Where to find logs about migrations errors - laravel

Let's suppose we're deploying a Laravel application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
Let's suppose an error occur while migrating the database. By the way, the migrate command is put in .config file in .ebextensions folder like this :
command: "php artisan migrate"
My question is where to find the logs related to the error ? I downloaded all the logs but I don't find anything talking about any error while migrating !

You can get a stack trace of errors by using the vvv flag:
php artisan migrate -vvv
You can also use migrate:status:
php artisan migrate:status

Well I found it. It's on the EC2 instance. The log file is :


I'm trying to run php artisan migrate inn my Dockerfile but it gives this error

i tryed to add mysql server in docker or to run mysql server localy but nothing happendthis the error i got
please make sure your MySQL service has already up and serve
if your MySQL service is on separate container, you can't do php artisan migrate from Dockerfile.

Creating Schema automatically using migration in Laravel

Is it possible to create schemas automatically in the database when xampp is turning on? There is no information about it in the Laravel documentation, documentation says only how to do it manually by writing the command php artisan migrate.
Xampp includes a script called apache_startup.bat in the root directory, you can add the following line to it
c:\xampp\php\php.exe -f /path/to/laravel/app/artisan migrate
Then when the apache server starts, it should run that the equivalent of php artisan migrate to setup the database.
You can do php artisan make:migration [migration-name] - other than that, you have to fill the rest yourself.

Problem with executing laravel migrations on Elastic Beanstalk

I deployed my laravel application using Elastic beanstalk, and I need to execute php artisan:migrate command on the remote database.
Based on Maximilian's tutorial I created init.config file inside .ebextensions with contents:
command: "php artisan migrate"
The status of the deployment is Healthy, but it didn't create any table!
any clues, please?
run php artisan config:cache then run migrate command
As you did not include any relevant logs. I am guessing you need to run your migration within the staging folder.
An example of how you can run migrations:
command: "php artisan migrate --force"
cwd: "/var/app/staging"
leader_only: true
--force is needed cause php artisan migrate asks you if you are sure to run it on a production environment
leader_only is needed if you use horizontal scaling.

Laravel-Php artisan serve url ( vs localhost/laravelproject/public

I want to access my laravel project.I run php artisan serve and access the in browser.
But i learned that I can also check my project using the localhost/laravelproject/public url whithout running php artisan serve.
Question: What is the point of using php artisan serve?
No point in two different methods like you mentioned run laravel by "php artisan serve" and by "project url" followed by localhost. But advantage of "php artisan serve" is you can run you laravel project without putting in htdocs/www directory i.e servers root directory. You can put laravel project anywhere where you want and run through the artisan command.
I found some information you may find interesting:
But in simple words, php artisan serve is an easy way to create a php server and that is what laravel needs to run.
You could do the same with "php -S 8080 (which would start a php web server (single threaded) in the current directory on port 8080)"
Also if you have already a php server running with apache or nginx it would not be necessary any of the commands.
Hope you find this helpful.
The `Serve command is just a shortcut for the PHP Builtin Webserver, something PHP has out of the box, so the point of using it is to start testing your application as fast as you could, you just need to install PHP, Composer and your application is up (if you don't need anything else, of course). But if you already have Nginx installed, there is no point at all, just use it.
It's not wise to use the Builtin Webserver in production.

moving Laravel project between computers

I have been working on a laravel5 project on a computer , but now I want to continue on an other, but don't know how :(
I'm using wampserver and the project is in the "www" folder, this is the error I'm getting when trying to open the project: " Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request"
Your error message is very vague, so it is hard to pinpoint the cause. I assume you just copy pasted all of the project files
Try these steps:
Make sure you copy all of the project files including the hidden ones(.env).
Prepare your destination computer as in http://laravel.com/docs/
Check you have all the necessary PHP extensions available in php.ini as in above link requirements. Also, watch your PHP version!
Install composer https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md
When copied, go to your destination folder and run composer install.
Run php artisan key:generate from the command line.
Run php artisan cache:clear from command line
Make sure your webserver is serving pages from project/public folder.
If laravel is failing, check the log file to see the cause
Copy the project folder and navigate terminal/cmd
just run following commands.
Create database and place the same name at .env file in laravel project folder
1. composer install
2. php artisan key:generate
3. php artisan cache:clear
4. php artisan migrate
UPDATE: If you're getting
Whoops, looks like something went wrong
in app/config/app.php, set debugging as true with:
'debug' => env('APP_DEBUG', true)'
If you're getting the error
No supported encrypter found. The cipher and/or key length are invalid
for some people it worked to do cp .env.example .env before (2).
You would also have to create new storage link, because Laravel uses absolute path inside it.
php artisan storage:link
https://stackoverflow.com/a/32722141/3982831 Please follow this to resolve your problems. All people forget about permissions on folders.
After you have done as Ademord answer, you might need to use refresh to your WAMP, XAMP or any other development stack you are using. I had the same issue plus changes were not reflecting in the front end. For example new routes in the web.php were not updating.
