How to combine Aggregate function with update -

I could not find a way to translate the fowling MongoDb command into C#
{ $match: { "Processed": false } },
{ $sort: { "LastTimeChanged": 1  } },
{ $limit: 1 },
{ $set: { "WorkerName": "WORKER_NAME", "Processed": true }  },
{ "$merge": "Queue"  }])
The issues that I fund was with the $set and $merge command
$set -> in the MongoDb.Driver for .NET, associated with the Aggregate command I could not find any command that look like the $set
$merge -> the merge command examples are exclusive for merging collections and in this case, I could not find a way to use the Merge method in the API.
Any one can throw light here!??
Paulo Aboim Pinto

I found a way to execute the command using the MongoDb.Driver but I thing there should be a better and fluent way of doing it
var filter = Builders<QueueCollection>.Filter.And
Builders<QueueCollection>.Filter.Eq(x => x.WorkerName, string.Empty),
Builders<QueueCollection>.Filter.Eq(x => x.Processed, false)
var sortOptions = Builders<QueueCollection>
.AppendStage<QueueCollection>("{ $set: { 'WorkerName': 'WORKER_NAME' } }")
.AppendStage<QueueCollection>("{ $merge: 'Queue' }")
This works for now, but I would like to want still to know:
How do I replace the $set in the Aggregate pipeline
How do I write a proper $merge command.
thanks in advance for any answer
Paulo Aboim Pinto


I want to update values ​in an array in an array while using MongoTemplate

First, I will show the state stored in mongodb.
As you can see, it is a structure with a list called replies in a list called comments. And inside replies there is an array called likes.
comments : [
Object1 : {
replies : [
likes : [
0 : {},
1 : {}
Object2 : {
replies : [
likes : [
0 : {},
1 : {}
What I want to do here is to insert/subtract a value only from the likes array inside a specific replies structure. I'm currently using Spring boot and have tried the following:
Query query = new Query();
Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("_id").is(new ObjectId(postId))
.elemMatch(Criteria.where("_id").is(new ObjectId(commentId))
.elemMatch(Criteria.where("_id").is(new ObjectId(replyId)))
Update update = new Update();
if (state) {
// remove user id
update.pull("comments.$[].replies.$.likes", new ObjectId(userId));
} else {
// add user id
update.push("comments.$[].replies.$.likes").value(new ObjectId(userId));
mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, MyEntity.class);
It is an operation to add or remove userId according to boolean state. As a result of the attempt, up to a specific comment is found, but userId is unconditionally entered in the first likes list of the replies list inside the comment. What I want is to get into the likes list inside a specific reply. Am I using the wrong parameter in update.push()? I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to solve it.
Not a direct answer to your question as I'm not experienced with spring's criteria builder, but here's how you would do it in mongo directly, which might help you to figure it out:
You could define arrayfilters allowing you to keep track of the corresponding indices of each comments and replies. You can then use those indices to push a new object at the exact matching indices:
_id: "<postId>"
$push: {
"comments.$[comments].replies.$[replies].likes": {
_id: "newlyInsertedLikeId"
arrayFilters: [
"comments._id": "<commentId>"
"replies._id": "<replyId>"
Here's an example on mongoplayground:

Filter by Date with Spring Data MongoTemplate

I would like to filter my filedA's array by dates, with a mongo query it looks like that :
$project: {
user: "$$ROOT",
fieldA: {
$filter: {
input: "$fieldA",
as: "a",
cond: {
$and: [
{$lt: ["$$a.constraint", new Date()]},
{$gt: ["$$a.constraint", new Date()]}
The query works but I have trouble when I tried to do it with spring :
I think this is not the right way to make dates comparations but I don't know how to do it properly. Could help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?
try wrapping your dateStart and dateEnd variables in ConvertOperators.ToDate.toDate.
The ComparisonOperators methods (in this case lessThanEqualTo and greaterThanEqualTo) accept either String or AggregationExpression.
By using the ConvertOperators.ToDate.toDate method, you ensure that the passed argument is AggregationExpression and the value is correctly formatted for comparing.
Result would look like this:
import static

How can I sort a request to a view - using nodejs API

I'm querying a cloudant DB from my nodejs App.
I am now trying to sort results from a view query.
My index (keys) are like this:
[ "FR000001", 1577189089166 ]
[ "FR000001", 1577189089165 ]
from the following view:
function(doc) {
emit([doc.siteId, doc.creationDate],{"id" :doc._id, "rev": doc._rev, "siteId": doc.siteId, "creationDate": doc.creationDate, "scores": doc.scores, locationId: doc.locationId});
I managed to make that work on a real index using the syntax "sort: "-creationDate" " using syntax found in the bugs sections of cloudant github.
var ddoc = {
q: "site:\"" + id + "\"",
include_docs: false,
sort: "-creationDate",
const tmp = await cloudant.use('alarms').search('alarmSearch', 'IndexBySite', ddoc);
I can't make it work on my view with an array of query parameters. I have tried different variation around:
var ddoc_view = {
startkey: ["siteid1",0000000000000],
endkey: ["siteid1",9999999999999],
include_docs: true,
sort: "creationDate"
Can anyone help finding the right syntax, or pointing me to where I can find good "cloudant API for nodejs" documentation? for instance there is nothing on how to use sort" on the github... Thanks...
ok after another day of searching:
- best documentation I found is directly the couchdb doc:
- I ended up modifying the view:
emit([doc.creationDate, doc.siteId], {"id" :doc._id, "rev": doc._rev, "siteId": doc.siteId, "locationTag":doc.locationTag});
and the request:
var ddoc_view = {
endkey: [0000000000000, siteid],
startkey: [9999999999999, siteid],
include_docs: false,
descending: true,
limit: docsReturned,
To get a sorted response.

How to index an object with completion fields

How can I index/insert (I can do mapping) an object using Nest client library to be able to provide following options:
"input": ...,
"output": ...,
"payload" : ...,
"weight" : ...
I would like to be able to provide multiple values in 'input' option.
Can't find anyway of doing this using NEST.
Thank you
NEST provides the SuggestField type in order to assist in indexing completion suggestions. You don't necessarily need to use this type, you can provide your own that contains the expected completion fields (input, output, etc...), but the purpose of SuggestField is to make the whole process easier by already providing a baked in type.
Add a suggest field to the document/type you are indexing:
public class MyType
public SuggestField Suggest { get; set; }
Your mapping should look something like:
client.Map<MyType>(m => m
.Properties(ps => ps
.Completion(c => c.Name(x => x.Suggest).Payloads(true))
Indexing example:
var myType = new MyType
Suggest = new SuggestField
Input = new [] { "Nevermind", "Nirvana" },
Output = "Nirvana - Nevermind",
Payload = new { id = 1234 },
Weight = 34
Hope that helps.

is there a way to deserialize Elasticsearch Nest search query?

upon building my Elasticsearch query using Nest, i want to be able to see the JSON version of what's being sent to Elasticsearch. is this possible? some sort of deserializer i suppose.
here's the info for my follow up question:
"_infer": {
"defaultIndex": "myindex"
"acknowledged": false,
"isValid": false,
"connectionStatus": {
"success": false,
"requestMethod": "POST",
"requestUrl": "http://localhost:9200/myindex",
"settings": {},
"numberOfRetries": 0,
"httpStatusCode": 400,
"serializer": {},
"successOrKnownError": true
"infer": {
"defaultIndex": "myindex"
Yup. You can use the serializer that is exposed by ElasticClient like this:
var query = Nest.Query<SomeObject>...
var json = Client.Serializer.SerializeToString(query);
You can also use Newtonsoft directly, or any JSON library for that matter to serialize your query object. Using the serializer in ElasticClient though (which essentially wraps Newtonsoft), will give you the exact JSON that NEST will generate.
Checkout how the unit tests are done in NEST for more details, specifically this.
I used SearchDescriptor like this for a complex query:
SearchDescriptor<T> sd = new SearchDescriptor<T>()
.Query(q => q
.Bool(t => t
.Must(u => u
.Bool(v => v
And got the deserialized JSON like this:
"from": 0,
"size": 100,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"bool": {
"should": [
It was annoying, NEST library should have something that spits out the JSON from request. However this worked for me:
using (MemoryStream mStream = new MemoryStream()) {
client.Serializer.Serialize(sd, mStream);
NEST library version:
Newer version may have an easier method to get this (Hopefully).
If the above answer doesn't work, or you want a simpler one, I posted another way here on what is probably a duplicate, (but differently worded) question:
Add this to your WebApiConfig.cs:
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// ignore circular reference globally
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;
Then you should be able to do something like this:
// Return raw
var esObj = await _client.SearchAsync<object>(searchRequest);
// more specific deserialization using Newtonsoft.Json example
foreach (var hit in esObj.Hits)
var myObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyObject>(;
For Nest 5.3.0 :
var memoryStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
client.Serializer.Serialize(query, memoryStream);
var jsonQuery = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(memoryStream.ToArray());
