Rename with page name [closed] - hosting

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Closed 5 months ago.
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I'm currently hosting my website on Hostinger and I have a little issue. Mmy URL is now like this: and I would like to replace the home.html with the page name

I'm not sure if you mean or, so I explain both:
To make it looks like this you just create a folder called "home". Then you put your home.html into this folder and rename it to index.html
Just rename your home.html to index.html.
NOTE: Do this inside the public_html folder.


How to make the path generic (RUBY)? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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This is how I am changing the directory path to the download folder.
But this specific to a user. Is there is any way to make it more general?
Use home method for Dir
Dir.chdir(Dir.home + '/Downloads')
The "C:/Users/abcd/Downloads/" looks like the user directory for user abcd on windows. So I think this is a windows related question.
The Dir.home on my Windows-PC is U:/, not the user-directory.
But you can make use of ENV:
Dir.chdir(File.join(ENV['USERPROFILE'], 'Downloads'))
Just to be aware of: This changes the directory for the rest of your script. There is also a block-version of Dir.chdir.

How to create pages in the footer in magento [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have installed magento1.8.0.1, and also import sample data.
I added one more menus,
Now i want add pages like e-mail us, so i go to cms -> pages -> add new page ->. so it will be created, i want to know how to display that e-mail us page in footer.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you!!!.
There are various way, but for your quick reference:
Go to Magento Admin
Go to CMS Block
Edit Footer Links (Click on that name)
Do whatever changes you like and save that page.
Good luck!

navigate back a directory in ruby [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How can I navigate back one or multiple directories in Ruby?
For example:
If I'm in the folder directory and want my file.rb script to load a file from within the test directory, how can I do that?
Something like:
require /../required_file.rb
You can use require_relative
require_relative "../test/file.rb"
require_relative "../requred_file.rb"

magento where to start foot print [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am working with giftcard and I want to investigate some behavior of giftcards. Being new to magento I am not sure where to start looking for a url
I am not sure what giftcardaccount is ? is it a folder or an action?
Also would be interested in "new"
Magento ver.
any help will be appreciated
giftcardaccount is a controller.
Look in: /app/code/core/Enterprise/GiftCardAccount/controllers/Adminhtml/GiftcardaccountController.php
The URL maps to the newAction() method.

joomla css edit [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want edit the css of a component in zoomla ..can you tell me how?
Use can a text editor, VIM or Notepad. Else you can edit the CSS from the template management section inside Joomla!. But then you need to set proper permissions on the CSS file.
go to ur hosting folder .. and goto components/component_name you can find the files
