How do I make cypress requests to an H2 file database hosted in Spring Boot? - spring

I'm trying to submit SQL to an H2 in-memory file database which is created and hosted in a Spring Boot application from Cypress tests. For example, the following is used as part of checking whether a user exists:
cy.task('queryDb', `SELECT COUNT(*) as "rowCount" FROM USERS WHERE username=` + user.username).then((result) => {...}))
However, whenever I attempt to submit the request, I get a "getaddrinfo ENotFound" error.
I'm stuck trying to work out what the correct URL to submit this request to is, especially which parts to put as host/database in my .env file. From what I can tell, it should be jdbc:h2:file:./data/userdb (at least, that's what H2-console lists as my JDBC URL and as my database name), but this doesn't seem to be working for me. Do I need to prefix or somehow otherwise include the localhost port on which it can be accessed through spring? If so, is that the same port as h2-console is available on?
(In case it's atypical, my config file looks like this)
// Sends a query to the database
function queryTestDb(query, config) {
// Creates a new mysql connection using credentials from cypress.json env's
const connection = mysql.createConnection(config.env.db)
// Start connection to db
// Exec query + disconnect to db as a Promise
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
connection.query(query, (error, results) => {
if (error) reject(error)
else {
return resolve(results)
export default defineConfig({
e2e: {
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:9000',
supportFile: false,
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
on('task', {
queryDb: query => {
return queryTestDb(query, config)

H2 database urls are listed here:
It seems that since you're accessing a spring boot app from Cypress, you should use the remote connection: jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9000/data/userdb. Unfortunately I'm not able to test this right now, so cannot confirm.


Svelte/Sveltekit and not working in dev (works in preview)

I'm trying to make work in a svelte front end app to talk to an existing API server that already uses After a number of challenges, I managed to make this work but I can only get this to work with sveltekit's preview and not in dev mode. Wondered if someone with some knowledge of those could explain why or suggest what I need to do to get it connecting in dev?
svelte 3.34.0
sveltekit next-169 4.2.0
basic code as follows, currently within a file $lib/db.js where I define a few stores that are pulled into the layout for general use..
import { io } from "";
import { browser } from '$app/env';
const initSocket = async () => {
console.log('creating socket...');
let socket = io('', { 'connect timeout': 5000 });
socket.on("connect", () => {
// always works in preview...
console.log('socket created with ID:',;
socket.on("connect_error", (error) => {
// permanently fired in dev...
console.error('Failed to connect', error);
socket.on("error", (error) => {
console.error('Error on socket', error);
socket.on("foo", data => {
// works in preview when server emits a message of type 'foo'..
console.log("FOO:", data);
if (browser) {
// stores setup and exports omitted..
with svelte-kit preview --host I see the socket creation log message with the socket ID and the same can be seen on the api server where it logs the same ID. The socket works and data is received as expected.
with svelte-kit dev --host however, the log message from socket.on("connect").. is never output and I just see an endless stream of error messages in the browser console from the socket.on("connect_error").. call..
Failed to connect Error: xhr poll error
at XHR.onError (transport.js:31)
at Request.<anonymous> (polling-xhr.js:93)
at Request.Emitter.emit (index.js:145)
at Request.onError (polling-xhr.js:242)
at polling-xhr.js:205
Importantly, there is no attempt to actually contact the server at all. The server never receives a connection request and wireshark/tcpdump confirm that no packet is ever transmitted to
Obviously having to rebuild and re-run preview mode on each code change makes development pretty painful, does anyone have insight as to what the issue is here or suggestions on how to proceed?
I've had a similar problem, I solved it by adding this code to svelte.config.js:
const config = {
kit: {
vite: {
resolve: {
alias: {
"xmlhttprequest-ssl": "./node_modules/",
The solution was provided by this comment from the vite issues.

Sapper/svelte3 session not synchronizing without page reload

I'm having trouble getting Sapper to synchronize session changes made in my server-side routes without a pageload. My example scenario is that I load my app with no user in the session, my server-side login route sets the user to the session, and I use goto to got to the dashboard.
The problem is that the session argument in the dashboard's preload function isn't populated. If I use window.location.href = '/dashboard', it is, because it's running through Sapper's page_handler. But if I do a client-only redirect, Sapper isn't sending the updated session to the client.
Any way around this? Am I using my tools wrong?
Note: I'm using connect-pg-simple and express-session, setting up sapper like this: sapper.middleware({session: (req, res) => req.session.public}).
I found my answer in the Sapper docs
session contains whatever data was seeded on the server. It is a writable store, meaning you can update it with new data (for example, after the user logs in) and your app will be refreshed.
Reading between the lines, this indicates that your app has to manually synchronize your session data.
The solution here is to manually sync the session data to the client, either with a webhook connection, a response header, or a key in the response data.
I've got a decorator I use to create a server route handler, in which I add the session data to the response. Here's a simplified version:
const createHandler = getData => (req, res) => {
res.status(200).json({data: getData(req.body), session: req.session.public})
Obviously there's more to it than that, e.g. error handling, but you get the idea. On the client, I wrap fetch in a helper function that I always use anyway to get my json, set the correct headers, etc. In it, I look at the response, and if there's a session property, I set that to the session store so that it's available in my preloads.
import {stores} from "#sapper/app"
const myFetch = (...args) => fetch(...args).then(r => r.json()).then(body => {
if (body.session) stores().session.set(body.session)
To put it simply, after your session status changes from the front end (user just logged in, or you just invalidated his login), you should update the session store on the front end.
import { goto, stores } from '#sapper/app';
const { session } = stores();
const loginBtnHandler = () => {
const req = await fetch('/api/login', {
method: 'POST',
credentials: 'same-origin', // (im using cookies in this example)
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({ ........ })
if (req.ok) {
// here is where you refresh the session on the client right after you log in
$session.loggedIn = true; // or your token or whatever
// next page will properly read the session

How to use Apollo-Gateway with swagger-to-graphql tool?

I'm using Swagger Petstore via swagger-to-graphql npm module and able to run the GraphQL Playground for it.
graphQLSchema('./swagger.json', '', {
Authorization: 'Basic YWRkOmJhc2ljQXV0aA=='
}).then(schema => {
const app = express();
app.use('/', graphqlHTTP(() => {
return {
graphiql: true
app.listen(4001, 'localhost', () => {'http://localhost:4001/');
}).catch(e => {
However, when I tried to feed the service to Apollo Gateway, it throws Error: Apollo Server requires either an existing schema or typeDefs
const gateway = new ApolloGateway({
serviceList: [
{ name: 'pet', url: 'http://localhost:4001' }
const server = new ApolloServer({
// Currently, subscriptions are enabled by default with Apollo Server, however,
// subscriptions are not compatible with the gateway. We hope to resolve this
// limitation in future versions of Apollo Server. Please reach out to us on
// if this is critical to your adoption!
subscriptions: false,
server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
console.log(`🚀 Server ready at ${url}`);
What am I missing?
From the docs:
Converting an existing schema into a federated service is the first step in building a federated graph. To do this, we'll use the buildFederatedSchema() function from the #apollo/federation package.
You cannot provide just any existing service to the gateway -- the service must meet the federation spec. The only way to currently do that is to use buildFederatedSchema to create the service's schema. At this time, buildFederatedSchema does not accept existing schemas so federation is not compatible with any other tools that generate a schema for you. Hopefully that feature will be added in the near future.

Unsupported content type with GraphIql apollo engine

I'm running apollo-server-express, and all works fine. I have 2 endpoints - 1 for graphiql (/graphql) and one for non-interactive (/client) queries (I know - they were called that before I started with apollo).
app.use('/client', bodyParser.json() ,
(req, res,next) => {
const context = { pool , apiKey:req.query.key , bidules };
if (server.isAuthorized(context.apiKey)) {
return graphqlExpress({
schema: schema,
context: context,
tracing: true,
cacheControl: {
defaultMaxAge: 30,
}) (req,res,next);
else {
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
.send (JSON.stringify({
errors:[ {message: "api key is unauthorized"} ]
// endpoint for browser graphIQL
app.use('/graphql', graphiqlExpress({
endpointURL: '/client'
app.use("/schema", (req, res) => {
res.set("Content-Type", "text/plain");
But, when I introduce apollo engine
port: port,
graphqlPaths: ['/graphql', '/client']
everything still works fine - except when I refresh graphiql on the browser with the query as parameters on the browser url.
Then I get this error
{"errors":[{"message":"Unsupported Content-Type from origin: text/html"}]}
Doing the same thing without apollo engine running does not cause an error. If run the query again, or refresh the browser without the query and variable parameters everything works just fine with or without Apollo Engine enabled.
When the error happens I can see from my server log that it's trying to return a react web page containing some javascript for decoding parameters from somewhere but I can't track down from where - it doesn't get as far as hitting any of my code.
This was solved by the guys at Apollo. Here's the answer - I shouldn't have had my graphIQL end point mentioned in the engine.listen options.
Engine should only be placed between the client and the GraphQL server endpoint. Try a config like this:
port: port,
graphqlPaths: ['/client'] // removed "graphql"

Sails.js session not saved upon first request

I'm using Sails.js and trying to do a simple login with saving the user information to the session. Here's my code for the login action:
AuthService.login(, req.body.password).then(user => {
// save user information in the session
req.session.user = user;
req.session.authenticated = true;
return res.json({
}).catch(err => {
res.json(403, {
callstack: err.callstack,
error: 'Authentication error',
reason : err.reason
This is my policy for the other pages (after login):
module.exports = function(req, res, next) {
// User is allowed, proceed to the next policy,
if (req.session.authenticated && req.session.user) {
return next();
// User is not allowed
return res.forbidden('You are not permitted to perform this action. (Authenticated)');
The problem is that the session data is not saved for the first request meaning I'm getting 403 forbidden only after the first successful login. As a result I must then logout and then login again for the session data to appear.
The issue is not limited to the login (with authentication policy) but also applies for any action that requires the session data with or without policy. And occurs for each new session - not only the first time the server goes up.
I thought the problem was due to using memory session so I've also tried to configure Sail.js to work with Redis as the session store by modifying the config/session.js to the following:
adapter: 'redis',
// host: 'localhost',
// port: 6379,
// ttl: 60*60*20,
// db: 0,
// prefix: 'sess:',
I uncommented the adapter line and tried with and without the optional redis connection parameters but then the req.session was declared undefined everywhere
I'm using the connect-mongo adapter and found a similar problem. The reason is because when you use req.session.user = user the background code is saving your session to DB (in my case, Mongo, in yours Redis), and before it finishes, your code executes the res.json part.
To deal with the DB saving's asynchronous code, try to do something like this (haven't tested your code, but doing that to my case, solved the problem):
AuthService.login(, req.body.password).then(user => {
// save user information in the session
// this is on memory
req.session.user = user;
req.session.authenticated = true;
// now the session is saved in DB {
return res.json({
}).catch(err => {
res.json(403, {
callstack: err.callstack,
error: 'Authentication error',
reason : err.reason
