Is it possible to test specific Spring REST endpoint security and avoid bootstrapping database connection? - spring-boot

We have a couple of Spring tests that call a secured controller endpoints. Our goal is to assure that absence of particular user roles will result into HTTP 403 status.
Our issue is that execution of those tests also bootstraps DB connection which we don't actually need.
I've already tried countless number of all kind of annotations and manual configurations to avoid initialization of DB connection but so far without luck. Can you please share example how to do that?
We use Spring Boot 2.7.

Yes, you can use #WebMvcTest, take a look at the docs. In summary, using #WebMvcTest will only bootstrap the Spring MVC components and avoid loading other application's layers. This annotation also automatically configures Spring Security for you, therefore you can test authentication/authorization rules.
class MyControllerTests {
private MockMvc mvc;
private UserVehicleService userVehicleService;
#WithMockUser(roles = "ADMIN")
void testAdminSuccess() throws Exception {
.willReturn(new VehicleDetails("Honda", "Civic"));
.andExpect(content().string("Honda Civic"));
#WithMockUser(roles = "USER")
void testUserForbidden() throws Exception {


Unable to Remove ;jsessionid in a Spring Boot / Web Flow Application's URL when Deployed to Tomcat 8.5

I'm working on a Java application where a user registers a password for his/her account. The following are being used:
Spring Boot
Spring MVC
Spring Web Flow
Spring Security
Interceptor (for checking the session in the preHandle method)
For the Spring Security part, there's really no authentication required. I just use it to handle CSRF and the configuration is as follows:
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true, prePostEnabled = true)
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// CSRF feature only
Now, this is where things get messy. When I deploy it to Tomcat in a Unix environment, ;jsessionid gets appended to the URL and Spring Security is not happy. I have scrounged the Internet and found the following solutions to remove it (alongside my results).
server.servlet.session.tracking-modes=cookie in does nothing.
public class WebConfig implements WebApplicationInitializer {
public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) {
HashSet<SessionTrackingMode> set = new HashSet<>();
yields an IllegalArgumentException: The session tracking mode [COOKIE] requested for context [/<context-name>] is not supported by that context
I'm about to pull what remains of my hair off so I reverted any cookie-related changes and thought of just allowing semicolons in the URL (I know, I know, not secure) using the snippet below in the same SecurityConfig class.
public HttpFirewall allowUrlSemicolonHttpFirewall() {
StrictHttpFirewall firewall = new StrictHttpFirewall();
return firewall;
public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
And voila! The web flow runs on an infinite redirect.
Has anyone ever encountered IllegalArgumentException: The session tracking mode [COOKIE] requested for context [/<context-name>] is not supported by that context before? I've searched far and wide and the closest that I could find is this.
Could the reason behind server.servlet.session.tracking-modes=cookie not working be the same as above?
Could the infinite redirect be caused by http.authorizeRequests().anyRequest().permitAll()? I tried using anonymous() but the result was the same.
Is it possible to know which part exactly is causing the infinite redirect?
Please note that allowing semicolons in the URL is working fine and dandy in my localhost, so I have a hunch that what's causing the redirects is SSL-related. In the same way that locally ;jsessionid is not being appended to the URL.
My next step is to try configuring SSL locally in an attempt to replicate the issue. In the meantime, any help would be highly appreciated. My apologies if there's too much information here; I'm willing to repost it as multiple questions if that's necessary.

How can I test a secured endpoint with Awaitility in Spring boot?

I'm using spring boot and I want to assert an asynchronous side effect by calling a secured endpoint with MockMvc.
I have been using Awaitility, but apparently the mocked security context is lost when executing in a different thread.
I couldn't find a way of passing the context, I tried with SecurityContextHolder.setContext() but it didn't work, I guess spring's MockMvc stores the context in a different way.
#WithMockUser(authorities = "admin", username = "user")
void shouldRunSideEffectAsync() throws Exception {
.untilAsserted(() -> mockMvc.perform(get("/foo")).andExpect(status().isOk()));
The GET would return 404 for a while and then 200 when the async task is completed. However this will always return 403 as the MockUser info is lost.
How can I solve this?
You almost got it. Security for MockMvc is implemented by TestSecurityContextHolderPostProcessor, which uses the TestSecurityContextHolder to set/get the security context. That is just a wrapper around the SecurityContextHolder.
So you can use TestSecurityContextHolder.setContext() in the awaitility thread and it should work.

HTTP Basic Authentication in Spring Web Services Integration Tests

I have a SOAP web service written in Spring Web Services that I would like to integration test.
I would like to use spring-ws-test as the reference documentation points to. So, the test code is similar to the example in the reference, something like that:
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
private MockWebServiceClient mockClient;
public void createClient() {
mockClient = MockWebServiceClient.createClient(applicationContext);
public void customerEndpoint() throws Exception {
Source requestEnvelope = new ResourceSource(new ClassPathResource("request.xml"));
Source responsePayload = new ResourceSource(new ClassPathResource("response.xml"));
However, the endpoint I am testing is using basic authentication and it expects to read values in the Authorization header. It is not using spring-security for that task but it has custom logic that gets the HTTP headers by getting the HttpServletResponse from the TransportContextHolder. So, the request triggers the endpoint but it fails to retrieve the basic authentication base64 token.
The question is, how may I pass HTTP headers in that situation? Is it possible at all? If not what is the preferred alternative?
I have read the javadoc and I cannot find a way to pass the headers. Also, I have found this question which is similar but it doesn't help me much.

spring boot 2 test ignores ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter

I have a oauth2 resource server with the following rules:
.antMatchers("/api/client/create", "/api/client/update", "/api/client/delete/*").hasAnyRole("USER", "ADMIN")
.antMatchers("/api/client/*").hasAnyRole("USER", "ADMIN")
I can verify that the urls are secured by using postman and sending bearer tokens from different users causes authorization access for users you don't have he right roles. So my code works hen running the application. Now I want to write tests for my resource server. I have noticed something weird going on. No matter what I do spring only using the AffirmativeBased decision manager during testing. I can't get spring to test if users have a certain role. This does happen when running the application however during junit testing spring securty isn't matching the roles. My test class has the following annotation:
which should set spring security. I also inject the mockmvc like this:
private MockMvc mockMvc;
I have seen people building their own mockmvc instead of injecting it. For example like this:
Which is the right way? And why wont spring security match the roles during testing?

Authentication of background tasks using Spring Boot and Spring Security

I have a background task (running with Project Reactor, but I don't think it is relevant) that I need to run in with an authenticated user to get through some #PreAuthorize annotated methods.
I'm doing something like this:
Authentication authentication = authenticationManager.authenticate(new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(login, password));
But when I trace into the authenticationManager call, I find that it is using Spring-Boot's default InMemoryUserDetailsService, rather than my custom authentication configuration. This happens regardless of whether I run the authentication in a web request thread, or in the background thread.
I don't know if it is relevant, but I am running this code in an integration test, with these annotations (among others):
In addition to this problem, my test makes an authenticated web request to my server, and that authenticates just fine. So I know at least the web portion of my system is using the correct authenication configuration.
Here is my authentication configuration:
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(jsr250Enabled=true, prePostEnabled=true)
public abstract class BaseSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public LocalUserDetailsService localUserDetailsService;
public void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers( "/admin/**" ).hasRole( "ADMIN" )
It is hard to tell without your test implementatiton but it matters that you are running it in integration test
Maybe you are forgetting to add `FilterChainProxy to your mockMvc
like this mvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(context)
instance of filterChainPrioxy can be #Autowired into your test class, of course this answer may not make sense, depends of your implementation of test class
---after your comment
this line :
assigns security constrains to current thread and does not impact threads running in background, unless your strategy is global and it is not default
