Custom gauge for prometheus Go SDK - go

I have a APP that monitors some external jobs (among other things). This does this monitoring every 5 Mins
I'm trying to create a prometheus gauge to get the count of currently running jobs.
Here is how I declared my gauge
JobStats= promauto.NewGaugeVec(
Namespace: "myapi",
Subsystem: "app",
Name: "job_count",
Help: "Current running jobs in the system",
ConstLabels: nil,
[]string{"l1", "l2", "l3"},
in the code that actually counts the jobs I do
when I query the /metrics endpoint I get the number
The thing is, this metrics only keeps increasing. If I restart the app this get resets to zer & again keeps increasing
I'm using grafana to graph this in a dashboard.
My question is
Get the graph to show the actual number of jobs (instead of ever increasing line)?
Should this be handled in code (like setting this to zero before every collection?) or in grafana?


How to determine a windows process has restarted using PromQL and Grafana

I am using the 'windows_exporter' metric exporter on a windows server...I am trying to use the metric from that called "windows_process_start_time" to visualize how many times a process has restarted based on the process and process_id.
this is my promQL used within the Grafana dashboard
changes( windows_process_start_time { process="Foo.*", process_id=~".*"[$__interval] )
however, when a process has stopped, and a new one starts with a new process_id, the 'changes' is no detecting it, so in the grafana dashboard it still shows 0 for a 'Foo' Processor.
What would be an effective PromQL do show when a process restarts?
updated with suggested solution in comment, but this does not work:
avg by (windows_process_start_time { process="Foo.*", process_id=~".*"}) unless avg by (process,process_d) ( windows_process_start_time { process="Foo.*", process_id=~".*"} )

clear prometheus metrics from collector

I'm trying to modify prometheus mesos exporter to expose framework states:
A bit about mesos exporter - it collects data from both mesos /metrics/snapshot endpoint, and /state endpoint.
The issue with the latter, both with the changes in my PR and with existing metrics reported on slaves, is that metrics created lasts for ever (until exporter is restarted).
So if for example a framework was completed, the metrics reported for this framework will be stale (e.g. it will still show the framework is using CPU).
So I'm trying to figure out how I can clear those stale metrics. If I could just clear the entire mesosStateCollector each time before collect is done it would be awesome.
There is a delete method for the different p8s vectors (e.g. GaugeVec), but in order to delete a metric, I need to not only the label name, but also the label value for the relevant metric.
Ok, so seems it was easier than I thought (if only I was familiar with go-lang before approaching this task).
Just need to cast the collector to GaugeVec and reset it:
Help: "Total slave CPUs (fractional)",
Namespace: "mesos",
Subsystem: "slave",
Name: "cpus",
}, labels): func(st *state, c prometheus.Collector) {
c.(*prometheus.GaugeVec).Reset() ## <-- added this for each GaugeVec
for _, s := range st.Slaves {

spring batch: alert with grafana & prometheus if a job failed in the last xx minutes

I am using spring batch (4.2.2.RELEASE) together with the spring actuator (2.2.6 RELEASE). Since version 4.2, spring batch provides support for batch monitoring and metrics based on micrometer (
For example i am able to see with the metric name spring_batch_job how often a job was executed, its status and duration.
I want to monitor this metric with grafana & prometheus and alert if a job failed in the last xx minutes.
If the spring batch application runs as a service it seems that it sums up all the metrics until the service is stopped. For example if a job was started 12 times in the last hour the metrics output could be the following:
spring_batch_job_seconds_count{name="mainJob",status="COMPLETED",} 10.0
spring_batch_job_seconds_sum{name="mainJob",status="COMPLETED",} 354.354538083
spring_batch_job_seconds_count{name="mainJob",status="FAILED",} 2.0
spring_batch_job_seconds_sum{name="mainJob",status="FAILED",} 0.880157862
So two instances of the mainJob failed. Assumed in the next hour all 12 jobs will be successful, the metrics output would be:
spring_batch_job_seconds_count{name="mainJob",status="COMPLETED",} 22.0
spring_batch_job_seconds_sum{name="mainJob",status="COMPLETED",} 708.704538083
spring_batch_job_seconds_count{name="mainJob",status="FAILED",} 2.0
spring_batch_job_seconds_sum{name="mainJob",status="FAILED",} 0.880157862
How am i able to check if a job failed in the last xx minutes? Because the following expression would still return the two failed job instances: spring_batch_job_seconds_count{status="FAILED"}[15m]
I'm not familiar with Prometheus QL but I will try to help.
What you can do is to calculate the difference of this counter between the last hour and the hour before. If you see an increase in the number of failed instances, then at least one instance has failed and you can raise an alert. Otherwise, no job has failed in the previous hour.
Prometheus provides the increase function that is designed specifically for that. So you should be able to answer your question and raise an alert when:
increase(spring_batch_job_seconds_count{name="mainJob",status="FAILED"}[15m]) > 0
As I said, I'm not expert at Prometheus, so I will let you check the syntax. But that's the idea.

es_rejected_execution_exception rejected execution

I'm getting the following error when doing indexing.
es_rejected_execution_exception rejected execution of$PrimaryPhase$1#16248886
on EsThreadPoolExecutor[bulk, queue capacity = 50,
pool size = 16, active threads = 16, queued tasks = 51, completed
tasks = 407667]
My current setup:
Two nodes. One is the master (data: true, master: true) while the other one is data only (data: true, master: false). They are both EC2 I2.4XL (16 Cores, 122GB RAM, 320GB instance storage). 2 shards, 1 replication.
Those two nodes are being fed by our aggregation server which has 20 separate workers. Each worker makes bulk indexing request to our ES cluster with 50 items to index. Each item is between 1000-4000 characters.
Current server setup: 4x client facing servers -> aggregation server -> ElasticSearch.
Now the issue is this error only started occurring when we introduced the second node. Before when we had one machine, we got consistent indexing throughput of 20k request per second. Now with two machine, once it hits the 10k mark (~20% CPU usage)
we start getting some of the errors outlined above.
But here is the interesting thing which I have noticed. We have a mock item generator which generates a random document to be indexed. Generally these documents are of the same size, but have random parameters. We use this to do the stress test and check the stability. This mock item generator sends requests to aggregation server which in turn passes them to Elasticsearch. The interesting thing is, we are able to index around 40-45k (# ~80% CPU usage) items per second without getting this error. So it seems really interesting as to why we get this error. Has anyone seen this error or know what could be causing it?

How to use RabbitMQ http api to see what queue had a messages in a ready state

I have a RabbitMQ server setup with thousands of queues. Of which only about 5 of these are persistent queues. Every now and then there is a back up of a queue that will have about 5-10 messages in a ready state. These messages do not appear to be in the persistent queues. I want to find out which queues had the messages in a ready state, but the only indication that it is happening is on the overview page of the web management console which is for all queues.
Is there a way to query Rabbit to tell me the stat info for messages that were in a ready state for a period of minutes and which queue they were in?
I would use the HTTP API.
This will give you a list of the current queue states in JSON so you'll have to keep polling it. Store the "messages_ready" for given queue "name" for the period you want to monitor. Now you'll be able to see which queues have that backlog spike.
You can use simple curl as well as whichever platform you prefer with an HTTP client.
Please note: the user you'll connect will have to have monitor tag to access all the queue information.
Out of the box there is no easy way AFAIK, you'd have to manually click through the queues and look at their graphs in the UI for the last hour, which is tedious.
I had similar requirements and I found a better way than polling. The docs say that you may get raw samples via api if you use special parameters in the request.
For example in your case, if you are interested in messages with ready state, you may ask your queue for a history of queue lengths, for example last 60 seconds with samples every 1 second (note 15672 is the default port used by rabbitmq_management):
For default vhost=/ it will be:
Then in the result json there will be some additional _details objects like this:
"messages_ready_details": {
"avg": 8.524590163934427,
"avg_rate": 0.08333333333333333,
"samples": [{
"timestamp": 1532699694000,
"sample": 5
}, {
"timestamp": 1532699693000,
"sample": 11
<... more samples ...>
"rate": -6.0
"messages_ready": 5,
Then on this raw data you may do any stats you need.
Other raw data samples appear if you use differen parameters in
What sampling will appear? What parameters are required for it to appear?
Messages sent and received msg_rates_age / msg_rates_incr
Bytes sent and received data_rates_age / data_rates_incr
Queue lengths lengths_age / lengths_incr
Node statistics (e.g. file descriptors, disk space free) node_stats_age / node_stats_incr
