Managing fixed header with anchor/section points - scroll

I've read many posts about this, but never found something satisfying and I wonder if perhaps new techniques have been developed since those posts.
Basically, I have a fixed navigation header on my site, and a search bar that will get nested and fixed just under it as users start scrolling down.
Most of my anchor/section links are located on different pages than where the user is getting re-directed to when clicking them (so, no "smooth scroll" is happening).
I cannot add padding or a class manually to each of these points because most of them are generated automatically...
Is there perhaps some jquery I could apply that would automatically show these anchor/sections point lower in the screen?
Help :)


Intersection Observer for handling active state in navigation : problem with sections that are not tall enough

Working on my personal website, I am trying to implement the Intersection Observer API for navigation items active state management, such as the example we see here :
The problem is that, contrary to the demo where each section is equally tall / or is at least 100vh tall, I have sections that vary in size. In fact, the two last sections on my page are not tall enough when you zoom out the page, which screws the Observer mechanism... (Basically my last two sections are never "observed" and so the active states are never triggered for last two items of the navigation menu). This is problematic for higher resolution screens (or when a user just decides to zoom out the content) ...
I've tried to find a solution to that problem, but I am literraly stuck ... However I know that a solution must exist because this example website ( found a solution which works no matter what the zoom on the page is (it does not use the intersection observer though, if I am not mistaken) ...
Do you have any idea how I could solve that issue?
Thanks a lot

Accessible AJAX page transitions for SPA

I have been tasked with building a SPA that has some complex page transitions.
My biggest concern is that these transitions rely on elements expanding on the page to then become the full page (i.e. you click a blue button, the blue background expands to fill the whole page and then the content is displayed.)
Now this is where I am struggling to come up with an accessible solution. I thought about making the text within the original 'button' a link with padding (as the URL will update and the link is for no JavaScript fallback) and then replacing the content of the parent div (the blue background) with the new content.
The problem I have is that I am not sure what would be the best practice for accessibility from the perspective of letting a screen reader user know that a new page has loaded in. Using aria-live is a terrible idea, but with NVDA if I just replace the contents of the div it can have some strange behaviour.
Has anyone ever come across this before? For example this dribble nearly shows what I mean, you click an element and then it opens up into a new page with the content within the element.
For a 'normal' AJAX site when navigating I would simply replace the whole <main> with the new content, make the <h1> programatically focused with a tabindex="-1", update the page <title> and that works fine, but with this type of navigation I am wondering if the same approach is applicable.
I am thinking replacing everything within the <main> element except for the selected 'button' background (including the original link being removed once the new page has loaded) and then loading the content in and managing the focus as described would work, but I am not sure if there is an accepted pattern for this type of navigation as it is so unusual.
I am thinking replacing everything within the element except
for the selected 'button' background (including the original link
being removed once the new page has loaded) and then loading the
content in and managing the focus as described would work, but I am
not sure if there is an accepted pattern for this type of navigation
as it is so unusual
I think this is your best best. The whole visual expanding thing is just eye candy, so as long as it is there you should be able to do this behind the scenes. Make sure you test with screen readers.

CPropertySheet: How to get the child page from OnDrawItem

I've added some code as found here Big problems with MFC/WinAPI to colour tab titles the same as the reset of the dialog, which works, but unfortunately all the tabs end up with the same name. This doesn't surprise me all that much as GetCurSel() is used to grab the text to use, and only one tab can currently be selected, but I'm struggling to see how you access the correct tab index from OnDrawItem().
I've googled and had a look on MSDN but don't see how anything passed to OnDrawItem lets you know which tab is currently being drawn, rather all the examples I've seen assume you're only interested in the one currently selected. All I want to do is something along the lines of GetWindowText() on the child window and redraw with that. I'm also unsure of the parent/child/sibling relationship between the sheet, tab control and page - it depends who you listen to.
I should probably add that I'm also unsure why all the tabs are redrawn when I select one. I don't know if this is normal or something specific to this implementation (that's something I'm looking at, but like seemingly everything else in this code base it's multiply inherited several times over ...).
Cheers for any help.
Not to worry, I now realise lpDrawItemStruct->itemID holds the tab index so I can get a handle to the tab using that.

Xcode Need guidelines on invented draft for photo gallery manager

For this question, I don't require a full explanation of all code, but helping me get insight into the process for achieving this result would be very helpful! Some information sources that will lead me to where I want to be.
Don't hesitate to give your opinion or make suggestions on how you would make it better in case you have better ideas - We just want to jump off the regular photo album system.
In the added screenshot I have added a painted image that makes the purpose clear.
Albums are created by tapping the "+" sign. (This shows a popup window in which the user can tag a bar/event to which the picture applies; the bar/event profile picture will appear on the album cover).
Newly taken pictures should appear in a separate band on the screen. They will float there until the user drags and drops them into an album. Note that the picture is also taken from within the app (using the native camera of the smartphone).
When the user added them to an album that was tagged, they will also be displayed automatically in the gallery of the tagged bar/event profile. (Of course in the app, personal profiles will be available as well).
Which technologies / workflow would you advise me?
What I need to create now is just an empty shell for the app that demonstrates the visual workflow (the data flows are not important at this point).
I have read about some libraries such as three20 or UIImagePicker, I don't know if they are easy to customize towards our needs.
I cannot comment on the likes of Three20 as I have never actually used them.
One method I can suggest, is using a number of scrollviews. Based on your example, you would require 2 individual scrollviews. (For ease lets call them AlbumsSV and PicturesSV).
The AlbumsSV would dynamically load content, based on your backing store. One approach I have used in the past, is to load custom views into a scroll view, as this allows for maximum control, you can specify any requirements as properties of the view (i.e Primary key etc), also you can load a 'preview image' based on the data held in your data store.
Assuming you always want the ability to add new items to be last element added to the AlbumsSV, then you can simply add another custom view to the AlbumsSV after all other items have processed.
PicturesSV would simply load content based upon what is in the users camera roll. Again I would recommend using a custom view, as you can set properties such as FileURL etc on the custom view, this will aid when it comes to dragging items into a specific album.
Hope this helps :)

Page items sliding in in metro style apps

I'm experimenting with creating a metro style app with Visual Studio 2012, I am not the most experienced designer but one thing with my applications is confusing me.
I have been working with 'basic pages' instead of blank ones for the different pages in my application for design consistency, however it seems that these 'basic pages' have a strange behaviour. Every item I place on the page (buttons, text boxes, etc) will all slide in one by one when the page opens. For example if I run the application and navigate to a page with 10 buttons, it will do a brief animation where each button will slide in from the right side to the left side. When dealing with a large number of items on one page this can take a lot of time as each item slides in seperatley.
Looking at the properties for each item I have been able to change the direction it slides in while loading the page by changing the flow direction. Also with a bit of research I am thinking it could potentially be due to either the metro style 'enterPage' or 'enterContent' animations, though I can not be certain.
I have tried to experiment and figure this out, and search to find out what causes this so I can modify it (Ideally I would like to just group items together to slide in with each other) however it's kind of a difficult thing to search with vague words, so I'm asking here.
What is causing this and how might I go about modifying it?
EnterPage shouldn't be sequencing the animations. They do offset some of the animations of a number of elements, but it shouldn't be each one sequentially.
Are you using WinJS navigation?
Well after a bit of experimentation I figured out that putting all my page content inside a grid made them all come in at once like I wanted. I probably should have tried that earlier but everything was already inside an outer grid for the page, so I thought that woulda handled it.
I don't quite understand it fully, but that works for now.
