Fatal error: $CFG->dataroot is not configured properly, directory does not exist or is not accessible! Exiting - hosting

I created moodle site in infinity free hosting
But when I open the site it is appear this message
Fatal error: $CFG->dataroot is not configured properly, directory does not exist or is not accessible! Exiting.


Wordpress Multisite... Warning: fopen(F:\htdocs/wp-content/plugins/1626892348): failed to open stream: Permission denied in~ Apache on windows 10

getting the error message in the wordpress dashboard
"Warning: fopen(F:\htdocs/wp-content/plugins/1626892348): failed to open stream: Permission denied in F:\htdocs\wp-includes\functions.php on line 6333"
this is a wordpress multisite installed on windows 10 using Apache.
been banging my head over this for the last 6 hours and nothing I google seems to help.
The file referenced in your functions.php line 6334 must be accessible to PHP, so you need to ensure that the file access permissions allow this access.

How do I read from a folder in the user's home directory from an Xcode Source Editor Extension?

I created an Xcode Source Editor Extension. I'd like to build a linting command, for example. The user's existing lint file is located in a location like /Users/Tim/CalculatorApp/swiftlint.yml.
If I try to use try! String(contentsOfFile: "/Users/Tim/CalculatorApp/swiftlint.yml"), I get the error:
Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=257 "The file “.swiftlint.yml” couldn’t be opened because you don’t have permission to view it."
This is most likely because the extension is running in a sandbox and doesn't have permission to read files under the user's home directory. I tried removing the sandbox from the Extension's target, but then the extension doesn't load at all.
I get the error:
Could not attach to pid : “3623”
attach failed (Not allowed to attach to process. Look in the console messages (Console.app), near the debugserver entries when the attached failed. The subsystem that denied the attach permission will likely have logged an informative message about why it was denied.)
If I re-add the App Sandbox, clean the project, then run again, I no longer get this error. This leads me to believe that Xcode Extensions might need to be run in App Sandbox mode.
Is there a way to run an Xcode Extension without App Sandbox mode?
Are there any other workarounds for how to allow the Xcode extension to read the file in question? I was thinking about using the "User Selected File" permission, but I don't see how that would work with an Extension which has no UI.
Any other thoughts for how to get something like this to work?

Am I missing something when deploying using bitbucket repo and composer deployer?

I am trying to deploy my WordPress site from local to staging. I'm able to deploy the files up to my hosting site but now I'm getting an error in Chrome when I'm trying to access my site http://staging.responsivhub.com/
After uploading my site to my webserver "siteground" in public_html/staging and have changed my subdomains root location to public_html/staging/current/web. After that I'm getting this error
failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
/home/user/public_html/staging/releases/1/web/wp-config.php on line 7
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required
(include_path='.:/usr/local/php71/pear') in
/home/user/public_html/staging/releases/1/web/wp-config.php on line 7
(I have replaced my username to user)
I can't figure out what I'm missing.
You need to create the web/wp-config.php files inside the shared folder with the database credentials and all the WordPress configuration.
Go to (with the webserver/deploy user):
mkdir /home/user/public_html/staging/shared/web
vim /home/user/public_html/staging/shared/web/wp-config.php
And then include the configuration inside that file. After that try to re-run the deploy. I'm not sure if the wp-config.php file is on the root folder so you can try to remove web/ folder when running the commands.

Laravel homestead per project installation (vagrant up error)

I have created a Laravel project with an Homestead per project installation. After that I have pushed it on a git repository, https://github.com/FELPONE/Laravel-Rate-Limit.git.
Now I am trying to initialize the same project on another machine. I have cloned the project from the repo but when I start vagrant up,I receive error:
There was an error loading a Vagrantfile. The file being loaded
and the error message are shown below. This is usually caused by
a syntax error.
Path: /home/yourname/Desktop/rate-limit/Vagrantfile
Line number: 0
Message: LoadError: cannot load such file -- /home/yourname/Desktop/rate-limit/vendor/laravel/homestead/scripts/homestead.rb
Which are the correct steps to set up it correctly?
You need to run the make command.
php vendor/bin/homestead make
More info here:

Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required '<path to src>/includes/php.content-header.php'

I was going through some instructions to set up a mock website through xampp for development purposes, but ran into an issue. The instructions are as follows:
Clone this repository
Install PHP and MySQL, and php5-mysql
Changes to php.ini
auto_prepend_file=<path to src>/includes/php.content-header.php
Get the most recent DB Dump and load it into MySQL
Create user sitename_login with password from includes/class.mysql_db.php
Grant this user permissions to sitename_site
Running local server
Desktop Version
From sitename.com directory run
php -S localhost:8000
As far as I know I followed the instructions as I should have, but when trying to open up php documents in xampp I got this error:
Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: Invalid argument in Unknown on line 0
Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required '<path to src>/includes/php.content-header.php' (include_path='.;F:\xampp\php\PEAR') in Unknown on line 0
The folder layout in xampp is xampp->htdocs->folderName->includes->php.content-header.php
I've tried changing the location of the folders, but that didn't seem to solve the problem. I tried editing the contents of php.ini, but I was getting the same exact error even if I took out /includes/ out of the auto_prepend_file.
Any clues as to what I could do to get past this issue?
Search for require(<path to src>/includes/php.content-header.php) in your file and change it to require(__DIR__ . "\\includes\\php.content-header.php") (assuming your are on Windows)
