How do I remove the prefix that is added to errors?
For example, given this error:
my_custom_error: Incorrect value
I'd like the input to show the error as exactly "Incorrect value". But instead SimpleForm always adds the name of the attribute as a prefix. So it shows as "my_custom_error Incorrect value".
How can I remove the prefix for some inputs?
Seems like the prefix is added here:
The label + message format comes from this I18n:
format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
So you need to redefine it to:
format: "%{message}"
I am not able to figure out correct Key, Value names to pass out bitmap labels to a Image Segmentation problem in vertex AI. My error message is below:
Error: Could not parse the line, json is invalid or the format does not match the input schema: Cannot find field: ImageSegmentationAnnotation.MaskAnnotation in message for: gs://starry-embassy-363916-image/Figaro1k_json.jsonl line 3
Error: Could not parse the line, json is invalid or the format does not match the input schema: Cannot find field: ImageSegmentationAnnotation.MaskAnnotation in message
And the format of the .jsonl file I am giving is :
{"imageGcsUri": "gs://starry-embassy-363916-image/Figaro1k/Original/Training/Frame00003-org.jpg", "ImageSegmentationAnnotation.MaskAnnotation" : [{"mask_gcs_uri": "gs://starry-embassy-363916-image/Figaro1k/GT/Training/Frame00003-gt.pbm"}], "dataItemResourceLabels": {"": "training"}}
I tried various combination of the ImageSegmentationAnnotation class as documented here:
And here:
I would like to customize my error message in the following way:
Assume following declaration of a class Person:
#Size(min=10, max=250, message="{}")
private String name;
Within the declared error message in I would like to output the field value as well, i.e. I would like to do something like this: = The name '${validatedvalue}' is invalid, its size must be between {min} and {max}
Assume the content of the field 'name' is “xyz”. Then the error message should look like this:
The name 'xyz' is invalid, its size must be between 10 and 250
The substitution for min and max works, but filed value i am getting as '' ,how can I do this for the field value?
I want to validate an input through the stream transformer function and I get an error when I pass in the value of the password as a 'pass/password' argument before the sink argument.
I tried different names but it's not working. It works fine with my email validator but I don't know why it's an error with the password validator although they are almost exactly the same.
final passValidate = StreamTransformer<String,String>.fromHandlers(
handleData: (pass,sink)
if (pass.length >4){
sink.addError('wrong pass');
I expected the argument to be run normally but I get an error message of "Undefined name 'pass'.
Try correcting the name to one that is defined, or defining the name"
If I input =IMPORTXML("") I get all the feed content, but when I input =IMPORTXML("","//updated")
I get #N/A: Error: imported content is empty.
Which XPath have I to use to return only the set of <updated> entries field?
P.S.: I don't want to use =IMPORTFEED() because it can return only some predefined feed item fields.
How about this? is in a cell "A1".
Result :
Reference :
If this was not what you want, I'm sorry.
Edit :
I really like how the error messages include a text string representing what the ReQL code looks like. Is it possible to get at this without forcing an error?
Example Error message:
RqlRuntimeError: No attribute `colors` in object:
r.db("r_g").table("items").group("collection").ungroup().map(function(var_0) { return var_0("group").object(var_0("reduction")); }).concatMap(function(var_1) { return var_1("colors"); })
I'm wanting to get at the value after "in:" shown before I run() the query.
You can use .toString() like query.toString() (without .run(...))
It should use the same code as the one used to generate backtraces.
I opened an issue this morning to add it in the docs, it is somehow missing --