Doing yarn install on a windows machine reverts v2 lockfile to v1 - yarnpkg

I have two working laptops, one is a mac and one is a windows. If I do a yarn install on mac, it generates a v2 lockfile. If I do a yarn install on windows, it regenrates the lock file into a v1 file.
Any ideas to fix this?
These are my files.
nodeLinker: node-modules
yarnPath: .yarn/releases/yarn-3.2.3.cjs
.yarn folder
Please let me know if you need any more details and I'll be happy to share.


Why is poetry only available from the .poetry\bin directory?

I installed poetry to windows using I cloned the entire poetry-master folder from the github to my desktop, unzipped it, then ran the install file. It asked me if I would like to modify something but responding both yes and no didn’t allow me to input any addiditonal information. The .poetry file ended up in my user directory. (Ex: C:\Users\CursedDog19\ .poetry)
I need poetry to install a package from GitHub for testing but my install of poetry only runs from one directory (\ .poetry\bin) Poetry claims to run from all directories.

I'm trying to clean up my usr/local folder in OSX 10.13

OSX (Darwin 17.6.0) Node (v0.12.2) and NPM (v 2.7.4) are installed.
I'm not sure if I used Homebrew to install anything (because there's 'Cellar' folder), but I've deleted Hombrew.
I've been trolling through stack overflow for hours (being new to this) trying to remove old/not used files. I think I might have installed things using 'sudo' (whups). Why I think this: NPM gives me a bunch of ERR! and code EACCES errno -13.
What files and folders in the local/bin, local/Cellar, and local/lib, man files etc... can I manually delete to get to back to ground zero? I'm pretty sure that I wont be using bower, claymate, gulp, grunt, or yo. Lord know why I installed them....
Or do I sudo update/upgrade/uninstall something, or root update/upgrade/uninstall something? I'm not positive about the differences.
According to the Homebrew Documentation FAQ:
Apple has assigned this directory [/usr/local] for non-system utilities. Which means there is no files in /usr/local by default, so there is no need to worry about messing up existing or system tools.
This means that you can run:
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/*
whithout breaking any system level tools or libraries. Then reinstall any third party tool you need.

Whats the best way to install nodejs in different location

By default nodejs is installed in /usr/local/bin/node but this location needs root access rights.
If I then install a global package like grunt-cli or a yeoman generator they also need root access rights. But I don't want to install all global packages with sudo.
So I tought why not install node and its global packages under something like opt/bin/node for example and give this location user access rights.
I used to download the installer from the nodejs website but with that I can't change location of the installation. So the question is:
How can I install nodejs in a differnt location than the default location on OSX and Windows?
Search engines are your friend.
Taken directly from the node docs:
On Windows
The directory contains executables of
the last version of Node.js engine (the engine only, i.e. without
32bit version:
64bit version:
The directory contains the latest .zip
archive of npm (such as when npm v1.1.16 was the
Manual installation steps:
Make a clean directory and add that directory to your system's PATH variable.
Download the latest node.exe to that directory.
Download the latest npm's .zip file and unpack its contents to the same directory.
Then, with the usual help of PATH, you'll be able to run scripts (node
scriptname.js) and install modules (npm install modulename) in any
...and just below that...
Installing on Mac
The directory contains the latest .pkg
package (such as node-v0.6.15.pkg when Node v0.6.15 was the latest).
we have discussed your issue with some unix guru´s.
in UNIX / MAC:
we believe the best way to install a node package "global" (non-project-specific respectively in your user environment) is to install node in folder
/opt/node or /home/user/.node and change the user-right, as you mentioned.
we believe its the wrong way, to change the /usr/ folder-rights or install global-packages with sudo.
in my case, i think the solution to change npm-config (mentioned in many other stackoverflow topics) did not changed anything, because node is still installed in /usr/bin.
still we belief, as a developer its more recommended to build such frequently updated applications like node by yourself instead of using the unix package manager. because mostly the resources ain't up to date.
I've had great success with nvm: It's a version manager for node, but one of the best parts of it (for me) is that it installs each version of node in your home directory. This means that your npm global install is also in this home directory. It's a Mac/Unix solution.
For Windows, though I've never tried it, there is the (similar) nvmw project:

Installed trigger app, installed node.js, trigger says it can't run npm on Mac

New Mac user account. I install the (TriggerToolkit) app for the Mac. It fires up a tab with the apps. I can run the iOS simulator from it - so it is plausibly working installation. I have installed node.js from the node.js website, using the Mac package.
I have node.js as /usr/local/bin/npm (version 1.1.43).
It is found when I type "npm" at a command line.
The path "/usr/local/bin" is on my $PATH.
"/usr/local/bin" is set in my /etc/paths file, system wide.
So the npm executable should be findable by any user, at any time (before or after login, running a terminal, etc).
When I use the web page for the web run, it's OK, until it tries to run npm.
[DEBUG] running run_web((), {})
[DEBUG] Running: npm install
[DEBUG] failed to run npm: do you have Node.js installed and on your path? while running run_web((), {})
[ERROR] failed to run npm: do you have Node.js installed and on your path?
I guess that the problem must be something to do with an assumption about the path for npm. What's the assumption? What can I symlink to make this work?
Note that npm is found by "forge run web". This is something specific to the way that is working.
Update: this is fixed as of v1.4.6:
Previous answer:
Unfortunately I think the error message here isn't great and reflects a general problem with starting the node app.
We are aware of one issue with dependencies which started occurring after Node 0.8. Can you check what Node version you have:
node --version
If it's 0.8, then a temporary workaround to this problem is to use the command line tools and:
forge build
Then manually update development/web/package.json to refer to express 2.5.10, then
forge run web
Sorry for the trouble, we'll report back here when that's fixed

Installing packages in native windows node.js

I am trying to get to grips with node.js, this looked like a fun tut but I have only got the native windows version of node.js and I can't find a way to install any packages.
I have also looked at installing the binaries using chocalatey, but my version of vista doesn't have access to powershell. However, I do have a machine running windows 7 that I can switch to. If it isn't possible to install packages on windows version, I will switch to that machine and work through chocalatey.
Assuming you have the node.exe for Windows, npm has experimental support for windows. You can try working through the README.
Otherwise you can manually install packages on Windows. You will need to manually look at the package.json files for dependencies if you are going with option 2.
I have never tried it, but Scott Hanselman also has a post about getting node running on Windows.
Personally I have found its easier to just run a Linux VM since Windows support is kinda spotty right now.
The short answer is if you have git properly installed, you can open a cmd window, navigate to the directory containing node.exe, and run this:
git config --system http.sslcainfo /bin/curl-ca-bundle.crt
git clone --recursive git://
cd npm
node cli.js install npm -gf
The more complete answer is that I posted a guide on how to install Node on Windows here. It also describes installing npm to manage packages. Let me know if it works for you.
