How to define this time complexity? - big-o

Given the problem to calculate the next year that has no duplicated digits on it. I created this code:
import math
# Time complexity:
# Space complexity:
def solve(year):
""" Method to identify the closest year without repeating two digits on it."""
year_str = str(year)
if year_str[3] == year_str[0] or year_str[3] == year_str[1] or year_str[3] == year_str[2]:
year = year + 1
return solve(year)
if year_str[2] == year_str[0] or year_str[2] == year_str[1]:
year = (math.floor(year/10)+1)*10
return solve(year)
if year_str[1] == year_str[0]:
year = (math.floor(year/100)+1)*100
return solve(year)
return year
y = int(input())
Not sure if this is the more optimal solution, but I would like to define the time complexity of this solution.
However, I am not sure how to do it in this case.
According to my tests, when it has to process the year 2222 for example, it calls the function "solve" 4 times.
But in cases near the change of decade and century, e.g. 1987 (with result 2013), it calls the function "solve" 8 times.
Does anybody have any idea?


A faster alternative to all(a(:,i)==a,1) in MATLAB

It is a straightforward question: Is there a faster alternative to all(a(:,i)==a,1) in MATLAB?
I'm thinking of a implementation that benefits from short-circuit evaluations in the whole process. I mean, all() definitely benefits from short-circuit evaluations but a(:,i)==a doesn't.
I tried the following code,
% example for the input matrix
m = 3; % m and n aren't necessarily equal to those values.
n = 5000; % It's only possible to know in advance that 'm' << 'n'.
a = randi([0,5],m,n); % the maximum value of 'a' isn't necessarily equal to
% 5 but it's possible to state that every element in
% 'a' is a positive integer.
% all, equal solution
for i = 1:n % stepping up the elapsed time in orders of magnitude
%%%%%%%%%% all and equal solution %%%%%%%%%
ax_boo = all(a(:,i)==a,1);
% alternative solution
for i = 1:n % stepping up the elapsed time in orders of magnitude
%%%%%%%%%%% alternative solution %%%%%%%%%%%
ax_boo = a(1,i) == a(1,:);
for k = 2:m
ax_boo(ax_boo) = a(k,i) == a(k,ax_boo);
but it's intuitive that any "for-loop-solution" within the MATLAB environment will be naturally slower. I'm wondering if there is a MATLAB built-in function written in a faster language.
After running more tests I found out that the implicit expansion does have a performance impact in evaluating a(:,i)==a. If the matrix a has more than one row, all(repmat(a(:,i),[1,n])==a,1) may be faster than all(a(:,i)==a,1) depending on the number of columns (n). For n=5000 repmat explicit expansion has proved to be faster.
But I think that a generalization of Kenneth Boyd's answer is the "ultimate solution" if all elements of a are positive integers. Instead of dealing with a (m x n matrix) in its original form, I will store and deal with adec (1 x n matrix):
exps = ((0):(m-1)).';
base = max(a,[],[1,2]) + 1;
adec = sum( a .* base.^exps , 1 );
In other words, each column will be encoded to one integer. And of course adec(i)==adec is faster than all(a(:,i)==a,1).
I forgot to mention that adec approach has a functional limitation. At best, storing adec as uint64, the following inequality must hold base^m < 2^64 + 1.
Since your goal is to count the number of columns that match, my example converts the binary encoding to integer decimals, then you just loop over the possible values (with 3 rows that are 8 possible values) and count the number of matches.
a_dec = 2.^(0:(m-1)) * a;
num_poss_values = 2 ^ m;
num_matches = zeros(num_poss_values, 1);
for i = 1:num_poss_values
num_matches(i) = sum(a_dec == (i - 1));
On my computer, using 2020a, Here are the execution times for your first 2 options and the code above:
Elapsed time is 0.246623 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.553173 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.000289 seconds.
So my code is 853 times faster!
I wrote my code so it will work with m being an arbitrary integer.
The num_matches variable contains the number of columns that add up to 0, 1, 2, ...7 when converted to a decimal.
As an alternative you can use the third output of unique:
[~, ~, iu] = unique(a.', 'rows');
for i = 1:n
ax_boo = iu(i) == iu;
As indicated in a comment:
ax_boo isolates the indices of the columns I have to sum in a row vector b. So, basically the next line would be something like c = sum(b(ax_boo),2);
It is a typical usage of accumarray:
[~, ~, iu] = unique(a.', 'rows');
C = accumarray(iu,b);
for i = 1:n
c = C(i);

Dynamic Programming and Probability

I've been staring at this problem for hours and I'm still as lost as I was at the beginning. It's been a while since I took discrete math or statistics so I tried watching some videos on youtube, but I couldn't find anything that would help me solve the problem in less than what seems to be exponential time. Any tips on how to approach the problem below would be very much appreciated!
A certain species of fern thrives in lush rainy regions, where it typically rains almost every day.
However, a drought is expected over the next n days, and a team of botanists is concerned about
the survival of the species through the drought. Specifically, the team is convinced of the following
hypothesis: the fern population will survive if and only if it rains on at least n/2 days during the
n-day drought. In other words, for the species to survive there must be at least as many rainy days
as non-rainy days.
Local weather experts predict that the probability that it rains on a day i ∈ {1, . . . , n} is
pi ∈ [0, 1], and that these n random events are independent. Assuming both the botanists and
weather experts are correct, show how to compute the probability that the ferns survive the drought.
Your algorithm should run in time O(n2).
Have an (n + 1)×n matrix such that C[i][j] denotes the probability that after ith day there will have been j rainy days (i runs from 1 to n, j runs from 0 to n). Initialize:
C[1][0] = 1 - p[1]
C[1][1] = p[1]
C[1][j] = 0 for j > 1
Now loop over the days and set the values of the matrix like this:
C[i][0] = (1 - p[i]) * C[i-1][0]
C[i][j] = (1 - p[i]) * C[i-1][j] + p[i] * C[i - 1][j - 1] for j > 0
Finally, sum the values from C[n][n/2] to C[n][n] to get the probability of fern survival.
Dynamic programming problems can be solved in a top down or bottom up fashion.
You've already had the bottom up version described. To do the top-down version, write a recursive function, then add a caching layer so you don't recompute any results that you already computed. In pseudo-code:
cache = {}
function whatever(args)
if args not in cache
compute result
cache[args] = result
return cache[args]
This process is called "memoization" and many languages have ways of automatically memoizing things.
Here is a Python implementation of this specific example:
def prob_survival(daily_probabilities):
days = len(daily_probabilities)
days_needed = days / 2
# An inner function to do the calculation.
cached_odds = {}
def prob_survival(day, rained):
if days_needed <= rained:
return 1.0
elif days <= day:
return 0.0
elif (day, rained) not in cached_odds:
p = daily_probabilities[day]
p_a = p * prob_survival(day+1, rained+1)
p_b = (1- p) * prob_survival(day+1, rained)
cached_odds[(day, rained)] = p_a + p_b
return cached_odds[(day, rained)]
return prob_survival(0, 0)
And then you would call it as follows:
print(prob_survival([0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8])

Project Euler number 35 efficiency
All problems on Project Euler are supposed to be solvable by a program in under 1 minute. My solution, however, has a runtime of almost 3 minutes. Other solutions I've seen online are similar to mine conceptually, but have runtimes that are exponentially faster. Can anyone help make my code more efficient/run faster?
#genPrimes takes an argument n and returns a list of all prime numbers less than n
def genPrimes(n):
primeList = [2]
number = 3
while(number < n):
isPrime = True
for element in primeList:
if element > number**0.5:
if number%element == 0 and element <= number**0.5:
isPrime = False
if isPrime == True:
number += 2
return primeList
#isCircular takes a number as input and returns True if all rotations of that number are prime
def isCircular(prime):
original = prime
isCircular = True
prime = int(str(prime)[-1] + str(prime)[:len(str(prime)) - 1])
while(prime != original):
if prime not in primeList:
isCircular = False
prime = int(str(prime)[-1] + str(prime)[:len(str(prime)) - 1])
return isCircular
primeList = genPrimes(1000000)
circCount = 0
for prime in primeList:
if isCircular(prime):
circCount += 1
print circCount
Two modifications of your code yield a pretty fast solution (roughly 2 seconds on my machine):
Generating primes is a common problem with many solutions on the web. I replaced yours with rwh_primes1 from this article:
def genPrimes(n):
sieve = [True] * (n/2)
for i in xrange(3,int(n**0.5)+1,2):
if sieve[i/2]:
sieve[i*i/2::i] = [False] * ((n-i*i-1)/(2*i)+1)
return [2] + [2*i+1 for i in xrange(1,n/2) if sieve[i]]
It is about 65 times faster (0.04 seconds).
The most important step I'd suggest, however, is to filter the list of generated primes. Since each circularly shifted version of an integer has to be prime, the circular prime must not contain certain digits. The prime 23, e.g., can be easily spotted as an invalid candidate, because it contains a 2, which indicates divisibility by two when this is the last digit. Thus you might remove all such bad candidates by the following simple method:
def filterPrimes(primeList):
for i in primeList[3:]:
if '0' in str(i) or '2' in str(i) or '4' in str(i) \
or '5' in str(i) or '6' in str(i) or '8' in str(i):
return primeList
Note that the loop starts at the fourth prime number to avoid removing the number 2 or 5.
The filtering step takes most of the computing time (about 1.9 seconds), but reduces the number of circular prime candidates dramatically from 78498 to 1113 (= 98.5 % reduction)!
The last step, the circulation of each remaining candidate, can be done as you suggested. If you wish, you can simplify the code as follows:
circCount = sum(map(isCircular, primeList))
Due to the reduced candidate set this step is completed in only 0.03 seconds.

how to get a value when looping in FORTRAN

Hello guys! There is a population of say, 120 million, which increases by 8% every year. I want to have a DO loop starting from 1990 to 2020 to state the year the population exceeds 125 million. Pseudocode or Fortran code will be appreciated.
This is not a problem for which loops are either necessary or appropriate. The simple equation
num_years = log(125.0/120.0)/log(1.08)
(which evaluates to approximately 0.53) is all that is necessary. This is a straightforward rewriting of the formula for compound interest calculations, that is
compound_amt = initial_amt * (1+interest_rate)**num_years
with, in this case, initial_amt = 120*10**6, compound_amt = 125*10**6 and interest_rate = 8%.
Its easy to find tutorials for loops in Fortran that solves your problems. See here for example. But generally, you want something like this:
do i = 1,30
sum = sum + sum*8./100.
if sum > 125e6 then
write(*,*), "Year ", i+startyear, " population exceeded ", sum
end if
end do
population = 120000.0
year = 1990
population = population + (population * 0.08)
year = year + 1
if (population > 125000.0) go to print_done
if (year > 2020) go to print_not_found
go to loop
print "The population was " population " in the year " year
print "Searched to year " year " and the population only reached " population
Note that there's an issue as to whether the year should be incremented before or after the population is checked. This depends on whether you want the population at the beginning of the year or the end of the year (assuming the initial value was at the beginning of the year).

Better random "feeling" integer generator for short sequences

I'm trying to figure out a way to create random numbers that "feel" random over short sequences. This is for a quiz game, where there are four possible choices, and the software needs to pick one of the four spots in which to put the correct answer before filling in the other three with distractors.
Obviously, arc4random % 4 will create more than sufficiently random results over a long sequence, but in a short sequence its entirely possible (and a frequent occurrence!) to have five or six of the same number come back in a row. This is what I'm aiming to avoid.
I also don't want to simply say "never pick the same square twice," because that results in only three possible answers for every question but the first. Currently I'm doing something like this:
bool acceptable = NO;
do {
currentAnswer = arc4random() % 4;
if (currentAnswer == lastAnswer) {
if (arc4random() % 4 == 0) {
acceptable = YES;
} else {
acceptable = YES;
} while (!acceptable);
Is there a better solution to this that I'm overlooking?
If your question was how to compute currentAnswer using your example's probabilities non-iteratively, Guffa has your answer.
If the question is how to avoid random-clustering without violating equiprobability and you know the upper bound of the length of the list, then consider the following algorithm which is kind of like un-sorting:
from random import randrange
# randrange(a, b) yields a <= N < b
def decluster():
for i in range(seq_len):
j = (i + 1) % seq_len
if seq[i] == seq[j]:
i_swap = randrange(i, seq_len) # is best lower bound 0, i, j?
if seq[j] != seq[i_swap]:
print 'swap', j, i_swap, (seq[j], seq[i_swap])
seq[j], seq[i_swap] = seq[i_swap], seq[j]
seq_len = 20
seq = [randrange(1, 5) for _ in range(seq_len)]; print seq
decluster(); print seq
decluster(); print seq
where any relation to actual working Python code is purely coincidental. I'm pretty sure the prior-probabilities are maintained, and it does seem break clusters (and occasionally adds some). But I'm pretty sleepy so this is for amusement purposes only.
You populate an array of outcomes, then shuffle it, then assign them in that order.
So for just 8 questions:
answer_slots = [0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3]
print answer_slots
To reduce the probability for a repeated number by 25%, you can pick a random number between 0 and 3.75, and then rotate it so that the 0.75 ends up at the previous answer.
To avoid using floating point values, you can multiply the factors by four:
Pseudo code (where / is an integer division):
currentAnswer = ((random(0..14) + lastAnswer * 4) % 16) / 4
Set up a weighted array. Lets say the last value was a 2. Make an array like this:
array = [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,3];
Then pick a number in the array.
newValue = array[arc4random() % 13];
Now switch to using math instead of an array.
newValue = ( ( ( arc4random() % 13 ) / 4 ) + 1 + oldValue ) % 4;
For P possibilities and a weight 0<W<=1 use:
newValue = ( ( ( arc4random() % (P/W-P(1-W)) ) * W ) + 1 + oldValue ) % P;
For P=4 and W=1/4, (P/W-P(1-W)) = 13. This says the last value will be 1/4 as likely as other values.
If you completely eliminate the most recent answer it will be just as noticeable as the most recent answer showing up too often. I do not know what weight will feel right to you, but 1/4 is a good starting point.
