Refine Custom Function in Power Query (get Running Total with Custom Function) - powerquery

I created a Custom Function to get running total with 3 variables as below.
(SourceTable as table, ColumnName, optional NewAddedColumnName as text) =>
Add_Index = Table.AddIndexColumn(SourceTable, "Index", 1),
Get_RT = List.Accumulate(List.Transform(ColumnName, Number.From), {0}, (s, c) => s & {List.Last(s) + c}),
Add_RTColumn = Table.AddColumn(Add_Index, NewAddedColumnName??"Running Total", each Get_RT{[Index]}, type number),
Remove_Index = Table.RemoveColumns(Add_RTColumn,{"Index"})
//name this AddColumn_RT
And this is an example with the function above.
Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content],
Change_ColumnTypes = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source, {{"Month", type date}}),
GetRT_Sales = AddColumn_RT(Change_ColumnTypes, Change_ColumnTypes[Sales]) //applying the custom function here
You can see the code as
GetRT_Sales = AddColumn_RT(Change_ColumnTypes, Change_ColumnTypes[Sales])
But I want to use a code like
GetRT_Sales = AddColumn_RT(Change_ColumnTypes, "Sales")
I want you to retreat my function, in order to use "Sales" instead of Change_ColumnTypes[Sales] as 2nd parameter of it. Change_ColumnTypes written already as the 1st parameter, so don't wanna write this again.
I mean how to bring list of values in a column by text-format-variable when making custom function, or set a text-format-variable as a name of column to bring list of values in the column, whatever. very difficult with my poor English.
So, here is another question. pls advise a prefer title of this post. Thanks!

try Table.Column(SourceTable,ColumnName) in place of ColumnName
(SourceTable as table, ColumnName as text, optional NewAddedColumnName as text) =>
Add_Index = Table.AddIndexColumn(SourceTable, "Index", 1),
Get_RT = List.Accumulate(List.Transform(Table.Column(SourceTable,ColumnName), Number.From), {0}, (s, c) => s & {List.Last(s) + c}),
Add_RTColumn = Table.AddColumn(Add_Index, NewAddedColumnName??"Running Total", each Get_RT{[Index]}, type number),
Remove_Index = Table.RemoveColumns(Add_RTColumn,{"Index"})
called with
GetRT_Sales = AddColumn_RT(Change_ColumnTypes, "Sales")


Parameter options for User Defined Functions in PowerQuery

Hi i have been trying to make a user defined function that allows the user to select the values which the function will use from a list.
I have tried setting the parameter i want as a list to type list in my function but this only seems to accept columns rather than a list of values a user can select from.
ListOfDays = {1.1,0.5,2,3,1},
DayOfTheWeek = (Day as list, HoursWorked ) =>
Earnings = Day * HoursWorked
What i would like is for me to allow the user to select a single value from the ListOfDays list. I used typed list within my function parameters so that it can give the user a dropdown list kind of option.
I believe this is the relevant documentation you are looking for: Adding Function Documentation
In particular, look at the definition for Documentation.AllowedValues:
List of valid values for this parameter. Providing this field will change the input from a textbox to a drop down list. Note, this does not prevent a user from manually editing the query to supply alternate values.
This (and other Documentation fields) are part of the meta typing of the function arguments. Scroll down to the code snippet which shows how to use them:
[DataSource.Kind="HelloWorldWithDocs", Publish="HelloWorldWithDocs.Publish"]
shared HelloWorldWithDocs.Contents = Value.ReplaceType(HelloWorldImpl, HelloWorldType);
HelloWorldType = type function (
message as (type text meta [
Documentation.FieldCaption = "Message",
Documentation.FieldDescription = "Text to display",
Documentation.SampleValues = {"Hello world", "Hola mundo"}
optional count as (type number meta [
Documentation.FieldCaption = "Count",
Documentation.FieldDescription = "Number of times to repeat the message",
Documentation.AllowedValues = { 1, 2, 3 }
as table meta [
Documentation.Name = "Hello - Name",
Documentation.LongDescription = "Hello - Long Description",
Documentation.Examples = {[
Description = "Returns a table with 'Hello world' repeated 2 times",
Code = "HelloWorldWithDocs.Contents(""Hello world"", 2)",
Result = "#table({""Column1""}, {{""Hello world""}, {""Hello world""}})"
Description = "Another example, new message, new count!",
Code = "HelloWorldWithDocs.Contents(""Goodbye"", 1)",
Result = "#table({""Column1""}, {{""Goodbye""}})"
HelloWorldImpl = (message as text, optional count as number) as table =>
_count = if (count <> null) then count else 5,
listOfMessages = List.Repeat({message}, _count),
table = Table.FromList(listOfMessages, Splitter.SplitByNothing())
They also provide a screenshot of what this should look like when invoked:
If the user is able to open up the Query Editor, then they can choose a Day parameter from a dropdown list and have this automatically apply to the query.
You would create the parameter from the Manage Parameters > New Parameter menu
The drop-down at the upper right of the image is how the user would select the choice.
Your User Defined Function fn_DayOfTheWeek would be the following:
DayOfTheWeek = (Day as number, HoursWorked as number) =>
Earnings = Day * HoursWorked
Note that Day is a number, not a list. You want to choose from a list, not pass a list into the function.
Now you can invoke your function with your parameter to actually produce a result.
Source = fn_DayOfTheWeek(Day, <HoursWorked value here>)
This result will update when you change the parameter.
As you can see, whether a user has access to the Query Editor is rather a critical question for this approach. I'm not sure if it's possible to somehow set a parameter directly within a custom connector dialog box or not but this should be equivalent in functionality.

one2many field get row number

I have a module contain one2many filed.
while I create data line in this o2m field, I'd like to append a row number to it.
I have try some method that I found in forum, like this link.
but since I have no function called _onchange_partner_id() , I don't know how to use it.
or this link .
but it seems like an old version method that I can't get well.
class YcWeight(models.Model):
_name = "yc.weight"
customer_detail_ids = fields.One2many("yc.weight.details", "name", "customer details")
class YcWeightDetails(models.Model):
_name = "yc.weight.details"
name = fields.Many2one("yc.weight", "weight detail list", ondelete="cascade")
no = fields.Integer("row number")
the "no" is a field that I want to show number of row count.
my problem is :
how can I get get the number of rows?
since onchage decorated function can't get data from db.
I find a solution by myself and it is simple:
use depends decorator.
class YcWeightDetails(models.Model):
_name = "yc.weight.details"
name = fields.Many2one("yc.weight", "weight detail list", ondelete="cascade")
no = fields.Integer("row number")
compuute_no = fields.Integer("invisible field", compute= "_get_row_no")
create a field "compuute_no" to compute.
def _get_row_no(self):
if self.ids:
count =1
for rec in self:
weight_id = self.env['yc.weight.details'].search([('id','=',])
weight_id.write({'no': count})
or overwrite create method
def create(self, vals):
main_key = self.env["yc.weight"].search([], order="id desc", limit=1).id
item_key = vals["name"]
if item_key and main_key == item_key:
number = len(self.env["yc.weight.details"].search([("name", "=", item_key)]))
vals.update({"no": number + 1})
return super(YcWeightDetails, self).create(vals)
hope it can help you.

DAX EARLIER() function in Power Query

Is there an an equivalent to EARLIER in M/Power Query?
Say, I have a table with lots of different dates in column DATE and a smaller number of letters in column LETTER. I now want the maximum date for each letter.
In DAX, I would use something like CALCULATE(MAX([Date]),FILTER(ALL(Table),[Letter]=EARLIER([Letter])).
How would I achieve the same in M?
2 Solutions in the code below. Notice that each uses "PreviousStep" as basis, so these are separate solutions.
Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content],
PreviousStep = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Date", type date}, {"Letter", type text}}),
// 1. Add a column to the original table with the MaxDate for each letter
// "earlier" is just the name of a function parameter; it could as well have been "x" or "MarcelBeug"
AddedMaxDate = Table.AddColumn(PreviousStep, "MaxDate", (earlier) => List.Max(Table.SelectRows(PreviousStep, each [Letter] = earlier[Letter])[Date])),
// 2. Group by letter and get the MaxDate for each letter
GroupedOnLetter = Table.Group(PreviousStep, {"Letter"}, {{"MaxDate", each List.Max([Date]), type date}})
In short, there is no exact match for this function. Still, you can use other ways that can produce same results.
To reproduce example offered by Microsoft in help for EARLIER function, you can use following code (table1 equals table given in the example before ranking):
Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("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", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [ProductSubcategoryKey = _t, EnglishProductSubcategoryName = _t, TotalSubcategorySales = _t]),
table1 = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"ProductSubcategoryKey", Int64.Type}, {"EnglishProductSubcategoryName", type text}, {"TotalSubcategorySales", Currency.Type}}, "en-US"),
AddCount = Table.AddColumn(
"SubcategoryRanking", //(a) is a parameter for function, which equals current record, and function should return value for new cell of "SubcategoryRanking"
(a)=> Table.RowCount(
table1, //(b) equals whole table1. This function returns table filtered by given criteria
(b) => b[TotalSubcategorySales] < a[TotalSubcategorySales])
) + 1,
I think you can use the GroupBy function to group the data by Letter and find the Max of the date column. So your code should look like.
= Table.Group(#"Previous step", {"Letter"}, {{"Max Date", each List.Max([Date]), type date}})

Search multiple values in one column

How to select record based on multiple values search in one column using linq query.
like product id is "product1", "product2","product3" n number of values we have
You can use the .Contains method to check whether a value is within a list.
var values = new List<string>() { "Prod1", "Prod2", "Prod3" };
var query = context.Set<Product>().Where(x => values.Contains(x.Name));
You could use something like (this is VB.Net, change to C# if necessary)
Dim result = products.Where(Function(p) p.ID = "product1" Or p.ID = "product2" Or p.ID = "product3", ...)
Alternatively, you could pull it all back to the client and use .Contains, like so:
Dim materializedProducts = products.ToList()
Dim result = materializedProducts.Where(Function(p) {"product1", "product2", "{product3}", ...}.Contains(p.ID))
Going further still, you could create an extension method (generic, if that floats your boat) called IsIn or similar that allows you to swap the order of the collection and the search value:
Public Function IsIn(Of T)(ByVal searchValue As T,
ByVal searchSet As IEnumerable(Of T))
Return searchset.Contains(searchValue)
End Sub
Dim materializedProducts = products.ToList()
Dim result = materializedProducts.Where(Function(p) p.ID.IsIn({"product1", "product2", "{product3}", ...}))

how to use a dynamic variable in orderby clause

am a newbie in linq.. am stuck with one scenario. ie,
i have to sort the search results based on user input.
user inputs are Last Name, First Name and Title. for input 3 drop downs are there and i have to sort result based on the values selected.
i tried
order = Request["orders"].Split(',');
var param = order[0];
var p1 = typeof(Test).GetProperty(param);
param = order[1];
var p2 = typeof(Test).GetProperty(param);
param = order[2];
var p3 = typeof(Test).GetProperty(param);
model.Test = (from tests in model.Test
select tests).
OrderBy(x => p1.GetValue(x, null)).
ThenBy(x => p2.GetValue(x, null)).
ThenBy(x => p3.GetValue(x, null));
but it doesn't works.
i want qry like this
from tests in model.Test
select tests).OrderBy(x => x.lastname).
ThenBy(x => x.firstname).ThenBy(x => x.Title);
order[0]== lastname but how can i use it in the place of OrderBy(x => x.order[0])..?
Thanks in advance.
i solved my case as follows
// list of columns to be used for sorting
List<string>order = Request["orders"].Split(',').ToList();
//map the column string to property
var mapp = new Dictionary<string, Func<Test, string>>
{"FirstName", x => x.FirstName},
{"LastName", x => x.LastName},
{"SimpleTitle", x => x.SimpleTitle}
//user inputted order
var paras = new List<Func<Test, string>>();
foreach (var para in order)
model.Test= model.Test.OrderBy(paras[0]).ThenBy(paras[1]).ThenBy(paras[2]);
Thanks all,
Actually you are looking for dynamic linq query than you can try out Dynamic LINQ (Part 1: Using the LINQ Dynamic Query Library)
which allow to do like this
it means you can dynamically pass string propertyname to short you collection in orderby function
You can also read about : Dynamic query with Linq
You can compose the expression (any Expression) manually from pieces and then append it to the previous part of query. You can find more info, with example in "Sorting in IQueryable using string as column name".
