I have a 13 column xlsx and I want convert to pdf.
I use this code: "soffice" ,"--headless","--convert-to", "pdf" , filepath ,"--outdir",outpath.
I can convert to pdf but the columns too many so they have been showed on four pages.
I need they show on one page.
And it show on straight , I need it show on horizontal.
XLSX printout settings (PDF export) are part of the file contents so here is the same file saved with different settings but same export command. (convert-to implies headless, so not generally needed. The author decides a cell content and shape and also sets how many rows and columns will fit in a standard page such as A4 portrait or A4 Landscape etc. Thus only a macro can change print layout area. The best that may be possible externally is to scale it up or down on to bigger or smaller paper.
soffice --convert-to pdf:calc_pdf_Export "DataTables example Default.xlsx"
soffice --convert-to pdf:calc_pdf_Export "DataTables example A3.xlsx"
You need to change layout for printing and export in the preview screen if you want 13 columns you set area from A:1 to M:Y where Y is your desired number of lines (whatever their variable height may be.)
Noticed that images sometimes are sliced up in PDFs.
insert an image with a high resoultion (3000x1800) into a .docx
use "Microsoft Print to PDF" option of Word to convert to PDF
extracting all images with pdfimages or pymupdf
Image is sliced horizontally into three images
What exactly happens in the in the transition from .docx to pdf (or in generell in the process to pdf) that makes the converter slice it up into three images instead of one?
Do the individuell XObjects of the sliced images contain information which says that these three images belong to originally one?
How do I know how the images are sliced (horizontally / vertically) and what if originally there were two images inserted into the .docx file and both of them are sliced. Can you tell if slice x belongs to original image y or z?
So, as you have found out: because the code which generates the PDF choose to do so.
The technical reasons may be various - it could be that historically there were printers which would only have so much memory, and would need to get limiterd size-images when printing, and someone at some point when writing the PDF export code present in Microsoft Office choose to apply this limit.
Anyway, technically, as put in the comments, an image in a PDF file could be composed of unlimited smaller images collated together.
Now, the second part, and your actual question: to know whether images ibn a PDF file belong together in a single original image one would need a custom extractor tool to check the geometry of all images in the document and find out which images have no margins or boundaries with others - it would not be that hard to do for well behaved files (which we can't know if MS Office generated files are: there are ways to obfuscate image positioning by making it indirectly). The metadata in the image-parts may or may not contain information that would allow one to recompose the original image: it would be up to the code generating the PDF to include this metadata or not - but the geometry can't lie in this case: if the final document presents a single image visually, it is possible to detect that when fetching the images.
I have two things I have been using, neither of which are keeping the image/table exactly where I placed it within the text in R markdown when knitted to a pdf.
 will place the image where there is space on the page. That is, if the page has space, the image will print between the desired text. However, if the page does not have the space, the text is placed to fill the page and then the image awkwardly inserts itself in the middle of the paragraph on the next page.
I am having a similar problem with my kable tables. I have tried using latex_options = 'hold_position', but this seems to only keep my tables from grouping together.
Is there a way to have my table stay between the text that I want? So if it needs to start a whole new page, to fit it, it can without trying to fill the space with the text below.
Thank you in advance.
I created RTF Template from MS Word .I have problem which is wrapping of text in output excel cell.
Data gets wrapped in the output cell but full data is not visible when I open the xls file.
I tried :
-Uncheck Wrap text.
-resize width column .
-Check fit text.
-Check Automatically resize to fit content.
but it didn't work . Can anyone help me find what the problem is?
Regards ,
If you don't have any formatting requirements, and you just need to export date into something Excel can easily work with, try e-text templates. Use the comma separated version, not the fixed width.
I have an xlsx file that has a bunch of pictures (of check marks, downloaded from an Oracle survey), that I would like to convert to a number, or even text, for data analysis. All the pictures have different names, but they are effectively all the same image. Regardless of the image, I would like to insert a 1 if the image is present, and leave blank or insert 0 if no image (so maybe there is an if/then statement for this??). There are lots of hits for converting text to a picture, but not this other way around! Any help? Thanks!
I am writing a small CNC G-Code editor. I would like to load the code file into a rich text box (or other?) and color highlight the X,Y,Z,Rand F as it loads.
I've tried loading the file and parsing it afterwords by running through a character at a time to determine what it is and then coloring it but this is impossibly slow. some of my G-Code programs run to thousands of lines.
I know it can be done..... but in VB6??
The richText controls can have RTF data "streamed" into it, or you can append text and set the colours as you go.
If it needs to be done "live" then do it when the cursor's line changes and recolour just the previous line.