Loading Application.yml using ApplicationContext.xml in Spring5 - spring

I need to load application.yml file using applicationContext.xml. Is there any tag which might do this. Using Spring version 5, i do not have any main class since the app is deployed as war file so cannot use annotations.


External application.properties file overriding values in Spring Boot 2.2.1

I have seen many questions in regards to Spring Boot external configuration, in specific, externalizing a application.properties file, but didn't find a specific answer on whether property values from externalized application.properties files should be merged or the whole .properties file on the classpath should be overridden with the external one.
After recent app upgrade to Spring Boot 2.2.1-RELEASE version, there was a need to enable bean overriding with spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true property, which is set in the application.properties file on the classpath. Since we want to use an external application.properties file, I created one(same name) without the aforementioned property and loaded it with the following property in IntelliJ:
java -jar appName.jar --spring.config.location="C:\Users\User\Downloads\application.properties"
The error came up as though the external props file completely overrode the classpath file, without looking for the mentioned property in the classpath file and using the missing property from the classpath application.properties:
The bean 'userRepository' could not be registered. A bean with that name has already been defined and overriding is disabled.
Consider renaming one of the beans or enabling overriding by setting spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true
After adding the bean overriding property to the external application.properties file, but removing it from the classpath one, error is gone.
In Spring docs, it is clearly stated that :
Spring Boot uses a very particular PropertySource order that is designed to allow sensible overriding of values. Properties are considered in the following order:
Application properties outside of your packaged jar (application.properties and YAML variants).
Application properties packaged inside your jar (application.properties and YAML variants).
After testing it out with IntelliJ and a packaged jar, both method exhibit the same: seems like the whole file is being overridden and values are not merged, but only loaded from the externalized properties file. My questions is, is this the expected behavior or am I missing out on something ?
EDIT: tested the behavior with jar

Is it possible to use Spring boot with web.xml and annotation based configurataion

I want to use Spring Boot with web.xml and servlet 3.1 configuration.Is there any example?
I want to define my context(Dispatcher servlet/SpringBootServletInitializer) in Web.xml mean time define all other configuration using annotation based.Ex want to load application.properties/yml values using pojos.
Need this type of configuration to deploy the app in Liberty profile as Liberty expecting application context in web.xml when using liberety global sharelib.

Why spring is unable to load beans from the xml

I have a web application, which is based on Spring MVC. I am trying to load Bean definition from a XML using following code snippet;
final AbstractApplicationContext fileContext2 =
new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:spring-integration-context_webinf.xml")
But this does not work. File is located in WEB-INF directory, which I assume must be on classpath. If I import the file using #import resources -it works.
I am not stuck on this, but curious why its not working!

JUnit: how to access Spring configuration as Spring has intended?

There is a tutorial video that introduces Spring MVC 3.0. In the demo-project they use the following directory structure:
Let's say I have a project with Maven-support and I want to write JUnit tests using Spring's configuration. Currently we use JUnit 4.8.2. This would obviously require to load the three files listed above.
In the test I could use annotations like
However, that doesn't find the XML-files. I took a look at the classpath and noticed, that only the <proj>/target/classes and <proj>/target/test-classes are included by default.
One obvious solution would be to add the proper path to the classpath, but I don't know if that is what the guys at Spring had in mind.
Therefore, my question: What do I need to do to load the configuration files while letting it look as if I'm the total pro-coder using Spring?
Another option is to use file system resource loader:
You should put the "normal" spring configuration in the resources folder but not in the webapp folder: src\main\ressources\WEB-INF\spring\root/spring-context.xml. Then you can access it without problems from the test.
Put only the web related spring configuration (servlet-context.xml) in the webapp folder.
The structure that you described is the one generated by the STS-Spring-Template:MVC-Template, however Spring-ROO and Spring-Fuse generate the structure that I have described.
For example Spring ROO:

How to load a spring beans which are in jar file in projects lib folder

How can I load a spring beans which are in jar file say for eg. sample.jar with all the beans declared in that jar with sample-applicationContext.xml?
Now I am using some of the beans from this jar in my project so when I deploy my ear file this sample.jar is in lib folder. Now when I deploy this project to server(jboss -5) it is not injecting the bean i have referenced in my main project.
we dont have any web app in this ear so the way we are loading beans are using ClassPathXmlApplicationContext. Can somebody gave me an example of how to load those beans from sample.jar(lib folder) first and then load those are in the project, so when spring creates beans in the main project it will have beans from sample.jar and would inject them.
Beans are looked-up on the classpath, so if they are annotated and your have the proper component scan, they should be discovered.
If they are not annotated, but only listed in the sample-applicationContext.xml, then you can <import resource="classpath:sample-applicationContext.xml" />
