How do I create a client for Azure App Insights? - oracle

I want to log to App Insights from Oracle database code. That is, pl/sql running within the database.
Is there an API guide that I can use to create a logging client? I haven't been able to find anything thus far within the online documentation, only references on how to use existing libraries for .NET, Java, etc.
Thanks so much.


Connecting to Appharbor database from Xamarin Portable

I am new to Xamarin and I recently have an assignment that I need to access to a remote database through Xamarin Portable. I have an Appharbor database, and I heard that WCF will do the job. Any guidance to achieve that?
*It also needs the ability to alter the content of database.
The question is what database you use MSSQL ? At most databases you need something between the database and the App like WCF.
But today mostly used are Web API's for that thing. You can learn more about it here

looking for Parse alternative server

I'm a hobby developer that use as my database and website host, as Facebook is going to shutdown, I'm now looking for alternative Parse server.
I use Parse's Cloud Code Hosting to build Dynamic Web App, and Parse itself to store data collected from the website I've build, with custom Cloud Code to help getting and managing data. I've build a Windows Phone app for myself to manage the data I've collected too.
Is there any alternative server that has my requirement?
Dynamic Website
Database host
Custom Cloud Code (with BeforeSave and AfterSave trigger)
with Windows Phone SDK (or REST API if doesn't have)
Very thank you for helping me!
Try out Hasura.
Hasura ( Hasura is a neat PaaS + BaaS solution. It is now competing with Firebase, Kinvey, Heroku et al. There is a full comparison page here: Compare | Hasura ( . The difference majorly lies in infra ownership as well as no tech lock-in due to open-source components(like docker, kubernetes,postgres) building the major chunk of the platform. Check it out. There is also an option to explore ( Hasura by building your own blog web app and a todo app in under 15 mins.
Hasura should fit in perfectly for your needs.
DISCLAIMER : Hasura Engineer here.
I'm using Simbla website application development. It doesn't support all of your requirments but it has great UI builder with a backend parse database.
You can try using the parse open source server it has cloud code and you can use a custom database with it.

Oracle API: What APIs are used for the oracle iExpense application

I am trying to find out what API's are used for the iExpense application when creating an expense report. I tried looking for these online but no luck. I wish to use these APIs in my mobile application.
Can anyone suggest ways to find out the same
Oracle iExpense is a part of the whole Oracle Application suit of products i.e. an ERP. I don't think you would find an iExpense API anywhere other than on an existing licensed installation of Oracle Apps where iExpense is being used. Even if you find one, you would end up writing your own API with the logics driven off of the base API's in iExpense.

Workflow Foundation 4 Instance Store for Oracle

We are strongly considering using Workflow Foundation 4 in our products, however must support both SQL Server and Oracle. Does anyone know an Oracle Instance Store provider for Workflow Foundation 4?
I know I could use SQL Server Express for it, but some of our customers use Oracle, and don't want to have an SQL Server, even free, to manage.
If you do not mind using a commercial product then DevExpress has a very good solution. 16 database systems are supported along with re hosted designer and custom activities. Read more in this post XAF Workflow persistence storage
An updated devart link on the subject. It works well for me, for the persistance and the tracking participant also.
AFAIK there is no publicly available version of the instance that works with Oracle. I have seen the question a number of times however so I can only encourage someone to publish one of those I suspect have been created privately on CodePlex.
Use this dll. We are using it and works well. Still need to check tracking and load testing.

Is there a way to get data from Oracle to a form stored on SharePoint 2007?

I need the document or form to be automatically updated when the data in the Oracle database is updated. If not possible, could anyone give me guidance to a solution similar to this?
Thanks for the help.
Oracle supports triggers in Java, so you could execute some code when data is changed in the DB. Sharepoint 2007 does support WebServices, so you could create a client which calls the web service to update the form.
But that sounds more simple than it is. The documentation for the web services in Sharepoint ... uh ... could be better. Many installations of Sharepoint insist on domain logins, so you would need to figure out a way to run Oracle with a Windows Domain logon.
In the end, it's probably more simple to create an email when the data changes in Oracle and have someone manually update the form.
That said, you paid a lot of money to Microsoft for Sharepoint, so they are obliged to tell you which API to use and they can probably even provide an example in, say C#. If all else fails, you can run a little server in C# which updates the form and which listens to data packets sent by a Java trigger in Oracle.
[EDIT] [Here is a blog post]2 to get you started with Java, Apache Axis and Sharepoint. Post a comment if you have any updates. LuUnfortunately, I'm no longer working at a company which uses Sharepoint.
