Spring boot request aspect bean with #scheduled task - spring

I use in a spring boot application a component as a Spring aspect:
public class MyComponentAspect{
#Around("execution(public * com.mycompany..MyService.saveEntity(*))")
public void getsaveEntityExecutionTime(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) {
// other advices
I need to collect execution time of some methods for each http request the app receives. So as you can see, I have annotated the aspect with #RequestScope.
I Recently add a scheduled task which also needs to call the MyService.saveEntity method.
public class MyScheduledJob {
private MyService myService;
// ...
Of course this is not working because the scheduledJob can't actually find the request scope bean and fails. Actually I don't want the aspect to be enabled when the scheduledJob is running.
Is there a way to let the aspect enabled for normal web request and not for disable it for scheduled task?


How to call #Scheduled method in only one instance using #PostConstruct

There is job that needs to be done on cron schedule
The same logic as in the job must be performed at the start of the spring boot application, therefore #PostConstruct method is used
Shedlock is used, since it is planned to run the application in multiple instances
The question is: how to make the logic from the #PostConstruct method be called in only one instance and not called in others?
An example of my code:
public class TestJob {
private TestService testService;
public void init() {
#Scheduled(cron = "${cron}")
#SchedulerLock(name = "uploadJob", lockAtMostFor = "${lockAtMostFor}")
public void execute() {
It should work if you put the #PostConstruct method to a different service and call the execute() method.
The reason is that ShedLock by default uses Spring AOP which wraps each method marked by #SchedulerLock in an aspect that does the locking. And Spring AOP usually does not get applied if you call another method in the same class.

Test, if I don't want to trigger the whole thing

A Spring Boot application
public class MyApplication {
private ApplicationEventPublisher publisher;
public CommandLineRunner commandLineRunner(ApplicationContext ctx) {
// read data from a file and publishing an event
For an integration test, I have something typical.
public class TestingMyApplicationTests{
After I start a test case in the class, the whole chain events occurs, that is reading a file, publishing events and an event listener acts accordingly.
What is the best approach to avoid such chain events occur during running a test?
If you want to avoid that the whole Spring Context is started for all of your integration tests, you can take a look at other test annotations that create a sliced context:
#WebMvcTest creates a Spring Context with only MVC related beans
#DataJpaTest creates a Spring Context with only JPA/JDBC related beans
In addition to this, I also would remove your CommandLineRunner from your main entry Spring Boot entry point class. Otherwise also the annotations above would trigger the logic.
Therefore you can outsource it to another #Component class:
public class WhateverInitializer implements CommandLineRunner{
private ApplicationEventPublisher publisher;
// ...
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
// read data from a file and publishing an event
Apart from this you can also use #Profile("production") on your Spring beans to only populate them when a specific profile is active. This way you can either include or exluce them for all your integration tests if you don't want e.g. this startup logic always.

Scheduled method in Spring Boot

I want to send a post request within a period. I created my method like this ;
#Scheduled(cron = "0 0 */6 * *")
public List<TagsRes> getTags(Date date) {
return null;
#Scheduled(cron = "0 0 5 * * ?")
public List<TagsRes> getAll() {
return null;
Should i use #Scheduled in my controller ? Is there any better way to do it?
Controllers are meant to receive web requests, not to post anything.
You can think about them as endpoints exposed by your application and called by external service from time to time.
Now, the Controller abstraction by itself should do any business logic. You may want to validate some parameters received in the request, maybe convert the request parameters to java object with some customization and then call the class (usually mentioned as Service in spring universe) that actually executes your business logic.
Now back to your question.
I suspect you should not "POST a request" but should invoke some piece of code "as if someone called the controller's method (endpoint)". But this time not the external "user" will cause the code execution but an internal scheduler.
If so you can slightly refactor your code to achieve the better clarity:
Create a service that will execute the code
Do not put any scheduling related stuff on controller
From controller call the service
Create a bean and put a "#Scheduled" method on it. The bean will have the service injected and will call it just like the controller does.
Don't forget to put #EnableScheduling annotation - otherwise the scheduled code won't run.
public class MyService {
public void doBusinessLogic(){ ... }
public class MyController {
private MyService service;
public void myPostMethod(...) {
public class MyScheduledInvoker {
private MyService service;
#Scheduled(...cron expression or whatever...)
public void invokeScheduled() {
public class MyApp {
public static void main(String [] args) { .... run the app ...}
To schedule a job in spring boot application to run periodically, spring boot provides #EnableScheduling and #Scheduled annotations. In my opinion, since spring boot provides the annotation and functionality for scheduler using it will make more sense
Add #EnableScheduling annotation to your spring boot application class.#EnableScheduling is a Spring Context module annotation. It internally imports the SchedulingConfiguration via the #Import(SchedulingConfiguration.class) instruction
public class SpringBootWebApplication {
Now you can add #Scheduled annotations on methods that you want to schedule. The only condition is that methods should be without arguments.
ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor that will be created by the
imported SchedulingConfiguration scans all declared beans for the
presence of the #Scheduled annotations.
For every annotated method without arguments, the appropriate executor thread pool will be created. This thread pool will manage the scheduled invocation of the annotated method.
#Scheduled(initialDelay = 1000, fixedRate = 10000)
public void run() {
logger.info("Current time is :: " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
Source: https://howtodoinjava.com/spring-boot/enable-scheduling-scheduled-job-example/

Inject vaadin #UIScope bean in spring #Component

I am using Vaadin Spring 1.0.0 and trying to figure out how could I inject beans that are available only within UI scope (when the user has the page opened) into classic spring #Component beans. Simple, let's have classes:
public class A {
private IB b;
public class B implements IB {
And obviously during startup:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No VaadinSession bound to current thread
What is the normal way how to do it? I understand the whole concept, that beans are initialized on startup when UI scope is not available, but I use common libraries which are implemented in Spring with #Component and I want to implement some of the interfaces, but I can do it only in UI scope and not during startup.
Try injecting an aop scoped proxy instead.
For example:
#Scope(value="vaadin-ui", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
public class B implements IB {
I think that should work.
You need to get it from ApplicationContext itself:
public class A {
private ApplicationContext context;
public B getCurrentB(){
return context.getBean(B.class);
Note that it will throw exception if there is no UI bound to the current thread (normally). In other words, you MUST make sure this method only gets called during a UI request. Any kind of listener in Vaadin should be OK, as long as you're in the same thread with the request.

Custom platform transaction manager in spring

I'm trying to implement custom transactional cache in a spring boot application. I've created my own implementation of AbstractPlatformTransactionManager and some unit tests, which show transactions are working as expected. However the real application ignores my transaction manager - it`s methods are never called. What I'm doing wrong? Thank you.
Transaction manager implementation:
public class CacheTransactionManager extends AbstractPlatformTransactionManager{
protected Object doGetTransaction() throws TransactionException {
Cache transaction configuration:
#EnableTransactionManagement(mode = AdviceMode.ASPECTJ)
public class CacheTransactionConfiguration {
#Bean(name = "cacheTransactionManager")
public PlatformTransactionManager cacheTransactionManager() {
return new CacheTransactionManager();
Custom transactional annotation (I've tried also without this, but no difference):
#Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
#Transactional(value = "cacheTransactionManager", rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public #interface CacheTransactional {
Cache service:
public class CacheService {
public void add(Object o){
Working JUnit test:
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = TestApplication.class)
#TransactionConfiguration(defaultRollback = false)
public class CacheTransactionManagerTest {
private CacheService cacheService;
public void transactionTest(){
cacheService.add(new Object());
Not working wicket application main class (ignores cacheTransactionManager):
#EnableTransactionManagement(mode = AdviceMode.ASPECTJ)
public class MyApplication extends AuthenticatedWebApplication {
My env: Java 8, Spring Boot 1.2.1, Spring 4.1.4, Spring data JPA 1.7.2, Hibernate 4.3.7, Apache Tomcat 8.0.15, Wicket 6.17.0
I found out some new facts:
when I remove AdviceMode.ASPECTJ from #EnableTransactionManagement on CacheTransactionConfiguration, transactions begin to work, but propagation of transaction is ignored - nested call from one #CacheTransactional method to another #CacheTransactional methods always creates new transaction. Same behavior in JUnit test and real application.
when AdviceMode.ASPECTJ is on CacheTransactionConfiguration setted, but I remove #CacheTransactional annotation from junit test, transaction stops working also in juint (in test body is a #CacheTransaction method called, so there should be a transaction created).
application log contains this entry:
o.s.c.a.ConfigurationClassBeanDefinitionReader isOverriddenByExistingDefinition:290 - Skipping bean definition for [BeanMethod:name=cacheTransactionManager,declaringClass=x.y.z.CacheTransactionConfiguration]: a definition for bean 'cacheTransactionManager' already exists. This top-level bean definition is considered as an override.
So I can get this working, but without propagation...
For propagation, you need to tell Spring's #Transactional what propagation mode to apply. You can define several tx annotations, each inherit from #Transactional, but with a different propagation mode.
