Changing arrowhead color in graphviz - graphviz

I want to make the tail of my arrow "#7a82de" while making the head black. Is it possible to achieve?
I have read Graphviz documentation and searched on stackoverflow/google.
Thanks in advance.

Part of this can be achieved by color attribute for edge, but if you want to take the head of the arrow directly, you can only paint it by manually adjusting the digits, it is impossible to write something like arrowheadcolor=red. So you can use a very small number like 0.01 (meaning 1% of the arrow length) to indicate that only the arrow head needs to be painted in black.
digraph {
A -> B [color="#7a82de:black;0.01"]


How can I find intersections of three hexagons on this figure?

I have a figure looks like this
I want to find the coordinates of all intersections of three hexagons.
How can I do this? Should I use OpenCV?
I am still trying to think of a faster/better method, but I think the following should work:
threshold your image to pure blacks and whites
generate and save a list of all black pixels for later
label your image so that each white hexagon is effectively flood-filled with a unique color (or shade of grey) - some folks call this "labelling", some call it "Blob Analysis", some call it "Connected Component Analysis". Whatever it is called, you will get something like this:
Now look at each black pixel from the list you saved in the second step and count how many different colours other than black are in the surrounding 9x9, or 15x15 area. If it's three it is probably an intersection like you are looking for.
Of course there are variations on this - you could implement a "minimum distance from other intersection" on top, for example. Or a "black line thinning first". Or a dilation of each blob to erode the black lines and make the three colours closer together. You could scale your image down (being careful to use NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR rather than interpolation) after labelling to reduce processing time - if important.
You can try to find these features using Harris corner detector.
Also check if findContours with analysis of result intersections could give you useful information.

Increasing rank spacing in graphviz

I have a graph laid out using D3 graphviz. It's laying out in a pretty dense way, and I'd like it to use more of the width of the screen.
I have tried adjusing the ranksep and the ratio, but neither seem to have any effect. I've also tried changing the node border, to no effect. Changing the edge minlength just makes the edges look floppy. I can try giving every node an invisible child, but that seems like a horrible hack.
For clarity, by rank, I mean the horizontal spacing between the columns of nodes. (The graph is laid out left to right.)
Ideally I'd be able to give it an aspect ratio and it'd make the most of that space to lay out the graph in a way that doesn't need too much acrobatics.
Am I missing something obvious?
I may well be using the options incorrectly
or the D3 graphviz implementation may not have those features?
Is there no good way to do this?
I have added :
size = "16.66,8.33!"; // 1200x600 at 72px/in, "!" to force
ratio = "fill"; // see
at the beginning of the graph declaration (just after digraph G {).
It renders a wider output.
Have a try and tell.

How do I make the plot generated marker more noticeable?

I have the coordinate indicating the start of each letter within a word. I have set the plot function to make a red circle at that coordinate like so:
The problem is that the paper I am adding this image to has a structure of 2 columns per page. And when I add 2 of the above image to the same column, the circles become very small and difficult to notice.
I tried instead of circles to make triangles or pentagrams. I get the same result, they become too small to distinguish.
How can I make this more distinguishable? Especially when its printed in black and white.
You can change the marker size of the markers, and\or overlay two different markers one of the other. For example:
plot(x,y); hold on
There are many other degrees of freedom you can use to add \ change to this. It is a very basic question that you could have answered yourself if you read the documentation of plot in TMW website.

Annotate DOT graphs with images

I'm using PyDot to generate Graphviz/dot graphs in python. I would like to annotate my nodes and edges with images read from files, I've found in the documentation how to put an image as a node, but not how to put an image under a node or even less an edge.
Does anybody know how to do that?
You can use HTML in the labels for nodes and edges. You can find details here:
Basically you can say something
"a" -> "b" [label = <<TABLE><TR><TD><IMG SRC="path/to/picture"/></TD></TR></TABLE>>]
You can add as many rows and columns as you want in the html labels. It's a little more verbose than standard text labels, but you can do a bit more with them.
One method which can work in cases where edges will always be drawn in the same position is to create a PNG with a transparent background and position the icon in the same place that your edge will be drawn, or use the labeldistance/labelangle attributes to move. I'm not familiar with PyDot but using SQL I would create a case to determine whether or not the image is displayed on the node..
Problem with this method is that the graphs which I'm working with are always positioned differently and will never be the same, so in an ideal case I'd like to add the image to the edge label, or under/to the right of the edge label etc. Did you ever manage to find a workaround?

How to remove white margin around some Mathematica graphs

I'm trying to create a matrix plot with mathematica. Using ArrayPlot[] I get a very nice figure, apart from the fact that it's surrounded by a white margin. I've got to the root of the problem, in the sense of the following example.
If I try to export the resulting graphic, it exports the margin also. I want my array content to fill a rectangle of a certain size so that it can be superimposed on another image, but the ArrayPlot function produces margins that interfere.
What do?
QuickEdit: ImageCrop will not work in my case, because a) I want my resulting image to be of a certain size, and b) without specifying how wide margins I want to remove the automatic version may mess with my graph (first row may well be white, for example).
Try PlotRangePadding->0
Apparently my reply was too short, so I'm typing more.
If you set the option Background->None the edges should be transparent. This would work if you were embedding it in another graphic.
