Achecker Wcag 2.0 Prestashop - prestashop-1.7

the returns me an error that I cant fix it.
Success Criteria 4.1.1 Parsing (A)
Check 185: id attribute is not unique.
Repair: Modify the id attribute value so it is unique.
Error Line 1933, Column 3:
My site is on prestashop 1.7
Thank you


Customer registration error after Magento migration

After Migration from Magento to Magento 2.3.4 when I go to create a customer and fill all the information and click on submit(on front-end), it show me error
We can't save the customer.
After debugging I found the error below:
Class Magento\Eav\Model\Attribute\Data\Datetime does not exist
I tried to search the class on the database and also in files, with no results. However, I found something similar in the table eav_attribute:
How can I solve it?
Based on the post, “We can't save the customer” error after Migration - Magento 2.3, I did the following:
I searched for Datetime values in eav_attribute.frontend_input.
I found several Mailchimp records with this value.
After I changed the Datetime values to anything else (Date, Text, …), it works again.
edit attribute 'mailchimp_sync_delta' frontend_input datetime to date worked for me.

Magento - setting url key in csv leads to 404 page

I have a lot of products which need to be uploaded via csv in Magento. I have for example two attributes with values:
I have also tried the values the same, but when I upload them the products exist but always leads to an 404 error when trying to view their product page.
Is there somethig I'm missing out in the csv?
I'm using Magento 1.7
Thanks in advance.
Are you trying to have a different URL that the Product Name?
EG Product ABC, Magento would make the URL key product-abc and URL Path product-abc.html by default.
If that is your goal then you can leave those 2 columns blank on your import and Magento will apply this rule. Also be sure to re-index after you import.
Step 1 : Leave both column (url_key and url_path) empty and upload csv file
Step 2 : After succesful importing csv file, go to System -> Index Management :
Click on Select All and click on Submit.
It is very simple way. I tried and got result.

Magento Product import error - SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column ‘attribute_id’ cannot be null

I am having an issue uploading a large csv of products.
It goes through the check on then after then import says: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column ‘attribute_id’ cannot be null
After this has done I have checked the products page and they are all there but do not seem to be in the categories, do not show in search and even if I manually enable the categories do not show.
Any ideas? Really stuck!
There is a value missing in "_media_attribute_id"
check all column and insert "88" where it is missing.
It solved my problem
Invalid attribute_id is associated with custom attributes.
You need to check that 1) all the attribute fields referenced in your csv - lets use Color just as an example - have been set up as attributes in Magento (Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes). Similarly, you need to make sure that any custom attributes that have been added and configured to be required are in your csv.
The attributes which Magento will be expecting will ultimately depend on the attribute_set you tell Magento to use for those products - also part of your csv. Attribute sets can be managed similarly under Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attribute Sets
You then need to make sure that all the attribute values you are attempting to import and are mentioned in the csv, actually appear as values for those attributes in Magento. For exmaple, if in Magento the available values for the attribute Color were only Red and Blue - and you were trying to import Yellow under this heading, it would throw the error you mentioned. Note these are also case sensitive. Magento will error on blue if it is expecting Blue.
Products not appearing in Search would be an unrelated issue...
In your csv, check under the heading "visibility" that you imported the value "Catalog, Search" - it might be that you have imported them as either "Catalog" or "Not visible individually" which would explain them not appearing (I assume at this point they have been uploaded as enabled or you have manually enabled them before searching!)
I had the same error. In my case, some products didn't have "_media_attribute_id" field populated.
I received this same error when I hadn't set up my attribute and attribute set prior to importing a configurable item using said non-existent attribute.
Edit: Thus, creating and configuring the attribute and attribute set from the Magento dashboard resulted in Magmi not throwing this error.
I had the same problem..Then i solved with filling '88' under '_media_attribute_id' column.

Magmi Configurable Products Importation

In Magmi v0.7.17, I can't manage to import configurable products.
Here is an example of the csv I've got (just fields related to problem here):
First of all, I need to put "_attribute_set" for the importation to work, otherwise I've got the error “cannot create product sku:xxx no attribute_set defined”. But in every online documentation and in the Dataflow Export this field is "attribute_set".
When I run the importation (using the Configurable Item processor v1.3.6), only the simple products are created and I've got theses errors :
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'attribute_id' cannot be null - INSERT INTO catalog_product_super_attribute(product_id,attribute_id,position) VALUES (?,?,?)
None of the attributes and attributes set exist in database, I want it to be created on the fly. But is it possible ? or do I miss some fields ?
Thanks !
Ok, it works now. After a little debugging in the plugin, I saw that the column "configurable_attributes" was empty. I move it at the beginning of the files (next to attribute_set) and it works fine. It's due to the fact that I didn't encapsulate my text with "" in csv, because Excel doesn't do it. So I modified my file with OpenOffice and let it at the end.
Suddenly attribute_set is working too.
Be sure to select "Magmi Magento Reindexer", otherwise the products won't appear in frontend.
Attributes and attribute sets have to be created in BackOffice before importation. Magmi can just create values of attribute.
What is work for me is:
1. Check "configurable_attributes"
- All attribute are listed ?
- All attribute are correctly spelled?
2. Check same for all custom attribute on header row
3. Check attribute "Use To Create Configurable Product" value is set "Yes"
This Error Means you are having error with attribute and attribute set.

Magento 1.6, allow SKU's to be used in catalog promotion rules

I'd like to set up catalog price rules discounts based on SKU.
However when I go to 'manage attributes' and try to edit SKU to 'use in Promo Rules: yes'. I get an error saying that SKU is a system reserved atrribute.
I have already changed the SKU attribute to user_defined=1 under eav_attribute table, but the message still appears.
It seems this was possible in earlier version of magento but not 1.6?
Any help is much appreciated.
I took a guess and managed to fix my own problem.
I had set SKU attribute to user_defined=1 under eav_attribute table earlier on along with every other attribute. I had assumed setting them all to '1' would make life easier in the future. However, setting SKU user_defined to 0 via phpmyadmin, actually allowed me to make the changes I wanted.
