springdoc openapi nested endpoints not being picked up - spring-boot

I'm using springdoc-openapi 1.6.11 and I'm finding that nested endpoints in my Controllers are not being picked up in the Swagger docs.
For example, the controller is annotated with#RequestMapping("/a/patient").
Then I'll have a method inside the controller such as: #PutMapping("profile/height")
But the generated Swagger isn't picking it up.
My Config class looks like this:
public class OpenApiConfig {
public OpenAPI springOpenAPI() {
return new OpenAPI()
.info(new Info().title("BubbleCare API")
.description("BubbleCare service documentation.")
.license(new License().name("Terms of Use")
and my properties look like this:
springdoc.cache.disabled= true
I don't know why, I'll be coding for a while, and everything seems okay, but then the Swagger generation just happens to freeze and not want to update any new endpoints that I write.
Any ideas?

Everything looks fine to me. There might be a chance that your dependencies got mucked up, you can try purging the local maven repository using below command:
mvn dependency:purge-local-repository
Then you can clean and install again for your project:
mvn dependency:purge-local-repository clean install
You can learn more about this command here: https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-dependency-plugin/examples/purging-local-repository.html


Running 'mvn clean install' on Spring Boot application using env variables in application.properties

Hello I am trying to package my Spring Boot app into a jar.
I want to deploy this app to AWS Beanstalk and so I will be injecting some variables into application.properties using Environment variables.
However when I run the maven command (mvn clean install), during the package process the code is executed and it is failing stating that
BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'customBeansConfig': Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'CLOUDINARY_URL' in value "${CLOUDINARY_URL}"
I have a class CustomBeansConfig:
public class CustomBeansConfig {
private String cloudinaryUrl;
public Cloudinary cloudinary(){
System.out.println("cloudinaryUrl = " + cloudinaryUrl);
return new Cloudinary(cloudinaryUrl);
Please help me to create the jar file
If I have understood you correctly, one approach may be to use different application.properties files for different environments. For example application-dev.properties for the Dev environment and application-prod.properties for the Prod environment. Then your CLOUDINARY_URL may be assigned different literal values appropriate to each.
Then when deploying to each environment, bundle your JAR with the -Denv option, as in
mvn -Denv=dev clean install
mvn -Denv=prod clean install
... and upload the resulting JAR file to the corresponding AWS environment.
Running the Spring Boot application with a such config property, got me the following error:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Circular placeholder reference 'CLOUDINARY_URL' in property definitions
Changing the name of your Spring property from CLOUDINARY_URL to, for example, cloudinary.service.url will resolve the issue.
In such case, your config file should look like this:
And your configuration file like this:
public class CustomBeansConfig {
private String cloudinaryUrl;
public Cloudinary cloudinary(){
System.out.println("cloudinaryUrl = " + cloudinaryUrl);
return new Cloudinary(cloudinaryUrl);
Also, I would advise you to avoid creating Spring configuration properties using the underscore format, since it usually used for the environment variables, maybe be confusing and may cause such interesting issues.

SpringBoot: how to run tests twice, with two different config files

I am writing a SpringBoot application using a JMS MOM. My application supports two kinds of JMS: EMS and AMQ
My application has many Junit Tests. Of course, whether I use EMS or AMQ the tests are exactly the same and the expected results are also exactly the same. The only difference is the configuration file used.
#ContextConfiguration(initializers = ConfigFileApplicationContextInitializer.class)
public class MyTest {
static class Application {
public void test() {
What I would like to be able to do is to run my tests twice, one time with an EMS config and one time with and AMQ config: How should I do?
FYI, I am using Maven to build my application. A solution based on a maven trick would be perfectly acceptable for me
Thank you for help
It sounds like a task for a building tool that you using.
For example, for Maven you can write specific test tasks with different active profiles, something like this:
mvn clean test -Dspring.profiles.active=kafka
mvn clean test -Dspring.profiles.active=rabbitmq
mvn clean test -Dspring.profiles.active=activemq
and collect necessary properties in files: application-{profile}.properties
This articles can help you:
how to bind a property file to a current active profile: spring-boot-profile-based-properties
mvn profiles:
mvn different environments:

Spring - Run test from IDE - how to load test properties from a file like 'application-test.properties'

How can I load test properties from a file like 'application-test.properties'?
The file is stored in the src/test/resources folder. I put the file also in all possible folders as well. When running the test as part of the Maven test run, all works fine.
When running the new (single) test from the (IntelliJ) IDE, each time I get same the error message:
Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: class path resource
[application-test.properties] cannot be opened because it does not
This is the test class:
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"nl.deholtmans.tjm1706.todolist"})
#PropertySource( "application-test.properties")
public class TodoListServiceTest {
TodoListService todoListService;
public void testBasic() { ... }
It looks that I have to run the test first time from Maven. Why is that?
Spring Boot will automatically load the correct properties file if the profile is activated. In a test you can use the #ActiveProfiles annotation for that.
Next you would need to make sure that you actually use the proper Spring Boot infrastructure to run your test, using #SpringBootTest. That being said your test header should look something like the following
public class TodoListServiceTest { ... }
And ofcourse make sure that your IDE builds the application before running the tests.

Spring Boot "unable to resolve class" with Groovy

I'm new to Groovy, Spring Boot, and Gradle (using gradle as well) and am trying to build a small test program.
I have a main class EvalMain and a InputObj class in a com.eval package.
class EvalMain {
public static String textTest() {
def iO = new InputObj("dsa", "dasdsa", "U1dBRw==");
return iO.xorString();
when running "spring run EvalMain.groovy" I get the following error:
startup failed:
file:<filepath>EvalMain.groovy: 14: unable to resolve class InputObj
# line 14, column 18.
def iO = new InputObj("dsa", "dasdsa", "U1dBRw==");
I tried throwing an import at the top but then spring boot complained about this too? What am I missing here? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
after adding the import:
import com.eval.InputObj;
I get this error:
file:/<filePath>/EvalMain.groovy: 2: unable to resolve class com.eval.InputObj
# line 2, column 1.
import com.eval.InputObj
1 error
Not sure if this is a good way to do it, but I was able to run it with "spring run .groovy .groovy" I wonder if there's the equivalent of a makefile?
Try to run spring run *.groovy.
Spring Boot CLI is for quick prototyping a single Groovy script. It tries to autoload all Spring Boot dependencies, but its your responsibility to include your additional dependencies
If you have just multiple source files you have to pass it to the CLI.
If it is an external dependency, include it with a #Grab, see here.
However, you have Gradle and more than one source file. Therefor it might be the time to switch from the Spring Boot CLI to a normal Gradle project.
Just go to the guides and choose "Build with Gradle". Then you will see an example Gradle build file. Also the Gradle Spring Boot plugin documentation provides samples.
You can start your application with gradlew bootRun.

Resource injection in Spring Boot not working with gradle

I have a Configuration bean.
public class Config {
public Resource icc;
void init(){
try {
tempdir = Files.createTempDir();
newIcc = copyIccFileToTemp();
}catch (IOException e){
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private File copyIccFileToTemp() throws IOException {
File tempIcc = new File(tempdir, icc.getFilename());
return tempIcc;
On icc.getFile() there is a FileNotFoundException
app.file.name.srgbicc = sRGB.icc
I looked in my classpath and found the following situation:
build/classes/main (no icc file)
build/resources/main (icc file, application.properties)
When printed out my classpath during application start I only found ...myApp/build/classes/main.
No ../build/resources/main or ../src/main/resources entries there.
So I was wondering why is the resources not on the classpath?
according to http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/1.1.5.RELEASE/reference/htmlsingle/#build-tool-plugins-gradle-running-applications
this should be.
Of course if I put the icc file in build/classes/main its all working as expected, but it is not supposed to be there. right?
I tried to run the application with gradle run or gradle bootRun in intellij I use static main. The good thing is that the application fails consistently independent of how I start it.
My Project layout
For the reference:
IntelliJ 13
spring-boot 1.1.5
Fgradle 2.0
Here is a stripped down example of my code
I removed #PostConstruct in the config.init and run the application with gradle build all test are success when i rund from intellij the tests fail. this is strange that i know have different behavior
I solved the problem now.
What helped me was just to do a simple clean build and rebuild project in intellij. I was using to much eclipse and maven so I expected it to happen automagically.
