Near Protocol: Token transfers from contract keeps failing - nearprotocol

I created a near contract from a sub-account and sent 2.5 near there, but when I try to transfer this near from the sub-account I keep getting LackBalanceForState error.


Error code 3012 when trying to transfer WSOL to SPL token like ETH with Phantom

The error message says "The program expected this account to be already initialized." This error occurs on Jupiter Exchange when trying to transfer WSOL to a token like ETH, but the error does not occur when transferring SOL to the same token (when Jupiter wraps SOL --> WSOL behind the scenes)
How would one get around this error?

How to avoid 503s when using MS Graph APIs Delta syncing feature?

When I use the MS Graph api to fetch event deltas for a calendar view or message deltas for a mailbox using the supplied delta token or skip token, I periodically get 503 unknown errors. Multiplied by hundreds of calendars or mailboxes, I get the 503 errors very frequently.
Sometimes, re-fetching without the delta token or skip token, I am able to retrieve the entire dataset rather than just the changes, but that is very slow, and then when I try to incrementally sync using the new delta token, I get a 503 again.
Sometimes, restricting odata.maxpagesize=2 helps alleviate some 503s temporarily, but sometimes it grinds to a failure and still hits the 503.
How can I avoid getting 503 errors?
I can supply request IDs and stuff if someone at Microsoft wants to dig into this.

kbsearch outage - returning INVALID_ARGUMENT

I've been using the Knowledge Graph API for a few months now. I just received a 400 "Request contains an invalid argument". I believe the API is having an outage or undocumented new requirement.
Here are instructions:
Here is a more specific example per the instruction. My API key is correct. Using an intentionally invalid API key produces an appropriate error.
Exact query URL would be:{api-key}&limit=1&indent=True
Update: It just started working again.

APNS "invalid token" error-response (code 8)

I'm using APNS to send push notifications from my app to ~300 devices. I get an error response from APNS with code 8 (invalid token) for some of the devices. When I send again to all devices, I get the code 8 error response again, but for different devices (for some of the devices I always get this error, and for some I never get it).
I sent a request to the APNS feedback service but it did not return any errors for the app (this service should return "expired" tokens - in case the intended app doesn't exist on the device anymore).
I know that the "invalid token" error is commonly a result of environment mismatch - trying to send notifications from the APNS production server to a token that came from the sandbox environment, or vice versa. I can't see how that can be the case here, because the same token sometimes gets an error and sometimes doesn't.
Does anyone know of a different reason for APNS "invalid token" response?

Getting Twilio.Device client error {message: "Cannot register. Token not validated", code: 31204} intermittently during resetup

I am getting Twilio.Device client error
{message: "Cannot register. Token not validated", code: 31204}
intermittently during resetup of Twilio.Device.
Can any one tell me what this error implies?
Since I am generating the token correctly, but I think twilio websocket was not able to validate it due to some reason.
Should I try to resetup using the same token or should I generate a new one?

