ssh-add would have worked it shows something like
4096 SHA256:wlfP/nhVSWXLcljBOen5GSYZXJGgfi/XJWfZeBwqRsM id_rsa (RSA)
But instead i get The agent has no identities. Seems like ssh-agent looses it's context.
Am open to other solutions to do this.

Personally, I find the use of expect a bit cumbersome. The following approach found how to make ssh-add read passphrase from a file rather informative.
So if your version of ssh-add allows the -p argument and you are not worried about security then this should work:
# store a file somewheres with your passphrase. For example's sake
# I'll just use $HOME/.myscrt
<$HOME/.myscrt ssh-add -p ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Now if -p is not an option for you, I found the second method mildly ingenious:
# Same passfile and some minor enhancements from the OP of the linked
# solution
# the following is just a one-liner method of making an executable
# one-line script echoing the password to STDOUT
install -vm700 <(echo "echo $PASS") "$PWD/"
# then the magic happens. NOTE: your DISPLAY variable should be set
# for this method to work (see ssh-add(1))
[[ -z "$DISPLAY" ]] && export DISPLAY=:0
< id_rsa SSH_ASKPASS="$PWD/" ssh-add - && shred -n3 -uz $PWD/
When I tested the script I called "j", see below:
$ cd /tmp
$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/me/.ssh/id_rsa): /tmp/id_rsa
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): asdfasdf
Enter same passphrase again: asdfasdf
Your identification has been saved in /tmp/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /tmp/
The key fingerprint is:
ed:1a:ae:c7:ac:47:5e:31:98:8e:18:8f:1c:67:94:6d jimconn#redapt-240
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
| o |
| o E |
| . . o |
| o o o.o |
| . O oS .o |
| + o o.. |
| =... |
| .*o |
| o=o |
$ echo 'asdfasdf' > ~/.myscrt
$ chmod 0600 ~/.myscrt
$ ls -altr ~/.myscrt
-rw------- 1 me me 9 Feb 16 19:00 /home/me/.myscrt
$ cat ~/.myscrt
$ ls -ltr
total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 400 Feb 16 18:59
-rw------- 1 me me 1766 Feb 16 18:59 id_rsa
-rwx------ 1 me me 151 Feb 16 19:04 j
$ cat j
install -vm700 <(echo "echo $PASS") "$PWD/"
cat id_rsa | SSH_ASKPASS="$PWD/" ssh-add - && shred -n3 -uz $PWD/
$ ./j
‘/dev/fd/63’ -> ‘/tmp/so/’
Identity added: (stdin) ((stdin))
$ ls
id_rsa j
So, one thing to quickly note about this method is that listing the identities loaded into ssh-agent will only show that stdin was loaded:
$ ssh-add -D
All identities removed.
$ ssh-add -l
2048 ed:1a:ae:c7:ac:47:5e:31:98:8e:18:8f:1c:67:94:6d (stdin) (RSA)
$ ./j
‘/dev/fd/63’ -> ‘/tmp/so/’
Identity added: (stdin) ((stdin))
$ ssh-add -l
2048 ed:1a:ae:c7:ac:47:5e:31:98:8e:18:8f:1c:67:94:6d (stdin) (RSA)

I did not try this, but if it is realy about expect loosing the context, it might be a good idea to set it up later:
auto-passphrase-add.expect (replacing
spawn ./ /root/.ssh/id_rsa
expect "Enter passphrase for /root/.ssh/id_rsa:"
send "my_pass"
eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add "$#"


Process substitution not working with sudo

From a main bash script run as root, I want to execute a subprocess using sudo as unpriviledge user nobody; that subprocess should source a file, which content is provided by the main script.
I am trying to solve this using bash process substitution. But I cannot manage to get this to work.
Can someone tell me why the following script, ...
#! /bin/bash
sudo -u nobody \
bash -c 'source /dev/stdin || ls -l /dev/stdin /proc/self/fd/0 /proc/$$/fd/0; echo "A=$A"' \
< <(echo "A=$(ls /root/.profile)")
... when run as root, produces the following ouput ?
root#raspi:~# ./
bash: line 1: /dev/stdin: Permission denied
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Mar 20 20:55 /dev/stdin -> /proc/self/fd/0
lr-x------ 1 nobody nogroup 64 Aug 21 14:38 /proc/3243/fd/0 -> 'pipe:[79069]'
lr-x------ 1 nobody nogroup 64 Aug 21 14:38 /proc/self/fd/0 -> 'pipe:[79069]'
I would expect reading from stdin to work because, as indicated by ls -l, read access to stdin is granted to nobody (which makes sense).
So why this does not work ? And is there any way to get this to work ?
Answers to this question did not help: as sample above shows, code in the <(...) bloc should access data that only root can.
To see why you have Permission denied, use ls -lL
sudo -u nobody \
bash -c 'source /dev/stdin || ls -lL /dev/stdin /proc/self/fd/0 /proc/$$/fd/0; echo "A=$A"' \
< <(echo "A=$(ls /root/.profile)")
To get around the error, use cat |
sudo -u nobody \
bash -c 'cat | { source /dev/stdin || ls -lL /dev/stdin /proc/self/fd/0 /proc/$$/fd/0; echo "A=$A"; }' \
< <(echo "A=$(ls /root/.profile)")

difference in 0>&- and 0<&- I/O redirections

In example below 0>&- works that ssh-keygen command exists when input prompt appears.
Shouldn't it be 0<&- (close stdin) instead?
Both 0>&- and 0<&- seem to be working in the same way (when ssh-keygen's input/confirmation prompt appears it's closed) - how to explain it?
user#system:~/.ssh$ ls -al test123
ls: cannot access 'test123': No such file or directory
user#system:~/.ssh$ ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f test123 -q -N "" 0>&-
user#system:~/.ssh$ ls -al test123
-rw------- 1 user user 1823 Sep 21 08:01 test123
user#system:~/.ssh$ ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f test123 -q -N "" 0>&-
test123 already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)? user#system:~/.ssh$
user#system:~/.ssh$ ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f test123 -q -N "" 0<&-
test123 already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)? user#system:~/.ssh$
In a documentation there is:
Close input file descriptor n.
0<&-, <&-
Close stdin.
Close output file descriptor n.
There is no difference between 0>&- and 0<&-.
There is a difference between >&- and <&-.
That difference is:
>&- defaults to n=1
<&- defaults to n=0
See more at this StackExchange post

How to pass password of ssh key with ssh-add command in a script? [duplicate]

I am trying to do ssh-add from script (don't care about about security at the moment).
Now ssh prompts for passphrase, which needs to be automated, so i read couple of things like this and found expect.
And now i do following:
eval `ssh-agent -s`
script defined as :
spawn ssh-add /root/.ssh/id_rsa
expect "Enter passphrase for /root/.ssh/id_rsa:"
send "my_pass"
ssh-add -l
If ssh-add would have worked it shows something like
4096 SHA256:wlfP/nhVSWXLcljBOen5GSYZXJGgfi/XJWfZeBwqRsM id_rsa (RSA)
But instead i get The agent has no identities. Seems like ssh-agent looses it's context.
Am open to other solutions to do this.
Personally, I find the use of expect a bit cumbersome. The following approach found how to make ssh-add read passphrase from a file rather informative.
So if your version of ssh-add allows the -p argument and you are not worried about security then this should work:
# store a file somewheres with your passphrase. For example's sake
# I'll just use $HOME/.myscrt
<$HOME/.myscrt ssh-add -p ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Now if -p is not an option for you, I found the second method mildly ingenious:
# Same passfile and some minor enhancements from the OP of the linked
# solution
# the following is just a one-liner method of making an executable
# one-line script echoing the password to STDOUT
install -vm700 <(echo "echo $PASS") "$PWD/"
# then the magic happens. NOTE: your DISPLAY variable should be set
# for this method to work (see ssh-add(1))
[[ -z "$DISPLAY" ]] && export DISPLAY=:0
< id_rsa SSH_ASKPASS="$PWD/" ssh-add - && shred -n3 -uz $PWD/
When I tested the script I called "j", see below:
$ cd /tmp
$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/me/.ssh/id_rsa): /tmp/id_rsa
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): asdfasdf
Enter same passphrase again: asdfasdf
Your identification has been saved in /tmp/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /tmp/
The key fingerprint is:
ed:1a:ae:c7:ac:47:5e:31:98:8e:18:8f:1c:67:94:6d jimconn#redapt-240
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
| o |
| o E |
| . . o |
| o o o.o |
| . O oS .o |
| + o o.. |
| =... |
| .*o |
| o=o |
$ echo 'asdfasdf' > ~/.myscrt
$ chmod 0600 ~/.myscrt
$ ls -altr ~/.myscrt
-rw------- 1 me me 9 Feb 16 19:00 /home/me/.myscrt
$ cat ~/.myscrt
$ ls -ltr
total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 400 Feb 16 18:59
-rw------- 1 me me 1766 Feb 16 18:59 id_rsa
-rwx------ 1 me me 151 Feb 16 19:04 j
$ cat j
install -vm700 <(echo "echo $PASS") "$PWD/"
cat id_rsa | SSH_ASKPASS="$PWD/" ssh-add - && shred -n3 -uz $PWD/
$ ./j
‘/dev/fd/63’ -> ‘/tmp/so/’
Identity added: (stdin) ((stdin))
$ ls
id_rsa j
So, one thing to quickly note about this method is that listing the identities loaded into ssh-agent will only show that stdin was loaded:
$ ssh-add -D
All identities removed.
$ ssh-add -l
2048 ed:1a:ae:c7:ac:47:5e:31:98:8e:18:8f:1c:67:94:6d (stdin) (RSA)
$ ./j
‘/dev/fd/63’ -> ‘/tmp/so/’
Identity added: (stdin) ((stdin))
$ ssh-add -l
2048 ed:1a:ae:c7:ac:47:5e:31:98:8e:18:8f:1c:67:94:6d (stdin) (RSA)
I did not try this, but if it is realy about expect loosing the context, it might be a good idea to set it up later:
auto-passphrase-add.expect (replacing
spawn ./ /root/.ssh/id_rsa
expect "Enter passphrase for /root/.ssh/id_rsa:"
send "my_pass"
eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add "$#"

FTP not working UNIX

hi i have a script where i am performing sudo and going to particular directory,and within that directory editing files name as required. After getting required file name i want to FTP files on windows machine but script after reading FTP commands says-:
-bash: line 19: quote: command not found
-bash: line 20: quote: command not found
-bash: line 21: put: command not found
-bash: line 22: quit: command not found
My ftp is working if i run normally so it is some other problem.Script is below-:
echo password | sudo -S -l
sudo /usr/bin/su - glob << 'EOF'
#ls -lrt
cd "$path"
for entry in $(ls -r)
if [ "$entry" = "ADM" ];then
cd "$entry"
FileName=$(ls -t | head -n1)
echo "$FileName"
FileNameIniKey=$(ls -t | head -n1 | cut -c 12-20)
echo "$FileNameIniKey"
echo "$xmlFileName" >> "$xmlFileNameIniKey.ini"
chmod 755 "$FileName"
chmod 755 "$FileNameIniKey.ini"
ftp -n hostname
quote USER ftp
quote PASS
put "$FileName"
rm "$FileNameIniKey.ini"
You can improve your questions and make them easier to answer and more useful for future readers by including a minimal, self-contained example. Here's an example:
ftp -n
quote user anonymous
quote pass mypass
When executed, you get a manual FTP session instead of a file listing:
$ ./myscript
Trying 2620:8d:8000:15:225:90ff:fefd:344c...
Connected to
220 Welcome to
The problem is that you're assuming that a script is a series of strings that are automatically typed into a terminal. This is not true. It's a series of commands that are executed one after another.
Nothing happens with quote user anonymous until AFTER ftp has exited, and then it's run as a shell command instead of being written to the ftp command.
Instead, specify login credentials on the command line and then include commands in a here document:
ftp -n "" << end
This works as expected:
$ ./myscript
Trying 2620:8d:8000:15:225:90ff:fefd:344c...
Connected to
220 Welcome to
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
200 Switching to Binary mode.
229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||19986|).
150 Here comes the directory listing.
drwxrwxr-x 12 3002 1000 4096 Jul 11 20:00 CPAN
drwxrwsr-x 10 0 1001 4096 Jul 11 21:08 CRAN
drwxr-xr-x 18 1003 1000 4096 Jul 11 18:02 CTAN
drwxrwxr-x 5 89987 546 4096 Jul 10 10:00 FreeBSD
ftp -n "" << end
Name or service not known

Automating "enter" keypresses for bash script generating ssh keys

I would like to create script, which simply runs ssh-keygen -t rsa. But how to pass to it 3 times enter?
ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f my.key
-N "" tells it to use an empty passphrase (the same as two of the enters in an interactive script)
-f my.key tells it to store the key into my.key (change as you see fit).
The whole thing runs without you needing to supply any enter keys :)
To send enters to an interactive script:
echo -e "\n\n\n" | ssh-keygen -t rsa
a version with passphrase is:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "comment" -P "examplePassphrase" -f "desired pathAndName" -q
the -q is for silent
Source is
Agree with Michel Marro except that it needs some more:
If the file already exists, it will still be interactive asking if it has to overwrite it.
Use the answer of this question.
yes y | ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -N '' >/dev/null
The redirection to null is necessary to silence the overwrite message.
It is recommended to use ed25519 for security and performance.
yes "y" | ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -C "Bla Bla" -f /mypath/bla -N ""
-o OpenSSH key format instead of older PEM (needs OpenSSH 6.5+)
-a Number of primality test while screening DH-GEX candidates
-t Type of key (ed25519, RSA, DSA etc.)
-f /mypath/bla The output file path and name
-N "" Use empty passphase
and yes "y" for no interaction.
It will generate two files
where the bla file is private and is public.
echo -e "\n"|ssh-keygen -t rsa -N ""
