How to check from where job arrived in HashiCorp Nomad? - nomad

I wonder is there any way to find out how Nomad receives any specific job. As I found in logs there is information about job submit time only. But IP from which this job arrived or submit method (API, GUI) is not specified. Is there any way to find this information?

Although I haven't tried it myself yet, but what you refer to falls under audit logs feature of Nomad where payload is somewhat similar to Vault audit logs. Here is how audit logging can be setup as a part of Nomad server configuration, however, this is available only for enterprise version of Nomad at the moment.
Anyhow, looking at the docs I guess fields that you would be interested are


Does Consul save the health check history of a service?

I am using Hashicorp Consul for Health Check in our system.
Does Consul have any API to get the health check History?
For example; let's say I have a service called A and this service was down for the past hour and now it's up, What I need is to get this info ( service was down in the past 1 hour ).
Thanks for helping.
No, the history information is not available from consul server itself. You can see that their /health API, you have no way to get the health at specific point of time.
If you need that functionality, you will have to either record it periodically in an audit table, or log to something like Splunk, and pull the history accordingly.

Elastic Uptime Monitors using Heartbeat --Few Monitors are missing in kibana

I have the elk setup in a ec2 server.With Beats like metricbeat,filebeat,heartbeat.
I have setup the elastic apm for some applications like jenkins & sonarqube.
Now In uptime I can see only few monitors like sonarqube and jenkins
Other application are missing..
When I see data from yesterday not available in elasticsearch for particular application
The best way to troubleshoot what is going on is to check if the events from Heartbeat are being collected. The Uptime application only displays events from Heartbeat, and therefore — this is the Beat that you need to check.
First, check the connectivity of Heartbeat and the configured output:
metricbeat test output
Secondly, check if the events are being generated. You can check this by commenting out your existing output (Likely Elasticsearc/Elastic Cloud) and enabling either the Console output or the File output. Then start your Metricbeat and check if events are being generated. If they are, then it might be something with the backend side of things; maybe Elasticsearch is rejecting the documents sent and refusing to index them.
Apropos, Elastic is implementing a native Jenkins plugin that allows you to observe your CI pipeline using OpenTelemetry compatible backends such as Elastic APM. You can learn more about this plugin here.

Amazon EMR spam applications by user dr.who?

I am working spark processes using python (pyspark). I create an amazon EMR cluster to run my spark scripts, but when cluster is just created a lot of processes ar launched by itself (¿?), when I check cluster UI:
So, when I try to lunch my own script, they enter in an endless queue, sometime ACCEPTED but never get into RUNNING state.
I couldn't find any info about this issue even in amazon forums, so I'll glad any advice.
Thanks in advance.
you need to check in the security group of the master node, check the inbound traffic,
maybe you have a rule for anywhere, please remove that or try to remove and check if the things work it is a vulnerability.

How to collect Hadoop userlogs?

I am running M/R jobs and logging errors when they occur, rather than making the job fail. There are only a few errors, but the job is run on a hadoop cluster with hundreds of nodes. How to search in task logs without having to manually open each task log in the web ui (jobtaskhistory)? In other words, how to automatically search in M/R task logs that are spread all over the cluster, stored in each node locally?
Side Note First: 2.0.0 is oldy moldy (that's the "beta" version of 2.0), you should consider upgrading to a newer stack (e.g. 2.4, 2.5 2.6).
Starting with 2.0, Hadoop implemented what's called "log aggregation" (though it's not what you would think. The logs are just stored on HDFS). There are bunch of command line tools that you can use to get the logs and analyze them without having to go through the UI. This is, in fact, much faster than the UI.
Check out this blog post for more information.
Unfortunately, even with the command line tool, there's not way for you to get all task logs at the same time and pipe it to something like grep. You'll have to get each task log as a separate command. However, this is at least scriptable.
The Hadoop community is working on a more robust log analysis tool that will not only store the job logs on HDFS, but will also give you the ability to perform search and other analyses on these logs. However, this is tool is still a ways out.
This is how we did it (large internet company): we made sure that only v critical messages were logged: but for those messages we actually did use System.err.println. Please keep the aggregate messages per tracker/reducer to only a few KB.
The majority of messages should still use the standard log4j mechanism (which goes to the System logs area)
Go to to your
There look for the instantiation of the execution you are interested in, and for that entry click the History link (in the Tracking UI column),
then look for the Logs link (in the Logs column), and click on it
yarn logs -applicationId <myAppId> | grep ...

Post hook for Elastic MapReduce

I wonder if there is an example of post process for EMR (Elastic MapReduce)? What I am trying to achieve is send an email to group of people right after Amazon's Hadoop finished the job.
You'll want to configure the job end notification URL.
AWS will hit this url, presumably with query variables that indicate which job has completed (job id).
You could then have this URL on your server process your email notifications, assuming you had already stored a relationship between emails and job ids.
An easier way is to use Amazon CloudWatch (monitoring system) and Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) to monitor and notify you and others on the status of your EMR jobs.
For example you can set an alarm for your cluster to check when it IsIdle. It will be set to 1 once the job is done (or failed), and you can then get SNS notification as an email (or SMS even). You can set similar alarms on count of JobsFailed and other metrics.
For the complete list of EMR related metrics you can see EMR documentations
You can see more information about it here:
