Cookie header missing from Ruby - NGINX - BackendAPI call - ruby

So our team has created one dashboard using ruby, through that we are calling our APIs using NGINX proxy, so flow is like Dashboard will call NGINX Proxy which will call end system APIs.
Now the issue is we are authenticating requests coming from NGINX proxy by decoding the rack session cookie in the headers, which is working fine in our lower environments like dev/stage, but today when I moved our code to Production server, I saw that we are not sending cookies from Production servers, though it is recommended but we want that these cookies for our use case.
As I am new to this can, anyone help me how to enable sending cookies from production servers as well.


Automatically proxy AJAX requests in both development and production environments

I am using Next.js and Axios libraries.
My axios requests look like this:
This worked while I had API and rendering server inside same instance.
But now my API backend is fully separated.
While in dev mode, it is hosted at localhost:3001 while frontend (next) dev server is hosted on localhost:3000. In production rendering server is hosted at while API is hosted at
How to keep axios requests clean (without importing stuff and prefixing url string by hand), keeping them like /api/users/1 but automactially making them localhost:3000/api/users/1 while running development mode and while hosted in production.
I need something like but to work on both production and development mode.
Not a recommended approach to production scale (hence
explicit dev flag) as we should scope proxy as outside UI applications
and have separate web server taking care of that.
If this is not possible, I am looking for the most elegant way to handle this. Any suggestions?
In production we use Plesk (which uses Ngnix).
You could create an axios instance and set the baseUrl parameter based on a environment variable :)
Documentation here:

WebAPI on same server, can it be accessed over http instead of https even though SSL applied on it?

I have WebAPP and WEBAPI on same server. I have applied SSL certificate on both the sites under same server (both are separate applications under common IIS default website).
Now my point, Can I access same WEBAPI over http instead of https form 3rd intranet application on same server and which is not a secure application?
My intention to not hamper performance for 3rd site which is not secured and on the same server.
Actually It depends on your configuration.
Generally, when you apply SSL on web server your app can now be accessed over http and https both connections.
But, if you have configured it to redirect http version to https using CSP or server end configuration, then you can access http version as all requests will get automatically redirected to https version.
You should read IIS related materials to learn what is site binding. A web site can of course contain multiple bindings, both HTTP and HTTPS, so that clients (like web browsers) can access using both http:// and https://.

Play Framework serve HTTPS content

I am a newbie at play, and I am trying at least to use HTTPS on a login and sign up pages in order to have more security on sensitive user data.
I have a range of questions regarding this:
I have configured my play application to use https on the application.conf file with the https.port property. However in my development environment I cant seem to start the server with https capability unless I use the command: play -Dhttps.port=<port>
Why does this happen? I would think that I could use a dev.conf (right now is the application.conf) file in order to do this. Can't I start the server in dev mode while using this kind of settings specified on the configuration file?
Although I start the server with https capabilities, what is the correct way to use https on play? I already created a java key store that I use, and tried to redirect (from a controller) requests to a https url using redirect(securedIndexCall.absoluteURL(request, secure)). But it does not seem to work at least on my dev enviroment (localhost). The logs specify exceptions like:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: empty text
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid version format: M¥å/=<junk characters continue>
Should I use https on the whole application, or just securing the login and sign up requests is sufficient?
I feel the official documentation provided is rather insufficient and I am at a loss here trying to figure out how I should do this.
Any help would be really appreciated!
I agree with Fernando, I think it's easier to set up a front end web server. In my case I used Lighttpd and it was fairly straightforward to set up. I'd recommend:
Configure Lighttpd as per these instructions (at this stage, don't worry about HTTPS just get HTTP working):
Then configure HTTPS in Lighttpd: If you intend on buying an SSL certificate then there will be a few more options to set (e.g. intermediate certificate). The following page has more information:
Answers to your main questions:
1) Enabling HTTPS in Play
Yes, you have to explicitly say you want to use HTTPS when starting up
2) The "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException" error message
There might be an issue with the keystore. This SO article seems to discuss in more detail: Play framework 2.2.1 HTTPs fails on connection attempt
3) SSL for login page or whole app
Personally, I would go for the whole app. If you're taking the time to set up HTTPS I think you might as well cover the whole site. I guess there are slight performance overheads in running HTTPS but realistically it's not something you'd notice.
You should use a front end server for HTTPS, and use HTTPS for the whole application.
Please see Setting up a front end HTTP server and see the commented out nginx settings.

Session Cookies on IIS Web Farms

I am using a jQuery plug-in to create a cookie ( and have been allowing the cookie to default to a "session cookie". Which is exactly the behavior I would like to have. My concern is that when I deploy my web site to Production, that it will be in a web farm on that environment. Can anyone help me understand what kind of issues, if any, that I will run into with session cookies on a web farm? The version of IIS on the web farm is IIS 7.5.
No issues at all. Cookies are stored on the client. They don't know or care about your server side infrastructure and how many nodes you have.
There are 2 types of cookies:
Session cookies - live only in the memory of the webbrowser and do not survive browser restart.
Persistent cookies - stored as files on the file system for a specified duration and survive browser restarts.
From the perspective of the server it makes strictly no difference. The cookie will be sent by the client on each request and the node that is serving the request will receive this cookie.
If on the other hand you are storing some information in the memory of the web server, such as for example using ASP.NET Session with the default InProc state then you will have problems. But this has nothing to do with client side cookies.

Access the IBM AJAX Test Server over HTTPS?

I'm using the AJAX Test Server in Rational Application Developer. I'm posting a form to another host for authentication. That host takes a URL to redirect to after authentication. However, it insists on using HTTPS whenever it sends the 302 response. The low hanging fruit would be to just use HTTPS locally.
Looking at the launch configuration, the AJAX Test Server appears to be a custom Apache HttpCore server. I haven't spotted anything in the configuration guide.
Is there a way to access this test server via HTTPS?
This is for demo and local development purposes; not production.
Speaking from working with WAS (WebSphere Application Server) in RAD, I'm pretty sure the answer would be yes. The server (at least with WAS) has both secure and "unsecure" ports.
What I have noticed is that when the server is built with the install (at least with the newer versions of the products 7.5+), the ports used are different per install. This is to help with not conflicting with other applications that may use those ports.
So https is probably fine. You just may have to use it over port 302 or some other port.
If there is no admin console for viewing your ports, you could always try the Window | Preferences option under your menu items. Sometimes IBM hides server config stuff in there.
