Cypress How To Remove Proxy Settings? - proxy

Hello guys I want to remove proxy settings but I dont know how to manage that.


Why doesn't my website stop loading (Svelte)

I made a portfolio website, but this site doesn't stop loading.
Sorce code is here.
Does anyone have a solution? or the reason why this happens?
Deploy only your bundled static files. I can access your entire svelte project under your domain. check the sources tab in your browser's DevTools.
since you use vercel for deployment, check this out.
Check for service workers (If you are using them)
But more probably
2) ALWAYS npm run build before firebase deploy

Laravel running in an Ubuntu VPS

I have a problem with Laravel I recently put it in a VPS I could download, I could use composer, BUT I do not know what it's happening because I go into the folder with URL I mean, I write:
It should be shown me something but it is not happening, when i do that it just makes a download and it does not display anything.
You can test it then make click in dominican_spa_salon where the larave is... you will see that it does not display anything, it just makes the download... what could it be?
If nginx you need edit Nginx Configuration "server {}". In that file change root path.
Good luck!

Algolia Hosts unreachable

Hello I am using algolia for search on my laravel project. It was working good but now when i search for content it display error. I also tried for composer update, but it is not allowing me to update. i am attaching screenshots of error when i search for content and composer update issue. Check this image
and this as well
I know its an old topic but I'm sharing my experience here. It my help others.
This issue also occurs when ALGOLIA_APP_ID is not properly set up. Usually people use wrong APP ID from algolia dashboard so make sure to use the correct APP ID as shown in the following image.
It shouldn't be taking 1 second to resolve the host, so I recommend you to check your DNS settings or your Internet connection.
But anyway, if you still want to have longer timeouts all you need to do is configure it:

Setup Site in IIS cant be Displayed in Browser

I setup a new Site in the IIS8. I've gone trough the setup wizard and placed the Files on the Path i referenced in the Wizard.
Even though when i want to access it in the Browser with the Hostname i entered it says that the page cant be displayed.
It's all local so i dont need to access it from another location.
Any clues what i might have forgotten?
I already checked here to look if i forgot something but i didnt see anything
I forgot to make an entry in the hosts file.
Because of that i wasn't reachable.
Make the entry and it works fine.

CodeIgniter Production and Developpement server on the same domain. (no subdomain)

I googled this many times but now I have to ask it here.
I want to make a workflow for a website for Developpement/Production.
My constraint is that I use Facebook Connect (Facebook Graph now) so I need to have the dev and prod on the same domain and server. (to be able to log in and test the features)
I thought I will edit the CodeIgniter Index.php to redirect if I have a specific user agent (I can edit the one of my firefox)
You think it's a good Idea or you have a better one ?
And now comes the eternal question : how can I deploy this the easy way ?
should I use Capistrano or Phing ?
or simply a script with SVN ?
Please help me, I'm totally new to this Deployment thing. I used to work directly in production for my little websites or on other domains. but now it's not possible anymore.
For me, I'll have something like two application folders. One called "production", one called "development". Then in your index.php file, where you set your application folder, you can use php to determine which one to use for whatever reason. Just set your $application_folder variable to whichever one you need. (You could do this based on anything. A cookie, IP address or something.)
