How to make a table using bash shell? - bash

I have multiple text files that have their own column. I hope to combine them into one text file like a table not a long column.
I tried 'paste' and 'column', but it did not make the shape that I wanted.
When I used the paste with two text files, it made a nice table.
paste height_1.txt height_2.txt > test.txt
The trouble starts from three or more text files.
paste height_1.txt height_2.txt height_3.txt > test.txt
At a glance, it seems nice. But when I plot the each column in the text.txt file in gnuplot(p "text.txt"), I could find some unexpected graph different from the original file especially in its last part.
The shape of the table is ruined in a strange way in the test.txt, causing the graph weird.
How could I make a well-structured table in the text file with bash shell?
Is it not useful to do this work with bash shell?
If yes, I will try this with python.
Height files are extracted from other *.csv files using awk.
Thank you so much for reading this question.

awk with simple concatenation can take the records for as many files as you have and join them together in a single output file for further processing. You simply provide the multiple input files as the files for awk to read and then concatenate each record using FNR (file record number) as an index and then use the END rule to print the combined records from all files.
For example, given 3 data files, e.g. data1.txt - data3.txt each with an integer in each row, e.g.
$ cat data1.txt
$ cat data2.txt
(7-9 in data3.txt, and presuming you have an equal number of records in each input file)
You could do:
awk '{a[FNR]=(FNR in a) ? a[FNR] "\t" $1 : $1} END {for (i in a) print a[i]}' data1.txt data2.txt data3.txt
(using a tab above with "\t" for the separator between columns of the output file -- you can change to suit your needs)
The result of the command above would be:
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9
(note: this is what you would get with paste data1.txt data2.txt data3.txt, but presuming you have input that is giving paste problems, awk may be a bit more flexible)
Or using a "," as the separator, you would receive:
If your data file has more fields than a single integer and you want to compile all fields in each file, you can assign $0 to the array instead of the first field $1.
Spaced and formatted in multi-line format (for easier reading), the same awk script would be
awk '
a[FNR] = (FNR in a) ? a[FNR] "\t" $1 : $1
for (i in a)
print a[i]
' data1.txt data2.txt data3.txt
Look things over and let me know if I misunderstood your question, or if you have further questions about this approach.


Split large text file using AWK, given specific parameters

Hi i'm trying to divide an xml file, which contains item tags. As i have 250 items in a single file, i would like to divide the whole file into 5 smaller files containing 50 items (and their content) each.
What i got from this link Linux script: how to split a text into different files with match pattern
awk '{if ($0 ~ /<item>/) a++} { print > ("NewDirectory"a".xml") }'
However this divided the whole file into 1 file per 1 item. So I need help modifying this statement to split the file into 1 file per 50 items.
Assuming your original command does what you say it does and you fully understand the issues around trying to parse XML with awk:
awk '/<item>/ && (++a%50 == 1) { ++c } { print > ("NewDirectory"c".xml") }'
You might need to add a close() in there if you have a lot of files open simultaneously and aren't using GNU awk. Just get gawk.
Also, to learn awk read the book Effective Awk Programming, 4th Edition, by Arnold Robbins.
awk '$0~/<item>/' | split -l50 -d - NewDirectory.
awk will extract only those lines that contain <item>
split will split stdin into files with 50 lines, named NewDirectory.00, NewDirectory.01, etc. See man split for more info.

How to use awk to split a file and store each filename in a Bash array

A file called input_file.csv, which has 7 columns, and n rows.
Example header and row:
Date Location Team1 Team2 Time Prize_$ Sport
2016 NY Raptors Gators 12pm $500 Soccer
n files, where the rows in each new file are grouped based on their values in column 7 of the original file. Each file is named after that shared value from column 7. Note: each file will have the same header. (The script currently does this.)
Example: if 2 rows in the original file had golf as their value for column 7, they would be grouped together in a file called golf.csv. If 3 other rows shared soccer as their value for column 7, they would be found in soccer.csv.
An array that has the name of each generated file in it. This array lives outside of the scope of awk. (This is what I need help with.)
Example: Array = [golf.csv, soccer.csv]
The following script produces the desired output. However, I want to run another script on each of the newly generated files and I don't know how.
My idea is to store the names of each new file in an array. That way, I can loop through the array and do what I want to each file. The code below passes a variable called array into awk, but I don't know how to add the name of each file to the array.
awk -v myarray="$ARRAY" -F"\",\"" 'NR==1 {header=$0}; NF>1 && NR>1 {if(! files[$7]) {print header >> ("" $7 ".csv"); files[$7]=1}; print $0 >> ("" $7 ".csv"); close("" $7 ".csv");}' input_file.csv
for i in "${ARRAY[#]}"
echo $i
Rather than struggling to get awk to fill your shell array variable, why not:
make sure that the *.csv files are created in a clean directory
use globbing to loop over all *.csv files in that directory?
awk -F'","' ... # your original Awk command
for i in *.csv # use globbing to loop over resulting *.csv files
echo $i
Just off the top of my head, untested because you haven't supplied very much sample data, what about this?
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
FNR==1 {
! $7 in files {
files[$7]=sprintf("sport-%s.csv", $7)
print header > file
files[$7]=sprintf("sport-%s.csv", $7)
print > files[$7]
printf("declare -a sportlist=( ")
for (sport in files) {
printf("\"%s\"", sport)
printf(" )\n");
The idea here is that we store sport names in the array files[], and build filenames out of that array. (You can format the filename inside sprintf() as you see fit.) We step through the file, adding a header line whenever we get a new sport with no recorded filename. Then for non-headers, print to the file based on the sport name.
For your second issue, exporting the array back to something outside of awk, the END block here will output a declare line which can be interpreted by bash. IF you feel lucky, you can eval this awk script inside command expansion, and the declare command will effectively be interpreted by your shell:
eval $(/path/to/awkscript inputfile.csv)
Or, if you subscribe to the school of thought that consiers eval to be evil, you can redirect the awk script's standard output to a temporary file which you source:
/path/to/awkscript inputfile.csv > /tmp/yadda.$$
. /tmp/yadda.$$
(Don't use this temp file, make a real one with mktemp or the like.)
There's no way for any program to modify the environment of the parent shell. Just have the awk script output the names of the files as standard output, and use command substitution to put them in an array.
filesArray=($(awk ... ))
If the files might have spaces in them, you need a different solution; assuming you're on bash 4, you can just be sure to print each file on a separate line and use readarray:
readarray filesArray < <( awk ... )
if the files might have newlines in them, too, then things get tricky...
if your file is not large, you can run another script to get the unique $7 elements, for example
$ awk 'NR>1&&!a[$7]++{print $7}' sports
will print the values, you can change it to your file name format as well, such as
$ awk 'NR>1&&!a[$7]++{print tolower($7)".csv"}' sports
this then can be piped to your other process, here for example to wc
$ awk ... sports | xargs wc
This will do what I THINK you want:
oIFS="$IFS"; IFS=$'\n'
array=( $(awk '{out=$7".csv"; print > out} !seen[out]++{print out}' input_file.csv) )
If your input file really is comma-separated instead of space-separated as you show in the sample input in your question then adjust the awk script to suit (You might want to look at GNU awk and FPAT).
If you don't have GNU awk then you'll need to add a bit more code to close the open output files as you go.
The above will fail if you have file names that contain newlines but will be fine for blank chars or other white space.

Concatenate 2 columns within a single .txt file and separate by ":" using awk?

I have a ~40 million line tab delimited .txt file with the following columns:
1 rs58108123 10583
1 rs58108140 10611
1 rs58123442 13302
I need to combine columns 1 and 3 into a single column in the column 1 position. This is the desired output:
1:10583 rs58108123
1:10611 rs58108140
1:13302 rs58123442
From what I understand, this can be accomplished using the awk command. I'm very new to the command line, so I've not been able to figure out the specifications required to accomplish this task. If you could please provide an explanation to accompany any possible solutions, that would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much!!
Here you go:
awk '{print $1":"$3"\t"$2}' < infile.txt
This will print Column $1:Column $3 followed by a tab character "\t" and then Column $2.
You can save the output to a file by adding > outfile.txt at the end of the command.
You can find some more examples of simple awk syntax here:

Bash comparing two different files with different fields

I am not sure if this is possible to do but I want to compare two character values from two different files. If they match I want to print out the field value in slot 2 from one of the files. Here is an example
# File 1
Date D
Tamb B
# File 2
F gge0001x gge0001y gge0001z
D 12-30-2006 12-30-2006 12-30-2006
T 14:15:20 14:15:55 14:16:27
B 15.8 16.1 15
Here is my thought behind the problem I want to do
if [ (field2) from (file1) == (field1) from (file2) ] ; do
echo (field1 from file1) and also (field2 from file2) on the same line
which prints out "Date 12-30-2006"
"Tamb 15.8"
" ... "
and continually run through every line from essentially file 1 printing out any matches that there are. I am assuming these will need to be some sort of array involved. Any thoughts on if this is the correct logic and if this is even possible?
This reformats file2 based on the abbreviations found in file1:
$ awk 'FNR==NR{a[$2]=$1;next;} $1 in a {print a[$1],$2;}' file1 file2
Date 12-30-2006
Tamb 15.8
How it works
This reads each line of file1 and saves the information in array a.
In more detail, NR is the number of lines that have been read in so far and FNR is the number of lines that have been read in so far from the current file. So, when NR==FNR, we know that awk is still processing the first file. Thus, the array assignment, a[$2]=$1 is only performed for the first file. The statement next tells awk to skip the rest of the code and jump to the next line.
$1 in a {print a[$1],$2;}
Because of the next statement, above, we know that, if we get to this line, we are working on file2.
If field 1 of file2 matches any a field 2 of file1, then print a reformatted version of the line.

Compare execution log's ignoring the execution times

I'm new on linux SO and bash commands and i think someone with more experience could help me. I wanna compare 2 different text files with log's of an execution, but some lines (not all of them) begin with a time' token like this:
12345 ps line 1 content
23456 ps line 2 content
line 3 content
345 ps line 4 content
Those tokens have different values in each log, but, in that comparison, i don't care about them, i wanna just to compare the line contents and ignore them. I could use 'sed' command to generate new files without that tokens and then comepare them, but i pretend to do that repeatedly and could save me some time if i use just one command or one sh file. I've tried to use 'sed' and 'diff' combined, but without success. Would anyone please be able to help me?
You can use the following sed one liner to remove the numbers from the beginning of the file:
sed 's/^[0-9]* ps//g' file1
To diff two such files (less timestamps) you can use process substitution.
diff <(sed 's/^[0-9]* ps//g' file1) <(sed 's/^[0-9]* ps//g' file2)
Untested since you didn't show 2 input files and the expected output but from your description I THINK this would do what you want:
awk '
{ sub(/^[[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]*/,"") }
NR==FNR { file1[FNR] = $0; next }
{ print ($0 == file1[FNR] ? "==" : "!="), $0 }
' file1 file2
If that doesn't do it, post some small sample input and expected output.
