How to sort columns multiple columns in spring jpa which has parameters being passed? - spring-boot

I have a Jpa repository and I need to sort by two columns i order.
public interface PetRepository extends JpaRepository<PetClass, PetKey> {
List<PetClass> findAllByStatusAndWeightAndBirthDateBetween(String status, String weight, Date fromDate, Date toDate);
First I need to sort it by PetClass's petHeight property in ascending order and then by petLength property in descending order.
If I needed to sort only one column then I could have done findAllByStatusAndWeightAndBirthDateBetweenOrderByPetLength but I can't use two 'orderBy' in one method it seems because it throws an error saying such.

You can easily construct multi sort in repository
return this.PetRepository.findAll("status").descending().and("weight")).a cending());


Spring JPA repository method to get sorted distinct and non-null values

To get distinct data based on multiple columns and exclude NULL values on a column and sort the result in SQL, I would write query like:
This would return me rows with distinct values for CAR_NUMBER and CAR_NAME and it would exclude any rows having CAR_NUMBER = NULL and finally, it would sort the result by CAR_NUMBER.
However, In Spring JPA, I gather you can use either methods named based on your entity fields or using #Query annotation.
I am trying to do this:
List<Car> findDistinctByCarNumberAndCarNameAndCarNumberIsNotNull(Sort sort);
, and to call this method like:
but this is failing on Maven > Install with error like "findDistinctByCarNumberAndCarNameAndCarNumberIsNotNull(Sort sort) expects at least 1 arguments but only found 0".
Similarly, I tried using #Query like below but with same effect:
#Query(SELECT DISTINCT c.carNumber, c.carName FROM carEntity c WHERE c.carNumber IS NOT NULL ORDER BY c.carNumber)
List<Car> findAllCars();
I figured out the problem. Following is how I solved it:
In my repository:
#Query("select distinct c.carNumber, c.carName from CarEntity c where c.carNumber is not null")
List<Object> findAllDistinctRegions(Sort sort);
Important here to realize is that #Query returns List<Object>, not List<Car>.
Next, in my service, call this method:
List<Object> carData = carRepository.findAllDistinctCars("carNumber"));
That worked finally fine; however, I run into another problem where I had to do necessary conversion from List to List.
// This is bit tricky as the returned List<Object> is actually
// List<Object[]>. Basically, each field returned by the #Query
// is placed into an array element.
//To solve it, I had to do following:
List<Car> cars = new ArrayList<Car>();
for(Object data: carsData) {
Object[] obj = (Object[]) data;
cars.add(new CarDto((Short) obj[0], ((String) obj[1]));
I just remembered there is a better way to solve this than that helper function that you described in your answer and thought I would share it.
Projection in JPQL would be a cleaner way to create your DTO:
#Query("SELECT DISTINCT new com.yourdomain.example.models.MyDto(c.carNumber, c.carName)
FROM CarEntity c WHERE c.carNumber is not null")
List<CarDto> findAllDistinctRegions(Sort sort);

Spring And Kotlin Query

How can I achieve this query
select *
from table t
where name like '%Ami%'
order by (name = 'Ami') desc, length(col);
(just the sort part)
Using springframework Sort..
What I tried is, "name") // But I need to sort by name = 'Ami', "name" = 'Ami'") // throws an error
JpaSort.unsafe(Sort.Direction.DESC, "name" = 'Ami'") // throws an error
Looks like the documentation has an example almost identical to your question:
However, using Sort together with #Query lets you sneak in
non-path-checked Order instances containing functions within the ORDER
BY clause. This is possible because the Order is appended to the given
query string. By default, Spring Data JPA rejects any Order instance
containing function calls, but you can use JpaSort.unsafe to add
potentially unsafe ordering.

PageRequest and OrderBy method name Issue

in our Spring application we have a table that contains a lot of "Payment" record. Now we need a query that pages the results sorted from the one with the largest total to the smallest, we are facing an error because sometimes the same record is contained in two successive pages.
We are creating a PageRequest passed to the repository. Here our implementation:
public interface StagingPaymentEntityRepository extends JpaRepository<StagingPaymentEntity, Long> {
Page<StagingPaymentEntity> findAllByStatusAndCreatedDateLessThanEqualAndOperationTypeOrderByEffectivePaymentDesc(String status, Timestamp batchStartTimestamp, String operationType, Pageable pageable);
public class BatchThreadReiteroStorni extends ThreadAbstract<StagingPaymentEntity> {
PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of (index, 170);
Page<StagingPaymentEntity> records = ((StagingPaymentEntityRepository) repository).findAllByStatusAndCreatedDateLessThanEqualAndOperationTypeOrderByEffectivePaymentDesc("REITERO", batchStartTimestamp, "STORNO", pageRequest) ;
where index is the index of the page we are requesting.
There is a way to understand why it is happening ? Thank for support
This can have multiple reasons.
Non deterministic ordering: If the ordering you are using isn't deterministic, i.e. there are rows that might com in any order that order might change between selects resulting in items getting skipped or returned multiple times. Fix: add the primary key as a last column to the ordering.
If you change the entities in a way that affects the ordering, or another process does that you might end up with items getting processed multiple times.
In this scenario I see a couple of approaches:
do value based pagination. I.e. don't select pages but select the next N rows after .
Instead of paging use a Stream this allows to use a single select but still processing the results an element at a time. You might have to flush and evict entities and I'm not 100% sure that works, but certainly worth a try.
Finally you can mark all all rows that you want to process in a separate column, then select N marked entities and unmark them once they are processed.

Spring data - Order by multiplication of columns

I came to a problem where I need to put ordering by multiplication of two columns of entity, for the sake of imagination entity is:
public class Entity {
private BigDecimal amount;
private BigDecimal unitPrice;
many more columns
My repo interface implements JpaRepository and QuerydslPredicateExecutor,
but I am struggling to find a way to order my data by "amount*unitPrice",
as I can't find a way to put it into
PageRequest (new Sort.Order(ASC, "amount * unitPrice"))
without having PropertyReferenceException: No property amount * unitPrice... thrown.
I can't user named query, as my query takes quite massive filter based on user inputs (can't put where clause into query, because if user hasn't selected any value, where clause can't just be in query).
To make it simple. I need something like findAll(Predicate, Pageable), but I need to force that query to order itself by "amount * unitPrice", but also have my Preditate (filter) and Pageable (offset, limit, other sortings) untouched.
Spring Sort can be used only for sorting by properties, not by expressions.
But you can create a unique sort in a Predicate, so you can add this sort-predicate to your other one before you call the findAll method.

Spring Sorting with Nulls_Last Handling not working

I created a sort rule like this for sorting my list:
Sort sort = new Sort(new Sort.Order(Sort.Direction.ASC,"productOrder", Sort.NullHandling.NULLS_LAST), new Sort.Order(Sort.Direction.ASC,"producedYear", Sort.NullHandling.NULLS_LAST));
with this rule I want to sort the productOrder first, and then if the productOrder is the same then the producedYear will be compared and sorted. If there are null values presented, it should be sorted at the end of the list. productOrder will have type Long and producedYear will have type Double.
My Repository interface extends the JpaRepository:
public interface ProductRepository extends JpaRepository<Product, String> {
List<Product> findByDisabledAndValid(int disabled, int valid, Sort sort);
But the sorted list I received is containing the null values always at the beginning of the list. This means the null values will be sorted first, then come the productOrder, and finally the producedYear will be sorted. It seems that the third parameter that I defined on my Sort.Order method is not working.
Does anyone have an idea why? Thank you very much
Instead of using the Sort.NullHandling.NULLS_LAST integrated with Spring, I solved the above problem by creating my own Sort function, like this:
Collections.sort(resultList, Comparator
.comparing(Product::getProductOrder, Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.naturalOrder()))
.thenComparing(Product::getProducedYear, Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.naturalOrder())));
Hope this help if someone also faces the same problem.
