TYPO3 / bootstrap package trouble in update wizard - doctrine

I have a TYPO3 Error in the update wizard.
Seems to say that there is some trouble with the bootstrap package
Call to undefined method Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Mysqli\MysqliStatement::fetchOne()
in ../typo3conf/ext/bootstrap_package/Classes/Updates/AccordionMediaOrientUpdate.php line 99
return (bool) $result->fetchOne();
TYPO3 10.4.32 / bootstrap package 12.4
Some help would be great!

It seems that you are on an older Doctrine version, that does not know the fetchOne() method yet. Try to do a composer update to get the latest matching Doctrine for your TYPO3 installation.


JpGraph on Windows via Composer - Class not found

I've installed PHPSpreadsheet and JpGraph via composer on a Windows machine. I'm using the following code but am getting the error "Class 'Graph' not found". Is there another way I need to be including JpGraph?
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Chart\Renderer\JpGraph;
$graph = new Graph(400,300);
jpgraph/jpgraph package is outdated and abandoned.
Since version 1.25 PHPOffice/PhpSpreadsheet supports mitoteam/jpgraph package which is actual and has php 8.2
After installing both packages by composer you need to setup PhpSpreadsheet to use mitoteam/jpgraph as renderer:
Additional details:

Maatwebsite Excel load function not working

$file = $request->file('excel');
$reader = Excel::load($file->getRealPath())->get();
The following error appears:
Call to undefined method Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel::load()
I am using Maatwebsite 3 in laravel 5.7
The load method has been removed as quoted in the las post, however it has been already implemented in 3.1 version.
Excel::load() is removed and replaced by Excel::import($yourImport)
Checkout this link
Personally, I ended it up using Excel::toColletion($file) though.
^3.0 versions of maatwebsite/excel does not support loads.
Delete the config/excel.php file first .
Downgrade the maatwebsite/excel version by changing your composer.json
"maatwebsite/excel": "^3.1", to "maatwebsite/excel": "~2.1.0"
perform composer update.
And if you get an error "Undefined class constant 'XLSX' in 2.1 version",this is what you have to do .
delete the config/excel.php before downgrading
then perform composer update.
The load method has been removed in version 3.0 (may be re-added in 3.1). Please refer the upgrade guide
ALL Laravel Excel 2.* methods are deprecated and will not be able to
use in 3.0 .
Excel::load() is removed and will not be re-added until 3.1
Excel::create() is removed and replaced by Excel::download/Excel::store($yourExport)
v3.0 provides no convenience methods for styling, you are encouraged to use PhpSpreadsheets native methods.

Trying to update gantry package, get this error

I am following instructions elsewhere to upgrade Joomla from 2.5.x to 2.5.28 in preparation to upgrade to 3.5.
The install, and DB steps went fine. 2 package updates were fine, but when I try to do Gantry to 4.1.33, whether through update or install, it throws this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method JInstallerPackage::getManifest() in /home1/someuser/public_html/joomlatest/tmp/install_599de020ec6ed/install.php on line 75
Any suggestions?

Laravel 4 - Composer could not load package

I am trying to update composer in a Laravel 4 project, but I get this error:
[RuntimeException] Could not load package psy/psysh in
http://packagist.org: [UnexpectedValueException] Could not parse
version constraint ^2.4.2: Invalid version string "^2.4.2"
I haven't used psy/psysh within my project. Why is this returned? How can I solve this and run composer update?
The ^ character in version strings is a relatively new composer feature. Update your version of the package manager and you should be good to go
composer self-update

Laravel BadMethodCallException Call to undefined method [package] when running composer update

I am trying to use this package https://github.com/laracasts/Validation in my Laravel 4.2 project.
This is my composer.json file entry:
"require": {
"laracasts/validation": "~1.0"
Now when I run the composer update command, I get the following error at the end:
"message":"Call to undefined method [package]",
"message":"Call to undefined method [package]",
This is the full output:
C:\wamp\www\project-name>composer update
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Nothing to install or update
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
{"error":{"type":"BadMethodCallException","message":"Call to undefined method [package]","file":"C:\\wamp\\www\\project-name\\vendor\\illuminate\\support\\ServiceProvider.php","line":111}}{"error":{"type":"BadMethodCallException","message":"Call to undefined method [package]","file":"C:\\wamp\\www\\project-name\\vendor\\illuminate\\support\\ServiceProvider.php","line":111}}
Any idea what this is about and how to fix it?
Make sure you use the latest version of composer. Use the self-update command to update composer itself to its newest version.
composer self-update
Are you sure you're using Laravel 4.2 and not Laravel 5?
Laravel 5 is not even in alpha yet, so things can break at any moment.
Currently, laravel 5 packages are completely broken.
