How to analyse .ejs files in Sonarqube - sonarqube

I have an app that uses ejs to render web pages and serve them via express.
I'm using a local instance of sonarqube to analyse the app.
By default the behavior is simply to ignore all .ejs files.
I'd like .ejs files to be analysed.
If this isn't supported I'd at least like to have them be included in the project statistics. I tried adding .ejs as an extension of .html files but it just explodes the number of errors because of missing tags which are rendered at runtime by ejs.
Is there any way to include them in the project cleanly ?

Actually, I think that if SonarQube can't handle the file (doesn't have any plugin that can analyze it), it has no interest in computing any metrics on it.


Is there a way to have sonarqube ignore an entire file from inside the (C#) code file

I'm wresting with SonarQube reporting errors on C# files which I didn't write. For example, I might import a particular piece of code from an open source library where I didn't want to take the entire library as a dependency.
This usually raises a lot of SQ warnings.
Instead of dealing with these one by one, is there a way to just mark the entire file to be ignored? I'n thinking something similar to the new #nullable disable directive.
Thanks very much.
Yes, there is way to remove or better to say exclude the particular files from being analysed by sonarqube.
You can use the sonar.exclusionswhich is a sonar analysis parameter, using this parameter you can exclude files or folders.
Here is the article from sonarqube on this

Can SonarQube analyse my project if it has files with .sah extension

I need to analyse my project using sonar qube. It contains files with .sah extension but basically those .sah files contains javascript code.
I can analyse those files if i change files extensions from .sah to .js but its not a good way .
Is there a way with which I can analyse my code without changing extension from *.sah to *.js
.sah uses the standard JS syntax. You should be able to analyse sah files with the JavaScript plugin.
Add the following line in your
You can also set sonar.javascript.file.suffixes in the SonarQube UI, either globally or for a specific project.
The screenshot below shows the global setting.
You can either navigate through the UI to find the page, or use following URLs:
global: http://your_SQServer/admin/settings?category=javascript
project level: http://your_SQServer/project/settings?category=javascript&id=your_project_id

Xamarin test cloud submit app and config file

When submitting an app and test assembly to Xamarin Test Cloud using test-cloud.exe (version Xamarin.UITest. we also need to submit an App.config file (as our test assembly relies on configurable appSettings).
Initially I had hoped that everything within the bin directory (either Debug / Release depending on --assembly-dir provided) would be uploaded to Test Cloud.
This does not appear to be the case, my App.config file (XamarinMobileTests.dll.config) present in the bin directory is not uploaded.
So, to address this issue, I have attempted 2 potential solutions, none of which I have had any success with, these are as follows:
Using the --data parameter with the submit command (--data XamarinMobileTests\bin\Release\XamarinMobileTests.dll.config). This always seems to return an error: "Data files must be located in the assembly directory or a sub folder."
I have attempted to put this file in various locations, with no luck.
Specify appSetting values within the --test-params parameter. This executes the submit command without error and instantiates a test run in test cloud. However, the Xamarin.UiTest Sdk does not seem to have any support for accessing the --test-params specified. My only option seems to be using the Xamarin Web Api, figuring out the test run (also not available via the Sdk) and then fetching the test-params from the test run meta-data.
The documentation on their site is extremely limited for these parameters.
Has anyone experienced similar issues in the past or found a potential solution?
Ideally, the config file is uploaded by default. However, if this is not an option, then solution 1 would be my preferred choice.
Turns out the issue was with a trailing "\" on the --assembly-dir that was causing the config file specified in --data to not be uploaded.
Resolved the issue and the config file was successfully uploaded.
It looks as if the test-cloud.exe does some flakey comparisons on file paths.

How to remove unnecessary files from ExtJs 4.1 in Maven project?

I'm working on existing (not mine) Maven project which generates pretty big .war file ~37MB. More than 20MB is made of ExtJs 4.1 files (.js and .css).
I'm not sure which files are really required and which can be removed. I found out that I can remove unnecessary files with Sencha CMD but I'm not sure if it is compatibile with ExtJs 4.1. However, I tried to run it, but it always says Command must be run from an app or package folder.
Here is structure of my project:
Any help is apperciated!
In production you can just ext-all.* and remove rest of them which reduces size application size by 10MB. Here is the bare minimum structure that you can have in production. If you use any additional plugins include them as well. I would suggest to keep ext-all-debug.js/css as well, use maven profiles to take care of copying ext-all.* or ext-all-debug*.
The above structure is of size 2.5MB, more or less that will almost be sufficient. You can miniify these files and put it into your war. There are multiple ways of doing it. You can use ycompressor to compress and put it in your webapp or from server side you can compress files whenever user requests(Google-web utilities).

How can I share 3rd party javascript libraries across multiple projects in a visual studio solution, without copying them into each project?

I am building a web project in Visual Studio that uses dojo, but I am unsure of how to link in the 3rd party dojo files so they get copied to the output directory.
In the past for things like jQuery, I placed the jquery.js file in a separate folder, went to "Add Existing Item," added jquery.js as a link, and set Visual Studio to copy it to the output directory (if newer). This worked great.
For dojo, there are hundreds (if not thousands) of related external files. This is not practical to add to Visual Studio (though I did find a way to do it in bulk).
This makes me think that I am approaching this incorrectly. How can or should I include something like dojo in a C# project without having to reference each file? Should I use a post-build step to robocopy the files into the output directory?
My goal is to be able to build multiple projects which all use dojo, but I don't want to have multiple copies of dojo checked in, or have to reference each file in the project.
Use the "Add as link" feature of Visual Studio.
. . .
I am also a Dojo user. You will want to learn to do Dojo builds, to reduce Dojo to just a few files, and host them on your server. In many cases, in lieu of that, with some tiny loss of efficiency for the first load (after that, caching takes care of things) using the one of the CDNs like google to access the Dojo files is also effective.
Depending on your particular circumstances, it may be better to put the files out on a server, and just reference them in your HTML templates. This is, for example, how we do all our internal Dojo applications in my organization--three developers use one set of Dojo files for all applications.
