How to implement role based authorization in spring cloud gateway - spring

I am unable to implement spring security with jwt role based authorization in spring cloud gateway. Is it possible or I have to implement spring security in every microservice ?


How to implement role based method level authorization in springboot on an architecture with 4 micro-services, eureka server and API gateway?

I have a springboot application with 4 microservices, eureka server and a centralised API gateway. I have performed authentication using jwt token at api gateway and now i want to implement role based security on methods which are present in microservices other than gateway. I have tried to use #PreAuthorize but its not working out of the gateway. Is there any solution to achieve this type of security ?

How to create simple login in Spring Cloud Data Flow?

Based on the SCDF document, as of Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.0, OAuth2 is the only mechanism for providing authentication and authorization.
However, I want to create the simple login page without using Authentication provider. Could I apply Spring Boot Security following this link to Spring Cloud Data Flow project?
I have also tried the example using UAA and LDAP server here. But I am looking for the more simple way for authorization.

How to integrate Spring Security OAuth2 with Zuul proxy?

First Question :
Spring Security OAuth2 Implemented in a single project having Authorization and Resource Server, getting access token on postman successfully, I already have implemented zuul as a seperate microservice and able to access different different microservice with the same port number. But What I am trying to implement, How will I Make use of Zuul Proxy in context to Spring Security OAuth2 ? How will I integrate Zuul Proxy with Spring Securtity OAuth2 ?
Second Question :
How to create a custom controller in Spring Security OAuth2 ? Please give your valuable suggestions ? Thanks in Advance

Implement Streamlined Identity Flows with Spring Security

I'm trying to implement Google's Streamlined Identity Flows for authenticating users on Actioins on Google with Spring Boot and Spring Security (OAuth).
I already managed to implement Google-SignIn but the server side is missing. I could implement every endpoint myself but as with most security concerns I think that it's better to use tested and proved frameworks or components. Now I'm trying to figure out how to use Spring Security's OAuth authorization server functionality.
How to implement the authorization endpoint that lets users authenticate with their browser and respond an authentication token
How to implement the JWT token endpoint
Is it possible to leverage the possibilities of Spring OAuth for this or do I have to create a custom endpoint with #Controller / #RestController for example.
Are their any tutorials or documentations on how to implement such a service with Spring Security?

How do I handle OAuth2 in back-end microservices and front-end?

I’m developing back-end services and securing it using my custom OAuth server. At front-end I’m planning to support facebook, google and username and password OAuth. How can I implement this using spring boot ?
Spring Boot and OAuth2
This tutorial demonstrates how to create a Spring Boot app that leverages OAuth2 authorization via Facebook and GitHub.
Spring Boot + Spring Security + OAuth2 + Microservices
This tutorial demonstrates how to create a microservices architecture with a Spring Boot stack that separates your concerns into the following apps: UI, Auth, Resource.
