How can i specify folder for bpmn processes? - spring

My problem is that default directory for bpmn processes is resources.
But i need to store them in the root of project in special directory.
How can i specify it?

The answer is in adding string in like this :
camunda.bpm.deployment-resource-pattern[]= file:./{name of your folder in root}/*
That`s all.


Spring: set Tomcat server root

I'm writing a Spring application where users may upload files which will later be served again.
However the directory in which the files will be stored is always a temporary location (per default), such as /tmp/tomcat-docbase.XYZ. So whenever the application is restarted, another path will be chosen and all the files uploaded before are lost.
I can't figure out how to set the server's root manually.
I tried setting the server.tomcat.basedir in my but this didn't do it (guess it is just the wrong property)..
So what did I miss? Thanks in advance :)

Change default project base path in Ansible AWX/Tower

I want to use a custom project base path. As far as I understand I need to change PROJECTS_ROOT in /etc/awx/ However, nothing happens when I do... Do I need to do something to manually reload the
PROJECTS_ROOT is set by default to /var/lib/awx/projects. Make sure you have created your preferred projects path, set it to be owned by the awx user/group and move any existing projects you've created under the default path to your new path.
You'll need to restart httpd and supervisord for the changes in to be reloaded.

Including a file in my jar, but different properties file at execution time (optionally)

I want to include a file in my maven build, but be able to use a different properties file at execution time (using cron on unix)
Any ideas?
You want to be able to change properties per environment.
There are number approach to address this issue.
Create directory in each environment which will contain different files ( in your example). Add these directories to your classpath in each environment.
Use filter ability + profile ability of maven in order to populate with correct values in the build time.
Use build server (Jenkins, for example) which essentially will make p.2.
Each of these approaches has it's own drawbacks. I am currently using a bit weired combination of 2&3 because Jenkins limitations.

what's the difference between folders 'installedApps' and 'applications' in websphere application server?

Normally, after we create profiles both DMGR and Node, we have folder applications under path $DMGRPROFILE_HOME/config/cells/$cellName and installedApps under path $NODEPROFILE_HOME/.
All the applications to be deployed will be put into folder installedApps. And we can also see the same contents under the folder applications above. So my question is what's the difference between them? why does the websphere application server put such apps into folder applications besides installedApps?
what's more, for example, if i need to update one file named web.xml of my deployed application war file, do i have to update file under both path above?
Thanks in advance
The applications path under the Dmgr profile contains the files that have been deployed in the admin console.
The installedApps path under the Node profile contains those files after they've been synchronized out to each node. In most cases, this will be immediately after the deployment as well.
Deploying a single file
The safest practice would be to deploy a single file using the admin console, rather than editing it in-place on the filesystem:
The downside is that you have to enter the entire path to the server-deployed file name. e.g. webapp.war/WEB-INF/classes/com/yourcompany/project/package1/YourClass.class.
If you have a typo, it will deploy, but not where you wanted, and you might not notice it until your expected changes didn't take effect.
Direct edit on the filesystem
That said, it is faster to edit on the filesystem, so we do that at times especially for like JSPs. To do that, you need to edit the copy under the Node's installedApps directory. (The location is controlled by WebSphere variable APP_INSTALL_ROOT, which defaults to ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/installedApps.)
web.xml, however, is different. If you edit that in installedApps, the changes won't take effect. Instead, you'll need to edit the one in a path something like:
Or do it in the $DMGRPROFILE_HOME and then synchronize the node (either through or through the admin console).
Either way, you'll then need to restart the enterprise application.

What is my Eclipse-RCP application storing in $HOME/.eclipse, and how do I prevent it?

When I run my Eclipse RCP application, it creates a whole lot of directories in my $HOME/.eclipse directory. What is this?
I don't want the files there, how can I hinder them from getting there? The rational for this: the application must run very clean and only leave files at one specific location (not $HOME/.eclipse).
I'd figured it was controlled by osgi.instance.area so tried to set this to different values (a directory, #none, #noDfault etc...) but can't stop the application from creating directories in $HOME/.eclipse. -data and other arguments works as expected.
On my system the only thing that is stored in .eclipse is the Equinox Secure Storage. Here is the blurb on the doc page for that:
By default, secure storage is located in your home directory. On Windows that typically resolves to "C:\Documents and Settings\.eclipse\". This location is selected to allow multiple Eclipse-based applications to share the same secure storage.
If you would like to modify the location of the default secure storage, you can use the "-eclipse.keyring " runtime option. The is a path to the file which is used to persist the secure storage data.
Here is the online reference.
