How to solve the Problem of login with google in laravel - laravel

Recently I am starting laravel socialite for google. It works for but problem in
As my services file callback code:
'google' => [
'client_id' => '',
'client_secret' => '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',
'redirect' => '',
Why I try to login with google redirect to:
but if I change redirect url in service as well as google developer console with "" It works for but problem in
Please help me.
Thank you in advance

=>set your redirect url on your Google Cloud console project go to the Authorised redirect URIs
set this then save check your google with login.


Laravel Socialite Github OAuth Response 401 Bad Credentials

I am working on Laravel 7 and for social login I am using Socialite package.
I am following this article for reference and did exactly the same but I am getting
an unauthorized response with a message - "Bad Credentials". I have also tried resetting the secret key.
This is my Github settings
Thanks for the response.
Aside from making sure that your client_id and client_secret are set correctly, you also need to ensure that your redirect value in your config/services.php:
'github' => [
'client_id' => env('GITHUB_CLIENT_ID'),
'client_secret' => env('GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET'),
'redirect' => 'http://yourapp.test/login/github/callback'
Is identical to what you set under your Github app:

Laravel combine Passport authentication and normal authentication

How do I combine Passport authentication and normal laravel authentication?
I want the user to be logged in on pages of web-middleware and api-middleware. The login route is in api-middleware. Currently I have set up Passport authentication and it works fine for all api-middleware routes. How to make the user logged in in web-middleware as well?
Edit #1
What Im doing:
Login code
$http = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
try {
$response = $http->post(config('services.passport.login_endpoint'), [
'form_params' => [
'grant_type' => 'password',
'client_id' => config('services.passport.client_id'),
'client_secret' => config('services.passport.client_secret'),
'username' => $args['email'],
'password' => $args['password']
$user = User::where('email', $args['email'])->first();
return [
"token" => $response->getBody()->getContents(),
"user" => $user
} // ...
Somewhere in some web-middleware route
return auth()->check() ? "logged in" : "not logged in";
returns "not logged in"
Ideally you shouldn't, as passport auth is for a separate app communicating to the API and laravel preshipped auth is for MVC, they are separate user sessions.
But assuming you know what you are doing, either call Auth::login($user); on user login via API, or generate the passport token when the user login through web middleware auth, whichever login happens first...
Remember Auth::login($user); creates a user session and sets cookies to refer to that session... So you create for yourself a new problem were on logout, there are two places to logout from... as technically the user is logged in twice, with passport token and with a cookie referring to his session...
Actually I'm in a situation like you were. I have searched a lot about it. I always needed web authentication because of nature of my projects but in addition I started to develop projects with api backend soo late in comparing with web development world.
I'm a bit lazy so I generally use Laravel Passport and without working always out of the box, it does the job so in my opinion if you want just the functionality of access tokens for api security, put your user login authentication on web side and just authenticate the api endpoints with auth:api middleware in your api.php file.
I know that that's not the best practice but since it sounds that you are not developing a pure Laravel SPA then you can follow the route for Laravel Multipage application with Vue powered.
But believe me best way is to use either web authentication or api authentication not together then as the above answer says, you will have two authentication working at the same time which does not sound ok.
At the end, when you want to get the authenticated user on blade templates you will use
but on the other hand in api controllers you should use
which is nice to have but dangerouse to use.
If you need to log an existing user instance into your application, you may call the login method with the user instance.
You can also use the guard() method:
See the documentation here for more information:

Socialite Google redirect_uri_mismatch

I am trying to login with google using socialite , my facebook login works fine so the problem in my google app, any help!!!
'google' => [
'client_id' => 'app-key',
'client_secret' => 'app-secret',
'redirect' => '',
Also one more point to remember that Socialite also gives uri_mismatch_error even when your redirects are correctly defined in google console but you dynamically changed the redirectUrl through
return Socialite::with('google')->redirectUrl($redirect_url)->redirect();
So plz take care that you should also need to define while receiving the response
where $redirect_url is your custom redirect url.
After google redirects you to correct place, but even then Socialite checks it at its end.
I found this link
From this tutorial:
Occasionally it happens that google require some time to apply client configuration If you get an error message redirect_uri_missmatch wait couple of minutes and it should work normally.
Also change the redirect uri by:
'google' => [
'client_id' => 'app-key',
'client_secret' => 'app-secret',
'redirect' => '',
If your app is provided by https you must match your http scheme on google api and on your redirect callback.
The problem is in the default url, you must change it on two occasions: before the redirect and before getting the user data.
Do not do this:
return Socialite::driver('google')->redirectUrl($yourredirecturl)->redirect();
Do it:
config()->set('', $yourredirecturl);
return Socialite::driver('google')->redirect();
And when accessing user data, do this:
config()->set('', $yourredirecturl);
$user = Socialite::driver('google')->user();

Vue.js + Laravel SPA - Socialite stateless Facebook Login

First to say that I already implement session based facebook login with laravel socialite and I registered proper facebook acc for developers and create app, but because of SPA I need to change to stateless solution...
The redirect throws "Response for preflight is invalid (redirect)" and check the following config, images and code...
My vue.js app works on localhost:8080 and backend laravel app on localhost:8000
I installed barryvdh/laravel-cors an
d implement standard login with JWTToken
I already install laravel socialite
So, I setup config/services with proper credentials already
'facebook' => [
'client_id' => 'xxxxxxxx',
'client_secret' => 'xxxxxxxxx',
'redirect' => 'http://localhost:8000/login/facebook/callback',
I also register a good routes and I tested them 1000 times...
And when a GET send request it cannot be redirected on fb because of Response for preflight is invalid (redirect):
public function redirectToFacebookProvider()
return Socialite::driver('facebook')->stateless()->redirect(); // this throws error !!!
the error which I get in console is like on picture
It should open to me a popup to login on facebook ?
Why I have trouble with this redirect ?
Any help ?

I cannot get a response from uber auth

I am trying to integrate Uber with my web app following their oauth guides. I currently have a redirect from my website to my server, where I make a request to and get a 302. However, I am not ever getting a response back from uber with the access_token and refresh_token.
I have a server running at and a front-end at I am currently sending a request to with payload of
'client_secret' => UBER_CLIENT_SECRET,
'client_id' => UBER_CLIENT_ID,
'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
'redirect_uri' => ``,
'code' => [the auth code]
} never gets a response from uber with the auth token and refresh token, however. Any help is much appreciated!
First you should double check if you set the correct redirect url in the dashboard.
Second your request to '' seems to contain invalid payload. Please follow the steps of the authentication guide. Briefly, you need to:
Send user to authorize url
Receive the redirect with a authorization code
make a POST call to:
Store access and refresh token for future use
