Laravel Jetstream - default fortify or sanctum? - laravel

I've got a fair amount of experience with laravel but I'm new to jetstream - just having a look into it at the moment and I'm confused regarding authentication methods.
I understand there are two main options:
Fortify - basic front end agnostic authentication system.
Sanctum - Used for SPA's and generating tokens for Api's.
The documentation for jetstream suggests jetstream defaults to using Fortify as its authentication backend. However the default 'web' routes are set up as below:
])->group(function () {
Route::get('/dashboard', function () {
return view('dashboard');
Why is 'sanctum' being passed as a parameter to the authentication middleware? Is jetstream actually using sanctum as its default now? From what I can tell Jetstreams registration / authentication pages work just as well if the sanctum parameter isnt passed.
I'm likley getting confused about the differences between fortify & sanctum or how its being implemented in Jetstream.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sanctum is just a headless auth system. It provides session cookie- and api token authentication. Jetstream uses it alongside fortify which will register all the routes, controllers, etc.. containing the logic for login, registration, password resets...


Laravel Sanctum SPA authentication

I'm trying to setup a laravel api to work with a vue spa. API endpoints protected with auth:sanctum middleware only work when I add web middleware to them, which I don't think is right. Please help
False alarm, I had forgotten to add
in app/Http/Kernel.php

Secure web routes with laravel passport token

I am newbie with laravel.
I understand that in order to protect routes, you have to first check if a user is authenticated and a session is made. thus, we apply auth middleware in the web routes.
However, I am trying to implement laravel passport and now I am not able to proceed to my routes anymore since I have been authenticated using the passport.
My question is that is it possible to secure the web routes with passport token instead of laravel session? and if so, how one should do it?
Thanks, sorry for english, not native speaker.
Laravel passport is for API routes not for web routes you can use laravel session for web
for more details read it's documentation

Laravel - Vue.JS - Auth JWT vs Laravel Auth with Axios

I want to understand difference JWT Auth vs Laravel Auth with Axios.
In Laravel Auth with Axios, we can use standard middleware and things from Laravel Auth. Can someone explain me why People always choose JWT? It's got something than Laravel Auth with Axios don't have? We can always set a variable in JS with auth true/false when user it's logged in by Laravel (it checks session/cookies for that) and check that variable before route change?

Laravel 5.4 use JWTauth along with normal authentication

Me and my friend are creating an application. I'm using Laravel 5.4 as the backend and he uses Angular2 as frontend.
The Laravel project serves as a rest API with JWTauth token authentication.
Now I would like to make a small backend dashboard in the Laravel project that is only accessible by admins.
How would I go about using different authentication (with session) instead of tokens when I just browse to the api backend part?
This is pretty straightforward. Just apply the JWT auth middleware to the API routes and the normal auth middleware to your admin dashboard. You don't even need to tweak anything since JWT doesn't need changes to your table structure or need for changing the existing auth.
Build the backend dashboard using the built int auth scaffolding using the auth and guest middleware. For the api routes use the standard api middleware along with the jwt.auth middleware if you're using the tymondesigns/jwt-auth package. There will be no conflict with these two.
Bro use separate guard like
$loginUser = Auth::guard('web')->loginUsingId(12,true);

Should i use Laravel Passport or JWT resource?

I know passport uses oAuth, but my question is.. is it better to use Passport for Auth (Login and Register) or should i use jwt for login and register and Passport for external API requests... or use passport for both (User API and Login/AUTH)
Now i'm programming a SPA website with laravel and VueJs 2, i'm stuck in this.
Laravel Passport does, in fact, use JWT so comparing "JWT vs Passport" is kind of wrong.
You can use Laravel Passport for everything you mentioned - logging in, registering (not built-in in Passport but easy to add) and protecting external API requests.
