Extend filename with word from file - - bash

I can change the filename for a file to the first word in the file.
for fname in lrccas1
cp $fname $(head -1 -q $fname|awk '{print $1}')
But I would like to extend it inset.
for fname in lrccas1
cp $fname $(head -1 -q $fname|awk '{print $1 FILENAME}')
I have tried different variations of this, but none seem to work.
Is there an easy solution?
Kind regards Svend

Firstly, let understand why you did not get desired result
head -1 -q $fname|awk '{print $1 FILENAME}'
You are redirecting standard output of head command to awk command, that is awk is reading standard input and therefore FILENAME is set to empty string. Asking GNU AWK about FILENAME when it does consume standard input does not make much sense, as only data does through pipe and there might not such things as input file at all, e.g.
seq 10 | awk '{print $1*10}'
Secondly, let find way to get desired result, you have access to filename and successfully extracted word, therefore you might concat them that is
for fname in lrccas1
cp $fname "$(head -1 -q $fname|awk '{print $1}')$fname"
Thirdly, I must warn you that your command does copy (cp) rather than rename file (rm) and does not care if target name does exist or not - if it do, it will be overwritten.

You can do it in pure bash (or sh)
for fname in lrccas1
read -r word rest < "$fname" && cp "$fname" "$word$fname"

This would do what your shell script appears to be trying to do:
awk 'FNR==1{close(out); out=$1 FILENAME} {print > out}' lrccas1
but you might want to consider something like this instead:
awk 'FNR==1{close(out); out=$1 FILENAME "_new"} {print > out}' *.txt
so your newly created files don't overwrite your existing ones and then to also remove the originals would be:
awk 'FNR==1{close(out); out=$1 FILENAME "_new"} {print > out}' *.txt &&
rm -f *.txt
That assumes your original files have some suffix like .txt or other way of identifying the original files, or you have all of your original files into some directory such as $HOME/old and can put the new files in a new directory such as $HOME/new:
cd "$HOME/old" &&
mkdir -p "$HOME/new" &&
awk -v newDir="$HOME/new" 'FNR==1{close(out); out=newDir "/" $1 FILENAME} {print > out}' * &&
echo rm -f *
remove the echo when done testing and happy with the result.

try to execute this: (bash)
for fname in file_name
cp $fname "$(head -1 -q $fname|awk '{print $1}')$fname"


Extract a line from a text file using grep?

I have a textfile called log.txt, and it logs the file name and the path it was gotten from. so something like this
basically the file name and its previous location. I want to use grep to grab the file directory save it as a variable and move the file back to its original location.
for var in "$#"
if grep "$var" log.txt
# code if found
# code if not found
this just prints out to the console the 2.txt and its directory since the directory has 2.txt in it.
Maybe flip the logic to make it more efficient?
while read prev
do case "$prev" in
*/*) f="${prev##*/}"; continue;; # remember the name
*) [[ -e "$f" ]] && mv "$f" "$prev";;
done < log.txt
That walks through all the files in the log and if they exist locally, move them back. Should be functionally the same without a grep per file.
If the name is always the same then why save it in the log at all?
If it is, then
while read prev
do f="${prev##*/}" # strip the path info
[[ -e "$f" ]] && mv "$f" "$prev"
done < <( grep / log.txt )
Having the file names on the same line would significantly simplify your script. But maybe try something like
# Convert from command-line arguments to lines
printf '%s\n' "$#" |
# Pair up with entries in file
awk 'NR==FNR { f[$0]; next }
FNR%2 { if ($0 in f) p=$0; else p=""; next }
p { print "mv \"" p "\" \"" $0 "\"" }' - log.txt |
Test it by replacing sh with cat and see what you get. If it looks correct, switch back.
Briefly, something similar could perhaps be pulled off with printf '%s\n' "$#" | grep -A 1 -Fxf - log.txt but you end up having to parse the output to pair up the output lines anyway.
Another solution:
for f in `grep -v "/" log.txt`; do
grep "/$f" log.txt | xargs -I{} cp $f {}
grep -q (for "quiet") stops the output

Append wc lines to filename

Title says it all. I've managed to get just the lines with this:
lines=$(wc file.txt | awk {'print $1'});
But I could use an assist appending this to the filename. Bonus points for showing me how to loop this over all the .txt files in the current directory.
find -name '*.txt' -execdir bash -c \
'mv -v "$0" "${0%.txt}_$(wc -l < "$0").txt"' {} \;
the bash command is executed for each (\;) matched file;
{} is replaced by the currently processed filename and passed as the first argument ($0) to the script;
${0%.txt} deletes shortest match of .txt from back of the string (see the official Bash-scripting guide);
wc -l < "$0" prints only the number of lines in the file (see answers to this question, for example)
Sample output:
'./file-a.txt' -> 'file-a_5.txt'
'./file with spaces.txt' -> 'file with spaces_8.txt'
You could use the rename command, which is actually a Perl script, as follows:
rename --dry-run 'my $fn=$_; open my $fh,"<$_"; while(<$fh>){}; $_=$fn; s/.txt$/-$..txt/' *txt
Sample Output
'tight_layout1.txt' would be renamed to 'tight_layout1-519.txt'
'tight_layout2.txt' would be renamed to 'tight_layout2-1122.txt'
'tight_layout3.txt' would be renamed to 'tight_layout3-921.txt'
'tight_layout4.txt' would be renamed to 'tight_layout4-1122.txt'
If you like what it says, remove the --dry-run and run again.
The script counts the lines in the file without using any external processes and then renames them as you ask, also without using any external processes, so it quite efficient.
Or, if you are happy to invoke an external process to count the lines, and avoid the Perl method above:
rename --dry-run 's/\.txt$/-`grep -ch "^" "$_"` . ".txt"/e' *txt
Use rename command
for file in *.txt; do
lines=$(wc ${file} | awk {'print $1'});
rename s/$/${lines}/ ${file}
files=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.txt' -printf '%f\n')
for file in $files; do
lines=$(wc $file | awk {'print $1'});
mv "$file" "${filename}${lines}.${extension}"
You can adjust maxdepth accordingly.
you can do like this as well:
for file in "path_to_file"/'your_filename_pattern'
lines=$(wc $file | awk {'print $1'})
mv $file $file'_'$lines
for file in /oradata/SCRIPTS_EL/text*
lines=$(wc $file | awk {'print $1'})
mv $file $file'_'$lines
This would work, but there are definitely more elegant ways.
for i in *.txt; do
mv "$i" ${i/.txt/}_$(wc $i | awk {'print $1'})_.txt;
Result would put the line numbers nicely before the .txt.
You could use grep -c '^' to get the number of lines, instead of wc and awk:
for file in *.txt; do
[[ ! -f $file ]] && continue # skip over entries that are not regular files
# move file.txt to file.txt.N where N is the number of lines in file
# this naming convention has the advantage that if we run the loop again,
# we will not reprocess the files which were processed earlier
mv "$file" "$file".$(grep -c '^' "$file")
{ linecount[FILENAME] = FNR }
linecount[FILENAME] = FNR
for (file in linecount) {
newname = gensub(/\.[^\.]*$/, "-"linecount[file]"&", 1, file)
q = "'"; qq = "'\"'\"'"; gsub(q, qq, newname)
print "mv -i -v '" gensub(q, qq, "g", file) "' '" newname "'"
Save the above awk script in a file, say wcmv.awk, the run it like:
awk -f wcmv.awk *.txt
It will list the commands that need to be run to rename the files in the required way (except that it will ignore empty files). To actually execute them you can pipe the output to a shell for execution as follows.
awk -f wcmv.awk *.txt | sh
Like it goes with all irreversible batch operations, be careful and execute commands only if they look okay.
awk '
BEGIN{ for ( i=1;i<ARGC;i++ ) Files[ARGV[i]]=0 }
END{for (file in Files) {
# if( file !~ "_" Files[file] ".txt$") {
fileF=file;gsub( /\047/, "\047\"\047\"\047", fileF)
fileT=fileF;sub( /.txt$/, "_" Files[file] ".txt", fileT)
system( sprintf( "mv \047%s\047 \047%s\047", fileF, fileT))
# }
}' *.txt
Another way with awk to manage easier a second loop by allowing more control on name (like avoiding one having already the count inside from previous cycle)
Due to good remark of #gniourf_gniourf:
file name with space inside are possible
tiny code is now heavy for such a small task

Awk read and write to a set of files using for loop

I am reading and trying to append the changes to a set of files, but it is not working as expected. The output is printing perfectly but not appending in the set of files.
cat file
for i in `cat file`;do
awk '/\[groups/{a=1;print;next} /^\[/{a=0}a && /=/{$0=$0",raspberry"}7' $i;
done > $i.tmp && mv $i.tmp $i
kindly help.
Assuming when you say append the changes you really mean apply the changes, this is how you'd do it with a loop and any awk:
while IFS= read -r i; do
awk '/\[groups/{a=1;print;next} /^\[/{a=0}a && /=/{$0=$0",raspberry"}7' "$i" > "$i.tmp" &&
mv "$i.tmp" "$i"
done < file
but your awk command could be clearer and simpler, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/41811423/1745001, and if you have GNU awk and GNU xargs you don't need the loop or tmp files:
xargs -d $'\n' < file awk -i inplace '/\[/{f=/groups/} f{if (NF) $0=$0",raspberry"} 1'

Renaming files using their content

I have several files which all start with this line:
I want to be able to pull the name of the procedure and use it to the rename the file. There is content to each file below this first line.
Has anyone done something like this before?
Assuming you have all files in one directory :
for i in *.extension :
# Assuming 3rd column of the first line is the new name of the file
# And **CHANGING_NAME** doesn't contain any space or meta characters
newname=$(awk 'NR==1 && /PROCEDURE/ {print $3}' "$i")
if [ "$newname" == "" ]; then
echo "There is no PROCEDURE in the first line";
echo "No new name for file $i";
mv "$i" "$newname"
With a lot of care and pretending that the **CHANGING_NAME** is well-formed:
for file in *.files; do mv -i -- "$file" "$(awk '{print $3; exit}' $file)" ; done
The -i option is to prevent accidental overriding existing files.
This version works with spaces (and many other strange characters except for /):
for file in *.files; do mv -i -- "$file" "$(sed -n '1s/^CREATE\ PROCEDURE\ \(.*\)$/\1/p' $file)"; done
Since I was never great with awk I might suggest:
#! /bin/bash
for i in *.extension
do echo $i
newname=$(head -1 "${i}" | cut -d ' ' -f2)
mv -i "${i}" "${newname}"
This assumes all files you're looking for have the same extension. If not, and you need the extension, you could use:
#! /bin/bash
for i in *
do echo $i
newname=$(head -1 "${i}" | cut -d ' ' -f2)
mv -i "${i}" "${newname}"."${ext}"
Both assume all the files are in a single directory.
You can try the next:
perl -lanE 'if($.==1&&/PROCEDURE/){close ARGV;say "$ARGV,$F[2]"}' files*
and if satisfied, change it to
perl -lanE 'if($.==1&&/PROCEDURE/){close ARGV;rename $ARGV,$F[2]}' files*
mv myfile `sed '1 s/.*PROCEDURE\s*//' myfile`
(the sed command will delete the text to the left of the word proceeding PROCEDURE regardless of how many spaces on only the first line and print it out the backticks make it execute in place so it is used as the filename to the mv command)
to move them all and add an extension .ext:
ls *.ext | xargs -I {} mv {} `sed '1 s/.*PROCEDURE\s*//' {}`.ext

Bash script read specifc value from files of an entire folder

I have a problem creating a script that reads specific value from all the files of an entire folder
I have a number of email files in a directory and I need to extract from each file, 2 specific values.
After that I have to put them into a new file that looks like that:
To: value1
This is what I want to do, but I don't know how to create the script:
# I am putting the name of the files into a temp file
`ls -l | awk '{print $9 }' >tmpfile`
# use for the name of a file
`date=`date +"%T"
# The first specific value from file (phone number)
var1=`cat tmpfile | grep "To: 0" | awk '{print $2 }' | cut -b -10 `
# The second specific value from file(subject)
var2=cat file | grep Subject | awk '{print $2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10 }'
# Put the first value in a new file on the first row
echo "To: 4"$var1"" > sms-$date
# Put the second value in the same file on the second row
echo ""$var2"" >>sms-$date
and do the same for every file in the directory
I tried using while and for functions but I couldn't finalize the script
Thank You
I've made a few changes to your script, hopefully they will be useful to you:
for file in *; do
var1=$(awk '/To: 0/ {print substr($2,0,10)}' "$file")
var2=$(awk '/Subject/ {for (i=2; i<=10; ++i) s=s$i; print s}' "$file")
outfile="sms-"$(date +"%T")
while [ -f "$outfile" ]; do outfile="sms-$date-"$((i++)); done
echo "To: 4$var1" > "$outfile"
echo "$var2" >> "$outfile"
The for loop just goes through every file in the folder that you run the script from.
I have added added an additional suffix $i to the end of the file name. If no file with the same date already exists, then the file will be created without the suffix. Otherwise the value of $i will keep increasing until there is no file with the same name.
I'm using $( ) rather than backticks, this is just a personal preference but it can be clearer in my opinion, especially when there are other quotes about.
There's not usually any need to pipe the output of grep to awk. You can do the search in awk using the / / syntax.
I have removed the cut -b -10 and replaced it with substr($2, 0, 10), which prints the first 10 characters from column 2.
It's not much shorter but I used a loop rather than the $2$3..., I think it looks a bit neater.
There's no need for all the extra " in the two output lines.
I sugest to try the following:
RESULT_FILE=sms-`date +"%T"`
fgrep -l 'To: 0' "$DIR" | while read FILE; do
var1=`fgrep 'To: 0' "$FILE" | awk '{print $2 }' | cut -b -10`
var2=`fgrep 'Subject' "$FILE" | awk '{print $2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10 }'`
echo "To: 4$var1" >>"$RESULT_FIL"
echo "$var2" >>"$RESULT_FIL"
