PDF watermarking - laravel

I want to watermark a pdf in a document management system using the device's details.
When a particular user downloads a pdf document from a document management system, it comes with the user's details watermarked.

In laravel if you have used dompdf then you can achieve this via editing blade.php file that you wish to have watermark
Or else you can use this package to override your pdf

Set Watermark using DomPDF-In the first step follow this url:


How to edit metadata of an uploaded file to mediawiki?

I am using a extension with mediawiki that uses the metadata of the uploaded file to generate its title.
However I cannot see how to edit the metadata for an uploaded file in mediawiki at all.
Here is the documention for the extention:
CategoryGallery with captions generated from image description files
(requires CategoryGallery extension) You'll need
Extension:CategoryGallery for this. Place image descriptions on your
image file pages (e.g. File:Popsicle stick Eiffel Tower.jpg) using the
same PageSummary template as before. Now, on the page where you're
putting the gallery, use e.g.:
<catgallery cat="Aubry" bpdcaption="short_summary" />
The result is as
follows (note how the captions are generated using the metadata you
saved on each image page):
How can I do this? Here is an example of the files I have uplaoded: http://www.gwart.co.uk/File:Eldar_Avatar_-_Mark_Gibbons_1994.jpg
If you are talking about metadata generated by CommonsMetadata, see here. There is also metadata extracted from the file; you can't edit that, short of editing the file itself.

How to print entities from entity print module?

I am using Drupal 8 and working on Eform types. I had to generate PDF from eform submissions. I used entity print module for this and am using DOMPDF as PDF Engine. I am able to apply custom css to the pdf but the requirements are still not covered. Now I need to override the template so that I can customize the PDF as per my requirement, I could not achieve this. Few requirements:
I need to insert tabular format.
Custom sequence of entities/fields.
Site Logo
Is there any way to do so?
You could also go to he link to get more details on the output before it is sent to the pdf engine.

Generating PDF files from Database using CodeIgniter

Generating PDF files from Database using CodeIgniter
for example,
when i click save button all contents in the table can downloaded as pdf format
please help me
Take a look at this article.
Also my answer is helful too.
cezPDF in Codeigniter 2
on the user click you should hit a controller function which will query the database and load a view file which you can pass to this library and it will throw it as pdf.
There is no native PDF library in CodeIgniter, so you need to use an third party library or a third party software-as-a-service (SaaS) to generate the PDF.
Here is what I did for one client.
I first generate a nicely formatted, print-friendly HTML page using standard CodeIgniter techniques to select the data from the relevant table, sort it, and echo to the page.
Next, I use the following SasS to turn my formatted HTML page into a PDF download:
This is a commercial system, but relatively affordable and quick and easy to use.
Alternatively, if you want to do some custom programming, you can try:
In this case, you need to link to the class file (external to CodeIgniter) and call
the various methods to generate the PDF. This approach does not require an annual fee
but it will take more programming effort.
You can use codeginter's database utility for getting backup in txt format first http://ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-guide/database/utilities.html#backup
Then you can read the generated file and convert it in pdf using https://github.com/aiwmedia/HTML2PDF-CI
This pdf will you can give for download

Upload pdf on a server with Spring MVC

i try to create a web site where it will provide an option to the user to upload a pdf file. I want this pdf to be saved on the server with specific url. For example:
The user select the title.
The user upload the file.
I want after these actions the file to be accessible via a specific url/name_the_user_give.
I saw that the Spring MVC provides very easy interface for file uploading.I already see many tutorial about this but my problem is how can i save the paper into a server.Also i want the pdf to open by the browser's tools.Can anyone give me directions?
To save the file on server path you simply needs to write the file stream to the path described by
request.getServletContext().getRealPath("your directory name here");
and then create the file using the real path you get.
And to show the pdf file using browser plugin, you should use following in your controller method.
#RequestMapping(value="url to map", produces={"application/pdf"})
Hope this helps you.

Is there a way to overwrite existing Blobs in the blobstore

I'm using the high performance image serving feature in App Engine to serve up images from the blobstore. However, I'd like users to be able to modify those images (e.g. rotate, crop etc.) and then write those change back to the blobstore, overwriting the original blob. I know I can write to new blobs in the blobstore, as documented here: http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/blobstore/overview.html#Writing_Files_to_the_Blobstore
but I don't see a way to overwrite existing blobs. Is this possible in App Engine?
My use case is as follows:
User uploads image, and app engine generates a link via
The user may then use that link outside of my app, e.g. link to it
on their blog to display the image
If that image is changed later on in my app (rotation, etc.) , I'd
like their image link to reflect those changes
Files stored in blobstore are immutable, once they have been written than can not be changed (only served or deleted).
I think you should try to build your own controller for generate file serving url
- In Datastore each blobFile record have own ID (you manage it) and version ID
- for first upload , set new ID and version
- When user change your image, save new blobstore, keep ID and set new version field
In serving controller generate link by iD, when user call it, get the newest version for serving
It's just my opinion, hope it helpful !
