JdbcRepositoryFactory does not support Querydsl - spring-data-jdbc

Is the support for Querydsl remove in Spring Data Jdbc 3.0.0-M6? I am now getting an error ‘JdbcRepositoryFactory does not support Quersdsl’ after i upgraded from Spring Boot 3.0.0-M4 to 3.0.0-M5.


Is there any way to use hibernate 6.1.x with spring boot 2.7.x where we want to use custom sessionFactory creation also

We are trying to migrate a legacy spring mvc application to spring boot 2.7.x
we are using hibernate 4.x in our application and we are trying to migrate it to hibernate 6.1.x
we are using HibernateTransactionManager and sessionFactory also.
is there any way to use hibernate 6 with spring boot 2.7.x
I tried to add hibernate 6.x , jakarata, spring-orm dependencies to my pom file.
but latest version of spring orm is having only hibernate5
import org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateTransactionManager
import org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.LocalSessionFactoryBean

Using Hibernate 6.x with Spring Boot 2.7.x not working?

I am trying to use Hibernate Core 6.x with Spring Boot / Spring Data JPA 2.7.x project, but it's not able to pick up Hibernate 6.x classes.
As you can see in the pom, in spring-boot-starter-data-jpa I have excluded hibernate-core 5.6.10-final and added 6.x as project dependency.
But I am seeing below error:
A component required a bean of type 'javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory' that could not be found.
Consider defining a bean of type 'javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory' in your configuration.
I don't think spring boot is autoconfiguring the new Hibernate 6.x version.
For 5.6.x, I could see below 11 implementations for EntityManager.
On moving to 6.x, I see only one implementation.
What's going on, I have no idea. Can some one pitch in and help resolve this issue.
Why I want 6.x -> See if RIGHT JOIN work in 6.x. Even other wise I see it's going to be a good task to figure out and make this combo work.
Hibernate 6 uses the JPA version (JPA 3) that uses the jakarta.persistence package names introduced in JakartaEE 9. Spring Boot 2.x still uses the javax.* package namespace of JakartaEE 8 and earlier (JPA 2.2 and earlier), and thus only supports Hibernate 5.x (for Spring Boot 2.7, Hibernate 5.6.x is the default).
Spring Boot 3 switched to the jakarta.* packages of JakartaEE 9+. So, you can upgrade to Spring Boot 3 to able to use Hibernate 6. If you cannot upgrade Spring Boot yet, you'll need to use Hibernate 5.6.

Is spring-data-rest-webmvc:3.4.x compatible with Spring Boot 2.3.x?

There is a vulnerability (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-22047) discovered in spring-data-rest-webmvc which is only fixed in versions 3.4.14 and 3.5.6. Spring Boot 2.3.12 uses the version 3.3.9. Migrating to spring boot 2.4.x or above is not an option for us.
We would like to use spring-data-rest-webmvc:3.4.14, but we are not sure if it's compatible with spring boot 2.3.x.
Can we use them together?
Spring Data Rest version 3.4 and up use Spring Framework version 5.3.x.
Spring Boot 2.3 is build with Spring Framework 5.2.x.
Will it work, probably, but there are no garanties that it will keep working or work at all. Most like it will fail with some NoSuchMethodError or ClassNotFOundExceptions or other exotic expetions one gets when mixing modules/jars from different versions of a framework.

spring data redis / spring boot dependency mismatch?

I tried upgrading a Spring Boot application from spring-data-redis 1.6.4.RELEASE to 1.7.2.RELEASE by adding the spring-data-redis dependency to the POM whilst leaving the spring-boot-starter-redis unchanged (using Spring Boot 1.3.5.RELEASE). The upgraded application fails to start with this error:
Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.JpaQueryLookupStrategy$CreateIfNotFoundQueryLookupStrategy.resolveQuery(Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;Lorg/springframework/data/repository/core/RepositoryMetadata;Lorg/springframework/data/projection/ProjectionFactory;Lorg/springframework/data/repository/core/NamedQueries;)Lorg/springframework/data/repository/query/RepositoryQuery;
A bit cryptic.
You need to upgrade all of Spring Data, not just Spring Data Redis. By just overriding the version of Spring Data Redis you're left with an incompatible version of Spring Data Commons.
As you are using Spring Boot, you should override the version of the spring-data-releasetrain.version property to Hopper-SR2:
and remove the version from any Spring Data-related dependencies you have declared so that Boot's dependency management can keep them all aligned.

Which version of Spring Data MongoDB is compatible with Spring 3.2.2.RELEASE?

I am currently using mongo-java-driver 3.0.1. I am trying to use Spring Data Mongodb with Spring 3.2.2.RELEASE. Is there any way i can find out which version of Spring Data MongoDB should i use, in order to be compatible with Spring 3.2.2.RELEASE? Some kind of compatibility matrix.
Try define your spring data mongodb dependency at the last of the dependency tree in your pom
You can check the compiled dependencies of Spring Data Mongodb.
Here are the most compatible options for Spring 3.2.2.RELEASE:
spring-data-mongodb 1.5.6.RELEASE depends on spring-core 3.2.22.RELEASE
spring-data-mongodb 1.4.3.RELEASE depends on spring-core 3.2.8.RELEASE
