Crystal - Compare Strings that do not fully match - crystal-reports-2008

I am having some trouble with a query in Crystal 2008. I have two tables with columns that are loosely related, both contain addresses. One table column is just a street name while the other is a street name plus some additional info. I want to find all records where these have the same street name and only show those. Example below:
123 St
123 St, ABC City
123 St
345 St, ABC City
I have tried using a formula such as below
if({AddressB} startswith {Address}) then {AddressB} else 'ERROR'
I have also tried this with LIKE and as well as * wildcards. Nothing seems to work. I will admit I am pretty amateur-ish with SQL and crystal so formulas are a new frontier for me writing reports. Also I should note that tables are linked appropriately with inner joins.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

This should work. Perhaps your {Address} column is padded with spaces, so try:
IF ({AddressB} startswith Trim({Address})) THEN {AddressB} ELSE 'ERROR'

Test the effect of replacing the reference to the column name with the static text value that you "think" is in that column.
If you get a different behavior, what you think is in that column is not what is actually in that column. For example, the column might contain non-printable characters. You can get rid of those using the Replace function.
If you don't get a different behavior, then show us the expression with the static text values. That would allow us to replicate the behavior and understand the situation.
Note: the problem might be in your table join logic. If you have no join condition, then all records in TableA would join to all the records in TableB. In that case, you need to place the fields in the detail section to get a proper sense of what is being compared to what. Or rethink your join logic. Perhaps you should move one table to a subreport, or a SQL Expression instead of trying to include both tables in the main report.


Power Query - conditional replace/clear entire cell in multiple columns

I'm trying to clear the entire cell if it doesn't contain a given keyword.
I've managed to do this for one column:
Table.ReplaceValue(#"PrevStep",each [#"My Column"], each if Text.PositionOf([#"My Column"],"keyword")>-1 then [#"My Column"] else null,Replacer.ReplaceValue,{"My Column"})
The problem is I need to iterate/repeat that step for a number of columns... the number of columns may vary and column names also may be different every time. I can have all those column names put into a list but I'm not able to use it.
The solution I'm looking for may look like this
for each ColNam in MyColumnsList
Table.ReplaceValue(#"PrevStep",each [#"ColNam"], each if Text.PositionOf([#"ColNam"],"keyword")>-1 then [#"ColNam"] else null,Replacer.ReplaceValue,MyColumnsList)
but this is not the VBA code but Power Query M - and of course the problem is with #PrevStep as I would see it like a recursions... again... do not know how to process.
Is the path I follow correct or should it be done some other way
Unpivot your columns to turn all the columns into two columns. Apply your replacement to the single value column then pivot it back into the original format

How to select a table column by column header name using XPath

How can I select a table column by column header name with XPath?
My attempt is:
This is not working.
It always selects the first column no matter what value I provide for $columnName.
There is barely any information in this post, but my educated guess would be that
is always equal to 1 because you use $columnName in quotes - which makes it a string, not a variable.
If this is indeed the problem, using
would solve it. If it doesn't, you really need to give more information - show the whole input document, indicate the programming language, show all of that code.

a bit of a string matching conundrum in excel-vba

i'm writing a program at work for a categorizing issue.
i get data in the form of CODE, DESCRIPTION, SUB-TOTAL for example:
Now it all generally follows something like this...the problem is my company supplies numerous different bars. So there are like 800 records a month with data like this. My boss wants to breakdown the data so she knows how much we spend on a certain category each month. For example:
What I've thought of is I setup a sort of "data-base" which is really a csv text file that contains entries like this:
I've already written code that imports the database as a worksheet and separates each field into its own column. I want excel to look through the file and when it sees LIQ and COGNAC to assign it the ALCOHOL designator. That way I can use a pivot table to get the category sums. For example I want the final product to look like this:
Does anyone have any suggestions? My worry is that a single point expression match to JUST the code i.e. just to LIQ without a match to COGNAC as well would maybe result in problems later when there are conflicting descriptions? I'd also like the user to be able to add ledger entries so that the database of recognized terms grows and becomes more expansive and hopefully more accurate.
as per #Marc 's request i'm including my solution:
code file
please note that this is a pretty dumb-ed down solution. i removed a bunch of the fail-safes and other bits of code that were relevant to a robust code but not to our particular solution.
in order to get this to work there are two parts:
the first is the macro source code
the second is the actual file
because all the fail-safes are removed, the file needs to be imported to excel exactly the way it appears. i.e. Sheet1 on the googleDoc should be Sheet1 on the excel, start pasting data at cell "A1". before the macro is run, be sure to select cell "A1" in Sheet1. as i said, there are implementations in the finished product to make it more user friendly! enjoy!
These links suck. They don't paste well into excel.
If your comfortable with it I can email you the actual workbook. Which would help in preserving the formatting etc.
Use a lookup table in a separate sheet. Column A of the lookup sheet contains the lookup value (e.g. PRETZELS), Column B contains the category (FOOD, ALCOHOL, etc). In the cells where you want the category to show up in your original sheet (let's use D3 for the result where B3 holds the "PRETZELS" value), type this formula:
That assumes that your lookup table is in range A1:B500 of a worksheet named "OtherSheet".
This formula tells Excel to find the lookup value (B3) in column A of your lookup and return the corresponding value from column B of your lookup table. Absolute references (the $) ensure that your formula won't increment cell references when you copy/paste the formula in other cells.
When you get new categories and/or inventory, you can update your lookup table in this one place by just adding new rows to it.

VB6 and data-bound MSHFlexGrid, moving and populating columns

I'm working on a VB6 program that connects to a SQL Server 2008 R2 database. In the past I have always used the MSFlexGrid control and populated it manually. Now, however, the guy who is paying me for this wants me to use data-bound grids instead, which forces me to use the MSHFlexGrid control because I'm using ADO and not DAO. So, I have two questions...
First, how would I move a column in a MSHFlexGrid? For example, if I wanted the third column to appear as the sixth column in the grid, is there a simple single line of code that would do that?
Second, believe it or not, I've never had to do anything in a grid other than display the data, as is, from a recordset. Now, however, I have a recordset with some fields that contain just ID numbers that refer to records in other files - for example, a field containing an ID number referring to a record in the Customers table, instead of the field containing the customer's name. What is the easiest way to, instead of having a column showing customer ID numbers from the recordset, having that column show customer names? I thought I read somewhere that there's a way to embed a sql command in a MSHFlexGrid column, but if there is I wouldn't know how to do it. Is this possible, or is there a simpler way to do it?
The column order would typically be handled by your SELECT statement.
Say you have a Pies table that has a FruitID foreign key related to the FruitID in a Fruits table:
ON Pies.FruitID = Fruits.FruitID
This returns 3 items: ID, Pie, and Fruit in that order.
Moving columns after the query/display operation is rarely used, but yes ColPosition can be used for that.
Wow! VB6.... Back to the future! :-)
You can move Columns using the ColPosition Property.
This article shows how you could setup the grid to display hierarchical data.
If you just want to display the customer name on the same line as the main data then that is doable as well by just creating the proper SQL for your data source. For that matter you can control the column order the same way as well.
Now, how about considering upgrading to .Net? Just kidding..... No, I'm not. OK. I am, maybe. :-)

How to "update" a column using pig latin

Imagine I have the following table available to me:
A: { x: int, y: int, z: int, ...99 other columns... }
I now want to transform this, such that z is set to NULL where x > y, with the resulting dataset to be stored as B.
and I want to do it without having to explicitly mention all the other columns, as this becomes a maintenance nightmare.
Is there a simple solution?
This issue is tracked in this JIRA:
PIG-1693 There needs to be a way in foreach to indicate "and all the rest of the fields"
Currently I don't know anything simpler than doing what you say or not loading Z and adding a new column Z with the star expression.
I was able to drop some of the column bloat by nesting them in single-row bags and flattening afterwards.
Still, it feels like a bit of a hack. So I'm also investigating cascading to see if it's a better fit for my scenario.
A feature to facilitate your scenario was added in Pig 0.9. The new project-range operator (..) allows you to express a range of fields by indicating the starting and/or ending field names as in this example:
result = FOREACH someInput GENERATE field1, field2, null as field3, field4 .. ;
In the example above field1/2/3/4 are actual field names. One of the fields is set to null while the other fields are kept intact.
More details in this "New Apache Pig 0.9 Features – Part 3" article:
To solve your specific problem you probably want to do a FILTER and an UNION to combine the results.
Of course you can select columns by column number, but that can easily become a nightmare if you change anything at all. I have found column names to be much more stable, and therefore I recommend the following solution:
Update mycol when it is between two known columns
You can use .. to indicate leading, or trailing columns (or inbetween columns). Here is how that would work out if you want to change the value of 'MyCol' to 'updatedvalue'.
aliasAfter = FOREACH aliasBefore GENERATE
.. colBeforeMyCol, updatedvalue, colAfterMyCol ..;
