How to create a thumbnail with a special path and file name on CKFinder 3? - ckeditor

How to create a thumbnail with a special path and file name on CKFinder 3?
Currently, I am using CKFinder 3.5.3 PHP with a PrivThumbPregenerator plugin.
By default, CKFinder creates thumbnails in [thumbnail path]/api.png/api__150x150.png, [thumbnail path]/api.png/api__300x300.png, and so on if I upload api.png image.
How to create a thumbnail in a custom location, such as [thumbnail path]/150x150/api.png, [thumbnail path]/300x300/api.png, and etc.?


Uploading images in wagtail accepted but image is not shown

Django 1.11.2
Wagtail 1.10.1
I uploaded an image from my computer via the wagtail dashboard. Wagtail shows the image and I clicked "update".
Then I went back to images. There is no new image but a new card with the name of the new file. There is also a picture symbol with the file name of the picture. If I click this field I get the template to edit the image. But the image is not shown (Bildschirmfoto_2018_03_18_17_23_06.png).
Why is the image not shown?
You need to configure Apache to serve files from /media/images/ (or whatever you've set as MEDIA_ROOT in your settings file). See

How to install ckeditor uploader

How to install ckeditor uploader ?
uploader like this image
CKEditor is JavaScript application which doesn't upload files by itself. You need a file uploader like CKFinder (not free), custom file uploader or your own uploader.
Please also see docs for more details:!/guide/dev_file_browse_upload

how remove domain when select image in CKeditor

How can I set CKEditor to always display the Relative URL vs the Absolute URL . I select an image using the CKFinder interface. In the Image Properties Window > URL Field after selecting an image it shows the relative url path. I would like it to show the relative http url. i.e. Display /directory/image.jpg rather then I'm using CKEditor 4 and laravel filemanager.Thanks,

how I can change the upload path from laravel ntervention image

I want change the path upload from laravel 5.4 intervention image, now the images upload to (public) folder, I want change it.

Displaying an image in Web browser, Ubuntu

I want to display an image on my website.
My website is located in
The image is located in
I am using codeIgniter and Image src I am passing is same as above.
File/directory permissions are proper but still I am unable to display an image.
