Invalid Gradle JDK configuration found? "./gradle: is a directory" - gradle

I opened a project in Android Studio and it shows me error
"Invalid Gradle JDK configuration found. Open Gradle Settings Change JDK location."
How do I fix it?


showing maven plugin connector error while while importing spring boot initializer project to eclipse IDE

Screenshot of the error which i have encountered
jdk 11 is installed in my system and added in the environment variable. Maven is also added in the environment variable.

Open Gradle Project in Netbeans 12

When i open a gradle project in Netbeans 12 i have this message:
"Project Problems: Priming Build Required"
"Description: In order to be able to read this project, NetBeans needs to execute its Gradle scripts as priming build.Executing Gradle scripts allows arbitrary code execution, as current user, on this system."
(My gradle project works without Netbeans IDE.)
What means this? I want more details.
Netbeans version: 12
Gradle version: 6.5
Java Version: 14.0.2
For me the solution was to check down right "unread notification" You have (1) unread notification
For me the problem was with test dependency that was as SNAPSHOT version.
e.g. testImplementation ("")
Then the error was:
java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 31:\some-package:1.10-SNAPSHOT\20201124.210844-10
After solving this issue (changed dependency),
testImplementation ("")
the project was loaded correctly.
In my case it's due to dependency issue. To fix dependency issue I
upgrade the gradle version.
add missing imports in build.gradle

Intellij Idea fails to sync with Gradle: JvmOptions error

I'm trying to open freshly created Gradle project in Intellij Idea 2020.1. However, when trying to sync with Gradle, either on startup or manually, Idea shows the following text in "build" window:
'void org.gradle.process.internal.JvmOptions.<init>(org.gradle.api.internal.file.FileCollectionFactory)''void org.gradle.process.internal.JvmOptions.<init>(org.gradle.api.internal.file.FileCollectionFactory)'
and the project is not being imported.
I'm not able to find any references to this error. Could you give me some hints on how to troubleshoot this problem?
This turned out to be the issue with incorrect updating.
As I found, the Gradle plugin in my Intellij Idea installation contained two copies of Gradle libraries, for two different version of Gradle. In the fresh installation of Intellij Idea, there is only the Gradle 6.1. By removing the old version of Gradle from the plugin, problem was resolved.

Spring ROO build error: no tools.jar , jdk7, pom.xml

every pioneers,
I want to try to build Spring Roo 2.0.0.M2( with its saying of STS 3.7.0 and JDK 1.7.0_45, and I couldn't find the solution even according the post on other sites or on " Builds failing after upgrading to Java7, Missing Tools.jar and bad class versions " .
The error messages on auto generated POM.xml are:
You need to run build with JDK or have tools.jar on the classpath.If this occures during eclipse build make sure you
run eclipse under JDK as well (com.mysema.maven:apt-maven-plugin:1.1.3:process:default:generate-sources)
org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: You need to run build with JDK or have tools.jar on the
classpath.If this occures during eclipse build make sure you run eclipse under JDK as well at
com.mysema.maven.apt.AbstractProcessorMojo.execute( at
Even I have tried: add JDK1.7.0_45 path but not JRE path in STS project, and even I added tools.jar directly in project build-paths, and even I use "mvn generate source" and add the generate jar into source path. The error about apt-maven-plugin:1.1.3 is still there.
Is there any person who can help? I will try to use old apt-maven-plugin latter.

Hudson build error: LifecycleExecutionException Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in

I created a dynamic web project in eclipse for a web service with axis2. I then converted it into Maven project, I'm able to compile and generate war file in eclipse, but when i deploy it on server and try to build it with Hudson-3.0.0 it gives me following error:
mojoFailed org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2(default-compile)
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) on project WebServices: Compilation failure
Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6..\lib\tools.jar
Please ensure you are using JDK 1.4 or above and
not a JRE (the class is required).
Please Let me know what's wrong with it!
I have exactly the same problem, ever since I upgraded Hudson from 2.2.1 to 3.0.1.
Both JAVA_HOME environment variable and JDK in hudson configuration point to JDK and not to JRE.
If I run mvn compile in the workspace directory of the job, everything works well.
Looks like the hudson cannot find java_home.
In hudson settings java.home property is set correctly ?
Does any other java projects builds successfully ?
Did you do what the exception said yet?
Please ensure you are using JDK 1.4 or above and
not a JRE (the class is required).
Sounds like you don't have Java installed. So install it.
