How to get just the text from RIch Text JSON? In Contentful? - rich-text-editor

I'm using contentful. Authors are using a rich text editor for this portion. For my purpose, i just want to be able to take out the text from the rich text editor (but still use the same JSON for other things, so i don't want to get rid of it either), how do i do so?
Currently, the JSON looks like this. What is the most effective way to just get "This text is important".
All i've gotten is to do something similar to the below, but it is inefficient and wordy especially when a post gets really big and complicated.
content[0].content[0].map((content) => content.value)
"nodeType": "document",
"data": {},
"content": [
"nodeType": "paragraph", // Can be paragraphs, images, lists, embedded entries
"data": {},
"content": [
"nodeType": "text",
"value": "This text is ",
"data": {},
"marks": []
"nodeType": "text",
"value": "important",
"data": {},
"marks": [
"type": "bold" // Can be bold, underline, italicss

The best approach is to use Contentful's provided rich-text-plain-text-renderer package.
If you want to implement it yourself, the source code is well documented and basically a recursive function calling itself until it reaches all the document leafs.


How to display text coming from property with special character - adaptive cards

I am trying to create an adaptive card for an elastic alert. The payload I receive for the card kind of looks like the following json:
"hits": {
"max_score": null,
"hits": [
"fields": {
"some log message"
"": [
"node name"
"log.#l": [
I, however, have some problems getting the fields into a TextBlock because of the dot notation or the .# in the fields names. If I remove them (only possible in the adaptive card designer with the sample data editor) I can display the data just fine. It is not possible to change the property names since this is an Elastic thing.
I tried a lot of possibilities for the text field.
through the UI editor
using [] brackets
using single quotes
combinations of the above...
"type": "Container",
"items": [
"$when": "${$index < 2}",
"type": "TextBlock",
"text": "${log.m}",
"$data": "${fields}"
"$data": "${$root.hits.hits}"
Does anyone have an idea how I could go about displaying the fields in a textblock?

Is there a way to use variables within URLs of slack workflows actions?

I'm setting up a workflow that takes in a text variable I'd like to use in a later link.
For example, I ask for "Api Name", and then want to send a message that both references the api name as well as constructs a url (e.g."Api Name")
The problem I encounter is the links come up in plaintext if I just try to include that url as plaintext example as above. If I use the editor to try and add a link, the variable is not available.
My next thought was to try and edit the workflow json to supply some markdown in there, but it looks like the richtext is constructed from a series of elements.
A link looks like this:
"type": "link",
"url": "",
"text": "(Link)"
And a token looks like this:
"type": "workflowtoken",
"id": "<some uuid>==user",
"property": "",
"data_type": "user",
"style": null
If I merely make the link plaintext and try to append the variable after the prefix I get something like this:
"type": "text",
"text": "",
"style": {
"unlink": true
"type": "workflowtoken",
"id": "<uuid>==text",
"property": "",
"data_type": "text",
"style": null
So maybe if we knew all the values "type" could be that would help?
Not sure where to go from here. Anyone have any suggestions?
Here is an answer from Slack Support Service:
We don't yet support Workflow variables outputted in links, I'm
This is feedback we hear quite a bit so hopefully it's the something
the team will consider implementing in the future.

How to patch property of list in nested object with condition for restful api

How should i design a Restful API for PATCH operation that support update some property in the a list with condition?
say i have following json model:
"key1": "value",
"key2": "value",
"list": [
"property": "someValue",
"toBePatched": "value"
"property": "otherValue",
"toBePatched": "value"
I need to patch the "toBePatched" property in the list when the "property" equals to "someValue". By looking at the json patch here, i think it is a good way to go, but i dont think the json pointer supports the query? how should i define a path that supports "/list/property=someValue/toBePatch"?
One stupid way to do it is to pass it as query parameter to the api, and have some logic around it, but i dont think thats a standard way to do it.
{ "op": "test", "path": "/list/0/property", "value": "someValue"},
{ "op": "test", "path": "/list/0/toBePatched", "value": "value"},
{ "op": "replace", "path": "/list/0/toBePatched", "value": "the-new-value"}
test is important, it lets you verify that the server hasn't change the part of the document that you are intending to change. See section 5 on Error Handling for details.

Filter by languages in 2nd and 4th level keys of a couchdb document

Given the following document in CouchDB....
"_id": "002bafd55b353692a7ab2968074310cc2cbff258",
"_rev": "1-bc853056ac61d817ae3c4ecb4f81322b",
"names": [
{ "locale": "en", "value": "Example" },
{ "locale": "de", "value": "Beispiel" },
{ "locale": "fr", "value": "Exemple" }
"details": [
{ "locale": "en", "value": "An Example is here" },
{ "locale": "de", "value": "Ein Beispiel ist heir" }
{ "locale": "en", "value": "Un exemple est ici" }
} can I write a view that will allow me to return a partial document with
the undesired languages filtered out?
curl ..snip.. '_design/locale_filter/?locale=en,de,fr,it'
curl ..snip.. '_design/locale_filter/?locale=en,fr'
curl ..snip.. '_design/locale_filter/?locale=en'
Should return something looking like this:
"_id": "002bafd55b353692a7ab2968074310cc2cbff258",
"_rev": "1-bc853056ac61d817ae3c4ecb4f81322b",
"names": [
{ "locale": "en", "value": "Example" },
"details": [
{ "locale": "en", "value": "An Example is here" },
There's also a sub-case, where the documents have a further deeper structure,
which repeats the names and details structure, these would also be
filtered in an ideal world:
"_id": "002bafd55b353692a7ab2968074310cc2cbff258",
"_rev": "1-bc853056ac61d817ae3c4ecb4f81322b",
"names": [ ... snip ... ],
"details": [ ... snip ... ]
"deeper": {
"names": [
{ "locale": "en", "value": "Sub-Example" },
"details": [
{ "locale": "en", "value": "The Sub-Example is here" },
I also note that this might not be a view, but rather a show, from the
documentation couchdb says that a show is for transforming documents into any
The final query from a beginner is whether there's some way to make it easier
to work on couchdb views and design docs, right now I'm experimenting with
erica which feels like overkill as I'm
pretty sure I don't want a couch app, I just want to easily maintain my views
in files on the disk, and sync them with the couch database whenever I've made
significant enough changes.
I was able to implement this using a show function, I implemented two show functions, one for convenience:
(doc, req) ->
all_locales = []
for name in doc.names
all_locales.push name.locale
(I also implemented it on details, and remove duplicate locales in my real code)
This allows me to do the following:
GET /_design/dbname/_show/list_locales/c0db9ad..snip..
and returns ["en", "de", "fr"], for example - whatever locales the language happens to have.
I can then follow up with the function to retrieve the filtered document:
(doc, req) ->
locales = req.query.locales.split(",")
doc.names = doc.names.filter (name) ->
locales.indexOf(name.locale) > -1
doc.overviews = doc.details.filter (overview) ->
locales.indexOf(overview.locale) > -1
return toJSON(doc) + "\n"
The usage pattern for this is:
GET /_design/dbname/_show/restrict_locales/c0db9ad..snip..?locales=en,fr
GET /_design/dbname/_show/restrict_locales/c0db9ad..snip..?locales=fr
GET /_design/dbname/_show/restrict_locales/c0db9ad..snip..?locales=en,fr,de,it,hu,zh
It works quite remarkably well, and was much faster than I expected. I believe the show function results are aggressively cached by CouchDB.

Edit parsed JSON

I have a JSON file contact.txt that has been parsed into an object called JSONObj that is structured like this:
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"address": {
"streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY",
"postalCode": "10021"
"phoneNumbers": [
{ "type": "home", "number": "212 555-1234" },
{ "type": "fax", "number": "646 555-4567" }
"firstName": "Mike",
"lastName": "Jackson",
"address": {
"streetAddress": "21 Barnes Street",
"city": "Abeokuta",
"state": "Ogun",
"postalCode": "10122"
"phoneNumbers": [
{ "type": "home", "number": "101 444-0123" },
{ "type": "fax", "number": "757 666-5678" }
I envision editing the file/object by taking in data from a form so as to add more contacts. How can I do this?
The following method for adding a new contact to the JSONObj's array doesn't seem to be working, what's the problem?:
var newContact = {
"firstName": "Jaseph",
"lastName": "Lamb",
"address": {
"streetAddress": "25 2nd Street",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY",
"postalCode": "13021"
"phoneNumbers": [
{ "type": "home", "number": "312 545-1234" },
{ "type": "fax", "number": "626 554-4567" }
var z = contact.JSONObj.length;
It depends on what technology you're using. The basic process is to read the file in, convert it to whatever native datatypes (hash, dict, list, etc.) using a JSON parsing library, modify or add data to the native object, then convert it back to JSON and store it to the file.
In Python, using the simplejson library it would look like this:
import simplejson
jsonobj = simplejson.loads(open('contact.txt'))
#python's dict syntax looks almost like JSON
'firstName': 'Steve',
'lastName': 'K.',
'address': {
'streetAddress': '123 Testing',
'city': 'Test',
'state': 'MI',
'postalCode': '12345'
'phoneNumbers': [
{ 'type': 'home', 'number': '248 555-1234' }
simplejson.dump(jsonobj, open('contact.txt', 'w'), indent=True)
The data in this example is hardcoded strings, but it could come from another file or a web application request / form data, etc. If you're doing this in a web app though I would advise against reading and writing to the same file (in case two requests come in at the same time).
Please provide more information if this doesn't answer your question.
In response to "isn't there way to do this using standard javascript?":
To parse a JSON string in Javascript you can either eval it (not safe) or use a JSON parser like this one's JSON.parse. Once you have the converted JSON object you can perform whatever modifications you want to it in standard JS. You can then use that same library to convert a JS object to a JSON string (JSON.stringify). Javascript does not allow file access (unless you're doing serverside JS), so that would prevent you from reading & writing to your contact.txt file directly. You'd have to use a serverside language (like Python, Java, etc.) to read and write the file.
Once you have read in the JSON, you just have an associative array - or rather you have a pseudo-associative array, since this is Javascript. Either way, you can treat the thing as one big list of dictionaries. You can access it by key and index.
So, to play with this object:
var firstPerson = JSONObj[0];
var secondPerson = JSONObj[1];
var name = firstPerson['firstName'] + ' ' + firstPerson['lastName'];
Since you will usually have more than two people, you probably just want to loop through each dictionary in your list and do something:
for(var person in jsonList) {
If you want to edit the JSON and save it back to a file, then read it into memory, edit the list of dictionaries, and rewrite back to the file.
Your JSON library will have a function for turning JSON into a string, just as it turns a string into JSON.
p.s. I suggest you observe JavaScript conventions and use camelcase for your variable names, unless you have some other customs at your place of employment.
