Microsoft Teams Manifest: can contentBotId be of different tenant - botframework

I am trying to use contentBotId (Azure bot ID) in my MS Teams manifest file.
When it is from same tenant that of MS teams domain ( then its working and loading the data
But when its from different tenant, then MS Teams is not loading anything
{errorCode: 0, message: "<BadArgument>Unknown bot"}
Is there any restriction on this?

Before creating the MS bot, using ML Studio, create multi-tenant bot for perfect App registration.
Follow the procedure to create the bot and register the application.
By mentioning all the required. Check the manifest file for the required ContentBotId. Test the URL after app registration into multi-Tenant.
If still the error occurs. We need to setup the connection settings under configurations.
By adding Oauth connection settings we will get some kind of authentication for different clients for the same authentication URL (website URL).

Able to resolve the issue.
Yes it can be from different tenant.
when we use existing AAD instead of creating from Azure bot template, this issue occurs. Seems like MS Teams is not able to find this AAD/ or Bot Handle.
Root Cause (Might be): Manually created AAD have email address of user who have created this in Owners section (screenshot 1), while AAD created from Azure bot template have "Bot Framework Dev Portal" user (Screenshot 2).
And I am unable to add this user by searching.
Screnshot 1


Could not find Connection Setting with name botconnection - Teams Bot SSO

I have a bot registered in developer portal and created a app by teams tool kit.To add SSO for my bot i have created a azure bot with multi-tenant and create new app.Under bot configuration oauth connection setting create a service provider with azure ad v2.0 name botConnection,client Id & secret of my app already created by tool kit in token exchange url api://botid-clientidofapp then tenant is common and scope is set to User.Read,openId,email.
when i try to debug the bot while the oauth begin dialog throws "Could not find Connection Setting with name botconnection". i have set webapplicationinfo in manifest with client id of the app.any one can help me on this.
I'm not an expert, but did you update your code accordingly? You can check this link: which teaches you how to add authentication for Azure bot.
Also, Teams Toolkit supports adding sso for the scaffolded project. Check to see if it can help in your case.

What permissions are required to link Azure Boards Teams app to project?

I am the project administrator.
I have installed the Azure Boards App.
I have signed in with my work login to the Azure Boards app in Teams.
When I try to link my project to a Teams channel, I get the following error:
"You are not authorized to access one or more resources required to complete this action."
Not sure what additional permissions other than "Admin" I could need.
You can try another thing, that could be helptfull
On the Azure Boards -> Organization Settings --> Permissions
Turn on two itens painted in yellow
I´ve got the same error last month.
Please, check if ALL of Microsoft Teams members are administrators on Azure Boards project before to try to login Azure Board app in Teams.
I have faced the same issue and have archived the channel and created a new Teams channel with reauthentication.
That sorts the issue.

Reading the emails of all users using Microsoft Graph API by creating an app with Application Level permissions

I'm trying to create an app within the Azure app management portal that will serve as a template to be used with any tenant. Basically what we are trying to do, is create a connector that will be approved using admin consent, and receive application level permissions to read all the emails in the organization using Graph API.
What I have managed to do so far is create an app within our own tenant and get application level permissions for this tenant only. This enabled me to successfully read all emails in my organization only (which is not possible using delegated permissions).
What is the right way to receive application level permissions for any tenant, using admin consent? Is the only way to do it, for the specific tenant to manually add an application that will receive admin consent?
I am using django with the social_core module.
Something does not add up...
You can register a single application (with a single client ID and set of credentials that you control), configure the permissions you desire/require, and then customers from different tenants can each grant admin consent for your application, in their own tenant.
If your application/service does not have a sign-in experience (i.e. it is exclusively used as a background service and users never sign in to it), you can construct the admin consent URL, such as:
You can read more about the admin consent endpoint at:

Azure Bot Service registration is not creating the related Application

I have developed a endpoint to be used for an skype bot but I have not hosted it in Azure so in order to be use skype channel I need registered it using Azure Bot Service (Bot Channels Registration). I did it but when I try create a App Password for that then Azure redirect me to Application Page and show me this message (In the image the message appears in Spanish but this is the translation):
The application no longer exists or is not associated with your
I have tried clear the cache of my browser and try using private tab too but nothing happens.
The application no longer exists, or is not associated with your account.
Based on my test, if I login to Application Registration Portal using the account that is not used to create Bot Channels Registration bot service, I get same message. Please check the account you are using to login to Application Registration Portal and make sure that account is same one you used to create your Bot Channels Registration bot service.
Besides, please check if others know your account and delete that app. You can also try to create another Bot Channels Registration bot service and check if same issue appears.
This could be the account issue. But this does happen if you even create the new one. But what I do think is that there may be some sort of problem with the App Registration portal, or to be specific the link between the app registration portal API that generates auto id and password so if you are using the auto create Microsoft App ID and Password you would face this issue. But if you will do that manually from the App registration portal and use that in your bot channel or web app bot it should work fine. Hope that help.

Microsoft App authentication in MVC 5

I want to authenticate my mvc application by microsoft. I successfully done with Facbook, Google and Twitter, but when i click on Microsoft then the error `We're unable to complete your request
Microsoft account is experiencing technical problems. Please try again later`
is coming.
I successfully created an app and paste the Client ID and Client Secret in my mvc application . But I do not know the real problem
What is the return URL that you specified for the given Client ID and Client Secret? If the site is not running under that specific URL (e.g. is running under localhost whilst you are in dev mode), you can get this error message.
In my case I had my gmail account configured as my primary Microsoft Live account once I changed this to my Hotmail account as the primary account and then created a new app with a new name Client ID and Secret it started working for me.
The gmail account worked signing in as a gmail user on my app Identity Provider being Google to give some background this is the account I used as my Microsoft Account. I suspect my Microsoft account using my gmail user name and password confused the MS identity Provider thus resulting in the error. So avoid using a different Identity Providers credentials to authenticate with a different Identity provider if testing this. One account per Identity provider not associated to other Identity providers.
Since the Google account had been my primary for the other Identity Providers when I logged into the App as this I as essentially I suspect therefore already logged in with my Microsoft account.
Step 1:-
Open Application Registration Portal of Microsoft [] where you have Registered your Application.
You need to make change in Redirect URIs
For example :-
The URI which is Registered
URL:- http://localhost:8000
Change to make in URI :-
Just Add :- [/signin-microsoft] at end of URL It works
URL:- http://localhost:8000/signin-microsoft
Finally save your setting and try again it will work.
In my case, it failed when I used my personal Outlook account to login.
Once I switched to an Office 365 account, it started working.
