Outlook deferredDeliveryTime goes to outbox and If application is closed it does not send - outlook

I am building an Outlook Add-in that is using the Outlook mailitem property deferredDeliveryTime in order to postpone the sending of the message. Everything works fine but I have realized that if I send an email using deferedDeliveryTime and the application is closed it won't send the email until the application is reopened which defeats the purpose of the add-in. I am using Exchange/Office 365 and should therefore be able to push the message to the messaging queue and then close the application but I don't know how to do this.
One solution I have found is disabling the "Use Cached Exchange Mode to download email to an Outlook data file" in Account Settings. When disabled it sends the message immediately to the Exchange server but I need this setting to be enabled due to group policy.
I believe it should be possible to have it enabled while still being able to immediately send to Exchange. Do anyone know how/if this works? Or if there is some workaround.

You are on the right avenue, Outlook add-ins work only when the host application is launched. When you deal with a cached mode of connecting to the Exchange server your data is kept locally until Outlook synchronizes its folders. The non-cached mode works a bit different - the data is reflected from the server-side and no cache is preserved locally, your changes are reflected on the server-side almost immediately. It seems you have found a possible workaround already.
But you may also consider using EWS when Outlook is closed at any point of time, see Explore the EWS Managed API, EWS, and web services in Exchange for more information. For Office365 accounts you may take a look at MS Graph.

I have not tried that particular scenario, but you should be able to create a message in the online mode and send it in that mode. On the Extended MAPI (C++ or Delphi only) level, you can open the parent folder (e.g., Outbox) with the MAPI_NO_CACHE flag, create the message (IMAPIFolder::CreateMessage), populate its properties, and send it (IMessage::SubmitMesage) - since the parent folder is opened in the online mode, the newly created message will also be in the online mode.
If Extended MAPI is not an option, you can try to use Redemption (I am its author, any language) - it will let you open a folder in the online mode (RDOSession.GetFolderFromID(..., MAPI_NO_CACHE | MAPI_BEST_ACCESS)).


Exception thrown when user attempts to create an appointment in a shared calendar

We have an In-house executable which creates Outlook Meetings and Appointments in shared calendars.
One user is having a problem creating appointments in a shared calendar using this code. This code's been running fine for years now.
I had the user access the Calendar directly through Outlook. She was able to create meetings in the Shared Calendar without a problem.
"The operation failed because of a registry or installation problem. Restart Outlook and try again. If the problem persists, reinstall."
Re-installing Outlook would be a major inconvenience for the user.
I'm wondering.
What area in the Registry would I look at?
Would recreating the .PST file be a reasonable alternative?
Can I use Outlook Redemption to troubleshoot the user's account?
It seems your Outlook profile (or Outlook installation itself) is corrupted. You can take a look at the Windows event log what else Outlook states about the error incident. At this stage, it is not clear whether it is related to the profile corruption (to re-create a pst) or Outlook itself.
Redemption is a wrapper around Extended MAPI (a low-level API on which Outlook is built on). But it doesn't provide any self-diagnostic services, only convenient access to the low-level functions. However, you can use Redemption for getting your job done without Outlook involved.
I'd suggest opening a support case with Microsoft if you need to continue working with OOM.
It turns out that it was a data issue.
I asked the user to create Appointments for other shared calendars using our custom executable. She was able to do so without a problem.
The exception message that I posted came from the call to GetSharedDefaultFolder
The Recipient parameter was created using an email address that doesn't exist on our Exchange server. That bad email address came from our database.

How to receive emails and store them automatically in Alfresco

We are working with Alfresco 4.2.c community version and the need is to configure Alfresco to store automatically received emails (from Outlook) in a specific workspace.
I really need your help.
Alfresco does not have a pull mechanism include to get & store mails. But there is a push-style solution called "Inbound Mail".
This gives you the opportunity to send (e.g. by forwarding or via Outlook rule) mails to alfresco & get them automatically stored in a folder: How Emails are handled
For the simple configuration (known users, no other special requirements):
Basic configuration changes (tweak unknown/allowable/etc for your local security requirements) for the alfresco-global.properties file:
### Inbound SMTP ###
Sending user...
e-mail address must be known by Alfresco
must be a member of EMAIL_CONTRIBUTORS
must be a member of the destination site
must have permissions on the destination node
The e-mail address that you send TO is the node ID. This can be retrieved from 5.0a and earlier by viewing the node in the "Alfresco Explorer" (accessible from the "View Properties" screen in Share (since almost everyone is all Share all the time). Note that with 5.0b that option may not be available anymore (and I do not know what the replacement is)?
The standard setup for allowing non-registered e-mails to submit documents involves creating the "anonymous" account. It can be attached to sites and given permissions to nodes just like any other user (since it actually is). This also means you can get fancy and assign an existing user to be the accepting party for unknown source e-mails. Note that no matter how you do it, this does open you up to some new risks...

Visual studio Lightswitch - Version management

I have a business LS web application which I update from time to time.
I do the update by simply using the deploy wizard and everything is working great.
My problem is handling all my users that opened my system in their IE and left it open through my deploy process.
Since they have the old web application is opened on their browsers, and I have deployed the new version to the server, I can see errors occuring in certain situations.
Is there a way to make sure all users with the application opened will be forced to refresh the web application page? Maybe remotely disconnect all currently connected users?
There is no built in way of doing this. You will need to write a custom solution. Someone in the MSDN Forums has written a class to do this for OOB apps.
You should be able to reuse the timer part of that class. I'm not sure if the UpdateAvailable method will work for Web-based applications or not. You'll have to experiment with that.
Alternatively, you can create a custom notification system. Insert a message to your users into a table in your database from the administrator account. Have a timer on the user account check the table every so often. If it finds a new message, display a notification to the user.
Then you can use either an HTTP Response Header or an ASP method to log the users out as described in this Microsoft Support article.

Sending Tasks using an offline Outlook

I've a scenario wherein I need to send/assign tasks from my browser UI to the concerned. This should happen with Outlook being offline (or for that matter outlook not even configured on the terminal) so that the user can be accessing a workflow from any terminal (using his/her AD credentials) and if required should have the ability to send a task to the concerned without having to return to his own terminal to be able to do so.
I envision that the user's credentials should be used to look up the AD for his/her email ID and send a task using the same from anywhere in the intranet.
Using Outlook object library I have been able to assign/send tasks, but with the Outlook being fired up and not otherwise.
Redemption does the sync of contacts while Outlook is offline but not tasks.
Kindly help if anybody has had a chance to do something similar.
Thanks in advance.
Redemption could help you here as you can run it it on a web server which will connect to you exchange env via mapi for you.
There are other ways dependant on you version of exchange EWS or Exchange DAV.
EWS comes with a managed API now a days to take some of the sting out of it.
There are similar 3rd party libraries for Exchange DAV as well.
They all contain contact and directory lookups.

Using MAPI w/ C++, how can I open another user's Inbox?

I'm looking to write an automated monitor script to programmatically retrieve information from another user's Exchange 2003 inbox. I have working C++ code to log into MAPI and connect to my own inbox. I can also use the Control Panel->Mail applet to configure another user's mailbox into my profile, and my code can access that way. However, this was done on my desktop with Outlook installed, which provides a richer mail profile editor.
Since this will run on a server, I'd prefer not to install Outlook at all. Instead, I can install the MAPI client. I then create a simple MAPI app that pops up the mail profile wizard using MAPILogonEx() with the MAPI_LOGON_UI flag. However, the basic MAPI client doesn't have the features to configure another user's mailbox. As a requirement, I can only run this script as the service account of the monitoring application, so I cannot tell it to run as the account whose mailbox I want.
Is it still possible to connect to another user's mailbox (assuming permissions are already granted) using the basic MAPI client? Or is it absolutely necessary to install Outlook for this functionality?
I would strongly recommend using the Microsoft Exchange MAPI Client (as you have linked). It is engineered to be far more robust than the Outlook version of these libraries. You should find the API no different between Outlook and Exchange Server with respect to Extended MAPI.
You will need to use Extended MAPI (as described by Cain T S Random) to open other mail stores, and of course your application will need to be logged in as the Windows user with appropriate permissions on the Exchange server.
I see... I'm not sure how to do that explicitly; that's usually a side effect of calling CreateStoreEntryID with the wrong flags. What's you're looking to do is probably:
Get an IID_IExchangeManageStore from your default message store
Call CreateStoreEntryID
Then open that store by the entry ID
store->QueryInterface( IID_IExchangeManageStore, (LPVOID *) &mapiObject);
mapiObject->CreateStoreEntryID( server, mailbox, OPENSTORE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP |
//Call OpenEntry on the entry id
If you want a more detailed example, search the source of the MFC MAPI project for CreateStoreEntryID. If you have other questions, the best place to get them answered is the microsoft.public.win32.programmer.messaging newsgroup.
Have you looked into ConfigureMsgService? I believe that works with Exchange MAPI, or are you saying you tried that and it didn't work?
