Adding command line arguments to AppImage - ubuntu-20.04

When opening an appImage with double click, is there some way to automatically add command line arguments?
Why: on a fresh UBUNTU MATE 22.04 installation, I'm having problems with some appImages: most of them successfully open, others open and close immediately;
I'm experiencing this in particular with
If launched by double click, it opens and close.
If launched from command line I get this error:
[21690:0908/] GPU process isn't usable. Goodbye.
I found here a working solution, which successfully opens the appImage, namely launch the appImage with the following arguments:
./mendeley-reference-manager-2.77.0-x86_64.AppImage --disable-gpu-sandbox
Then, I was wondering if I can make the double-click launch the appImage with these arguments.

I'm using AppImageLauncher for desktop integration. When first opening an AppImage file it creates a .desktop file with the execution command in ~/.local/share/applications. You can manually add the desired command line arguments there:
Exec=sh -c "/home/user/Applications/mendeley-reference-manager-2.80.1-x86_64.AppImage --disable-gpu-sandbox"


when I run mongod --config "C:\Program files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin\mongodb.config" it repeats endlessly

mongod --config "C:\Program files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin\mongodb.config"
I don't know what else to say... I am startled and frustrated because that's something I've never seen before. Usually when there's error you get some message that you can analize and make it right. But I hit Enter and the line I typed gets looped and it looks like if I would press arrow-up key and Enter subsequently, except I don't. After a while I have to stop this and press ctrl + c to kill the job. Have anyone seen this behaviour? I am on windows 7 64bit.
Mongod.exe is in C:\Program files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin\ and this folder is in my PATH.
That happened today first time when I run the command from webstorm built-in terminal. When I run it in cmd it gets executed normally BUT when i put the command in .bat file and try to execute it - same sh*t happens even in cmd. ? I wish I would never switched back to Windows.
Your batch file is calling itself (remember that in windows the current active directory is implicitly included in the list of folders to search for executable files)
Rename the batch file to something different to mongod.bat or mongod.cmd or change the reference to the program to execute from mongod to mongod.exe. Any of this changes will avoid the batch file to call itself.

How to start GNU Octave with GUI through Cygwin from a desktop icon?

Since GNU Octave comes wit a GUI since versions 3.8.0, I thought I should check it out.
So since I run Windows and could only find Octave 3.8 for Cygwin, I installed Cygwin and the packages octave, xinit, xlaunch and gnuplot (according to this page, but I don't know if all those packages are needed).
Then, when trying to start Octave with the GUI from Cygwin with octave --force-gui, I initially got the error message
octave: X11 DISPLAY environment variable not set
and Octave would start in console mode. So I found this page, which told me to run
echo "export DISPLAY=:0.0" >>~/.bash_profile
from Cygwin, to permanently get rid of the error message, which worked. However, then I instead got this error message:
octave: unable to open X11 DISPLAY
The same page also said that you have to run the X Server by going to Start -> Cygwin-X -> XWin Server. That worked, but since I don't want the xterm terminal to start since it is not needed, I found this page which told me to run
touch ~/.startxwinrc
from Cygwin to create an empty .startxwinrc file, to prevent the xtrem terminal from starting by default, which worked. The same page also mentioned that the X Server can be started directly from Cygwin with the command startxwin.
So, now I can start Octave with the GUI from Cygwin, simply by running
octave --force-gui
However, I would like to just be able to double click on a desktop icon to get everything up and running.
So, to my question: Can I somehow put this in a script file, which when I run it, will be opened in Cygwin so that the commands in the script file will be run in Cygwin? And is there some way to automatically close the X Server after Octave has terminated? I've tried writing a file octave.bat, which starts Cygwin and gives a second batch file as argument, which in turn contains the commands I want to execute. But when I run the first script, I just get bombarded with command prompts (not Cygwin prompts), and the all say
'startxwin' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Why is the second script not opened in Cygwin, and how can I achieve what I want as simply as possible?
Please grab Octave from here:
The installer should configure everything for you.
GNU Octave offers now Windows binary itself. Go to
You have to put
c:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe /bin/sh -lc 'startxwin /bin/octave --force-gui'
in your windows batch file (please adapt the Cygwin path to your settings). That worked fine for me.
The call
c:\cygwin64\bin\bash --login -c "startxwin /bin/octave --force-gui"
did open Octave as desired but the GUI seemed to have response issues to the keyboard and froze after clicking into the editor.
I don't have any of the those commands installed with my Cygwin installation, so I can't test this by trying using the following an .bat file on your desktop:
c:\cygwin\bin\bash --login -c "startxwin octave --force-gui"
Replace c:\cygwin with the directory where you installed Cygwin.
If this leaves a console window on the screen try doing:
c:\cygwin\bin\bash --login -c "run startxwin octave --force-gui"

Lazarus on Windows: Why the extra terminal window?

I built a Lazarus GUI application using Ubuntu and then took it onto Windows to compile. On Ubuntu I run it from the terminal like this:
./prg arg
It runs fine using the argument arg passed to it. On Windows this is what I did:
Create shortcut to exe
Edit shortcut and include the argument.
To run on Windows, I run the shortcut.
It works fine but there's an additional terminal window opening behind the application, when I run the shortcut. When the application exits, the window closes with it. The terminal window is empty.
On Windows, before compiling I had to uncheck the -WG switch in compiler options. This was because althought the app is GUI-based, there is a simple routine that checks for the argument passed at command line and uses Writeln to output a message if there were errors.
My key question is why is this terminal window coming up on Windows and how do I get rid of it or suppress it?
(1) Make sure you have set {$APPTYPE GUI} in your code. Otherwise there will be always a "terminal" opened on windows.
(2) Maybe you are confusing a "real" shortcut (*.lnk) with cmd/batch file? The latter also opens a terminal that dies when the lauched app closes.

how to make my console in python not to close?

I'm making a application in python from Windows. When I run it in the console, it stops, shows an error, and closes. I can't see the error becase its too fast, and I can't read it. I'm editing the code with IDLE (the program that came with python when I instaled it), and when I run it with the python shell, there are no errors. I would run it from IDLE, but when I use the console, it has more features.
I don't know why this is happening. I need your help.
Run the program from an already-open terminal. Open a command prompt and type:
For that to work you need the python executable in your path. Just check on how to edit environment variables on windows, and add C:\PYTHON26 (or whatever directory you installed python to).When the program ends, it'll drop you back to the CMD windows prompt instead of closing the window.Add code to wait at the end of your script. Adding ...
... at the end of the script makes it wait for the ENTER key. That method is annoying because you have to modify the script, and have to remember removing it when you're done.
Run your program from a Windows command prompt. That will not automatically close when the program finishes.
If you run your program by double-clicking on the .py file icon, then Windows will close the window when your program finishes (whether it was successful or not).
Create a text file in the program directory i.e. wherever your script is located. Change the extension to .bat for example text.bat. Then edit the text file and write:
python main.exe
Now you can run the program without typing into the command console by double clicking the bat file, and the console window will not close.

How to prevent batch file (.bat) from closing terminal when running commands?

On a Windows 7 machine if I run a PHPUnit Selenium command like this manually in the terminal:
phpunit --verbose --log-junit _selenium_tests\results\home.xml _selenium_tests\frontend\home.php
It spawns a browser and runs the test just fine. Then it outputs the following on the screen:
Time: 10 seconds, Memory: 3.50Mb
OK (1 test, 3 assertions)
And the terminal stays open.
Now if I copy and paste the exact command in an empty file and save it as test.bat and click it, it also runs the test. I can see the browser open and all tests run. Only problem is it closes the terminal prompt right after. So I can't see the above output.
An even bigger problem is, since it closes the terminal if I add more commands for other tests after that initial one they don't run.
I tried adding:
at the end of the bat file but no luck, it still closes. Any idea how to prevent this and be able to run one command after another without the terminal ever closing?
Your question is similar to this one. Try using call in front of your command. If you run a .bat file from another .bat file and don't use call, control doesn't return to the first batch file, so pause doesn't get executed.
Try cmd /K phpunit --verbose --log-junit _selenium_tests\results\home.xml _selenium_tests\frontend\home.php
The /K option in cmd /K string Carries out the command specified by string but remains,see
Also, I don't know the file type of the phpunit command you execute - I'm not familiar with selenium. If it is batch file (i.e. ends with .bat), you just can't call them from another batch file: everything below the call to the second batch file will never get executed.
You then need to use the CALL command. CALL Enables a user to execute a batch file from within another batch file, see
