im getting a problem when using graphql in parse platform
i want running a multiple mutation update with single mutation or batch. i have success when creating data, but for updating data im getting error.
im try like this
mutation ($objectId1: ID!, $objectId2: ID!) {
update1: updateCourse(
objectId: $objectId1
fields: { title: "HEBOH", slug: "HEBOH ITU KEREN ANJIR" }
update2: updateCourse(
objectId: $objectId2
fields: { title: "HEBOH", slug: "HEBOH ITU KEREN ANJIR" }
anyone can give me an example for this? Thankyou
in some time, I found the answer about it. simple, I forgot to add updatedAt
mutation ($objectId1: ID!, $objectId2: ID!) {
update1: updateCourse(
objectId: $objectId1
fields: { title: "HEBOH", slug: "HEBOH ITU KEREN ANJIR" }
) { updatedAt },
update2: updateCourse(
objectId: $objectId2
fields: { title: "HEBOH", slug: "HEBOH ITU KEREN ANJIR" }
) { updatedAt }
I'm very new into graphql but I'm able to insert a new "notification" that belongs to a "Tienda" which means store, however I'm not able to indicate to which store it belongs to.
This is the schema
type Tienda #model {
id: ID!
name: String!
cliente: [Cliente] #manyToMany(relationName: "clienteDeTienda")
news: [Notificacion] #hasMany
type Cliente #model {
id: ID!
name: String!
stores: [Tienda] #manyToMany(relationName: "clienteDeTienda")
type Notificacion #model {
id: ID!
store: Tienda #belongsTo
content: String!
This is how I insert a new notification:
const response = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(createNotificacion, {input:data}))
This is what data has inside:
Object {
"content": "Nueva notificacion",
And this is the response I get from console.log(response):
Object {
"data": Object {
"createNotificacion": Object {
"content": "Nueva notificacion",
"createdAt": "2022-11-13T18:04:55.000Z",
"id": "9f50d333-fc9e-478f-be6a-c54275797a27",
"store": null,
"tiendaNewsId": null,
"updatedAt": "2022-11-13T18:04:55.000Z",
As you can see "content" was added to the notification but "store" is null but I haven't been successful in inserting the store ID in there.
This is how the mutations is defined:
export const createNotificacion = /* GraphQL */ `
mutation CreateNotificacion(
$input: CreateNotificacionInput!
$condition: ModelNotificacionConditionInput
) {
createNotificacion(input: $input, condition: $condition) {
store {
cliente {
news {
I've tried with the following 3 methods which give no error but still doesn't link to it's parent:
API.graphql(graphqlOperation(createNotificacion, {input:data, store:{id:'55988776-11af-42b8-b93b-9de9af35f7dc'}}))
API.graphql(graphqlOperation(createNotificacion, {input:data, store:'55988776-11af-42b8-b93b-9de9af35f7dc'}))
API.graphql(graphqlOperation(createNotificacion, {input:data},{store:'55988776-11af-42b8-b93b-9de9af35f7dc'}))
Please somebody point me the right path or documentation about how to do this. I need to know how to perform the graphqlOperation correctly.
Thank you very much
In the end what I had to do is this:
const response = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(createNotification, {input:{, storeNotificationsId:'someValidStoreId'}}));
I'm running a query in GraphQL and getting this error:
"errors": [
"message": "Cannot read properties of null (reading '_doc')",
"locations": [
"line": 38,
"column": 5
"path": [
"data": null
This is the query.
query {
songs {
creator {
This is my resolver file, and this is the schema.
const { buildSchema } = require('graphql');
module.exports = buildSchema(`
type Song {
_id: ID!
song_file_name: String!
song_type: String!
song_size: Int!
user_name: String!
creator: User!
type User {
_id: ID!
email: String!
password: String
createdSongs: [Song!]
input SongInput {
song_file_name: String!
song_type: String!
song_size: Int!
user_name: String!
input UserInput {
email: String!
password: String!
type RootQuery {
songs: [Song!]!
type RootMutation {
createSong(songInput: SongInput): Song
createUser(userInput: UserInput): User
schema {
query: RootQuery
mutation: RootMutation
Could anyone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong? It looks like creator is returning null, but it is properly defined as far as I can tell. What's causing this?
Also, can anyone suggest a good place to learn GraphQL? I'm following this guide and though I find it useful and informative, it quickly gets to a level where I don't feel I fully understand what I'm doing although I'm following along.
I know the basics of GraphQL, but the relational concepts is hard for me to wrap my head around.
I am trying to append extra fields to the info object when querying data from prisma database. I have seen this post but I can't get fragments working.
I have below migrations:
type User {
id: ID! #unique
name: String
type Video {
id: ID! #unique
name: String
likes: [Like]
type Like {
id: ID! #unique
user: User
createdAt: DateTime!
Now, I would like to query all videos and check if current user has already liked a video. If so, the likes object should read the createdAt value, otherwise it would be empty.
I am doing this in playground via following query:
query {
videos() {
hasVoted: likes(where: {user: {id: "cjr7r85jy00rc0892dfwpu96u"}){
this works but I would like to add the hasVoted to my query resolver to automatically append it to all queries. How can I do this ?
I tried solving it via fragments but without luck:
videos: {
fragment: `fragment hasVoted on Video {
hasVoted: likes (where: {user: {id: "cjr7r85jy00rc0892dfwpu96u"}}){
resolve: async (_, args, ctx, info) => {
return await ctx.prisma.query.videos({},info);
Anyone has some ideas how I can do this? thx!
You can use addFragmentToInfo from graphql-bindings
I would like to send an array of object in a graphQL queries. But I don't have any idea how to type the pointer in the query $gallery: where Type will be a simple datastructure like a class or dictionnary.
apollo_client.mutate({mutation: gql`
mutation m(
$title: String!, $gallery:<Type?>){
{title: $title, gallery: $gallery}) {
variables: {
title: _this.state.title,
gallery: {<Type?>}
You first need to define an input type according to your gallery structure :
input GalleryType {
name: String!
Then you can simply do this:
apollo_client.mutate({mutation: gql`
mutation m(
$title: String!, $gallery:[GalleryType!]!){ //changed part
{title: $title, gallery: $gallery}) {
variables: {
title: _this.state.title,
gallery: {<Type?>}
So, I'm testing subscriptions on Graphcool and would appreciate some clarification on how exactly they work.
I have a one to many relationship from Posts on Comments:
type Posts {
caption: String!
comments: [Comments!]! #relation(name: "PostsOnComments")
createdAt: DateTime!
displaysrc: String!
id: ID!
likes: Int
updatedAt: DateTime!
type Comments {
createdAt: DateTime!
id: ID!
posts: Posts #relation(name: "PostsOnComments")
text: String!
updatedAt: DateTime!
user: String!
The subscription I run in Graphcool is as follows:
subscription CreatedDeletedComments {
filter: {
mutation_in: [CREATED, DELETED]
) {
node {
If I run the following in my React app, a created notification is fired:
return this.props.client.mutate({
mutation: gql`
mutation createComment ($id: ID, $textVal: String!, $userVal: String!) {
createComments (postsId: $id, text: $textVal, user: $userVal){
variables: {
"id": postID,
"textVal": textVal,
"userVal": userVal
// forceFetch: true,
But if I run the following, no deleted notification is fired:
return this.props.client.mutate({
mutation: gql`
mutation removeComment ($id: ID!, $cid: ID!) {
removeFromPostsOnComments (postsPostsId: $id, commentsCommentsId: $cid){
postsPosts {
comments {
variables: {
"id": postID,
"cid": commentID
// forceFetch: true,
What am I overlooking here?
With the subscription
subscription CreatedDeletedComments {
filter: {
mutation_in: [CREATED, DELETED]
) {
node {
you are subscribing to comment nodes being created or deleted. However, with the mutation removeFromPostsOnComments, you are not deleting any comment nodes. Instead, you are only deleting the connection between a post and a comment.
You can adjust your mutation request to delete the comment entirely instead of disconnecting it from the post:
return this.props.client.mutate({
mutation: gql`
mutation removeComment ($cid: ID!) {
deleteComment(id: $cid) {
variables: {
"cid": commentID
// forceFetch: true,
If you don't want to delete the comment entirely but still want to hide it in your app, you could have a boolean field deleted that acts as a soft deletion marker.
Then you could subscribe to UPDATED comments instead of DELETED comments and check if the field deleted was updated. Refer to the
docs for more information on how to do that with updatedFields.
Subscriptions for relations is also already part of our roadmap.