yq - make key-value pairs from nested yaml structure - terminal

Having the following file structure:
description: "B1 field"
any-field: 1
description: "B2 field"
any-field: 1
any-field: 1
description: "B4 field"
I would like to get the following result:
B1: "B1 field"
B2: "B2 field"
B4: "B4 field"
So basically I need to filter out object without desired property (B3 in this case) and then map each from .*.* | keys to .*.*.description, but I failed to do it.
yq I am using is the newest (4.27.5) from https://github.com/mikefarah/yq

To go 2-levels deep, you can use the to_entries function twice, and then select the key name and the value containing the .description field
yq 'to_entries | .[].value | to_entries |
map(select(.value | has("description"))) | .[] | {.key: .value.description}' yaml

I figured it out actually, it was simpler than I expected.
I needed to use string concat here and keyword key, which I was not aware of:
yq '.*.* | key + ": \"" + .description +"\""' input.yml

I don't know why mikefarah/yq deliberately omits the document separator --- in this case (for comparison, at least kislyuk/yq and itchyny/gojq do print it), but simply re-mapping the values to move them up one level already brings you here:
yq '.[] | .[] |= .description' input.yaml
B1: "B1 field"
B2: "B2 field"
B3: null
B4: "B4 field"
So, if this is an intended feature, all that's left is to remove the null values:
yq '.[] | .[] |= .description | del(.[] | select(tag == "!!null"))' input.yaml
B1: "B1 field"
B2: "B2 field"
B4: "B4 field"
Tested with mikefarah/yq 4.27.2


PowerAutomate - replace nth occurrence of character

I'm attempting to parse email body to excel file.
After some manipulations, my current output is an array, where each line is data related to a product.
"Periods: 01.01.2023 - 01.02.2023 | Code: 111 | Code2: 1111 | product-name",  
"Periods: 01.01.2023 - 01.02.2023 | Code: 222 | Code2: 2222 | product-name2"
I need to replace the 3rd occurrence of " | " with " | Product: " , so i can get field Product before the product name.
I've tried to use Apply to each -> current item -> various ways to find 3rd occurrence and replace it, but can't succeed.
Any suggestion?
You should be able to loop through each item and perform a simple replace expression like thus ...
replace(item(), split(item(), ' | ')[3], concat('Product: ', split(item(), ' | ')[3]))
That should get you across the line. Of course, I'm basing my answer off the limited information you provided.

Unable to find match with yq in for loop

I have a yaml file called teams.yml that looks like this:
bonjour: hello
bonjour: allo
I want to loop over an array and get itsvalues matching a key in the yaml. I have tried yq e 'keys | .[] | select(. == "test")' .github/teams.yml and it returns test whereas yq e 'keys | .[] | select(. == "abc")' .github/teams.yml returns nothing which is enough to get the information I am interested in.
The issue is that, when using the same logic in a for loop, yq returns nothing:
yq e 'keys | .[] | select(. == "abc")' .github/teams.yml # Prints nothing
yq e 'keys | .[] | select(. == "test")' .github/teams.yml # Prints 'test'
ar=( "abc" "test" "xyz" )
for i in "${ar[#]}" # Prints nothing
yq e 'keys | .[] | select(. == "$i")' .github/teams.yml
What explains the lack of output in the for loop?
Call yq with the loop variable set in the environment, and use env within yq to read environment variables. See also the section Env Variable Operators in the manual.
ar=( "abc" "test" "xyz" )
for i in "${ar[#]}" # Prints nothing
i="$i" yq e 'keys | .[] | select(. == env(i))' .github/teams.yml
Another way could be to import the (preformatted) array from the environment and just make the array subtractions within yq (saving you the looping and calling yq multiple times):
ar='["abc","test","xyz"]' yq e 'env(ar) - (env(ar) - keys) | .[]' .github/teams.yml

yaml - Print key and value, if value meets consitions

Given the following yaml:
# repository with Helm charts for creation namespaces
path: ns
pathMonitoringPrometheus: prom
description: "Description of first"
enabled: false
branch: master
bootstrapChart: bootstrap
syncAccessGroups: []
role: k8s-role-of-first
istio: disabled
public: view
sources: []
description: "Description of second"
enabled: false
branch: HEAD
bootstrapChart: bootstrap
role: k8s-role-of-second
istio: 1-13-2
label: second
- http://url.of.second
How could we get a list of namespaces and their istio value if it is different to "disabled".
We are trying to use "yq" tool, but I guess any approach would be ok, although "yq" would be a preferred approach.
second, 1-13-2
Using kislyuk/yq you can base your filter on jq.
to_entries splits up the object into an array of key-value pairs
select selects those items matching your criteria
String interpolation in combination with the -r option puts together your desired output
yq -r '
| to_entries[]
| select(.value.namespace.istio != "disabled")
| "\(.key), \(.value.namespace.istio)"
second, 1-13-2
Using mikefarah/yq the filter is quite similar.
to_entries[] has to be split up to_entries | .[]
String interpolation is replaced using join and an array
yq '
| to_entries | .[]
| select(.value.namespace.istio != "disabled")
| [.key, .value.namespace.istio] | join(", ")
second, 1-13-2
this will do:
cat /path/tp/your.yaml |yq -r '.namespaces | to_entries[] | "\(.key) \(.value.namespace.istio)"'`
will result:
first disabled
second 1-13-2

yq v4: print all key value pairs with full key path

I'm trying to determine the correct syntax for using yq to print all key/value pairs from a given yaml input using yq v4 - with the desired output having the full key "path". This was possible using v3 such as this:
$ cat << EOF | yq r -p pv - '**'
> a:
> b: foo
> c: bar
a.b: foo
a.c: bar
but I'm having difficulty wrapping my head around the new syntax.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
$ cat << EOF | yq e '.. | select(. == "*") | {(path | join(".")): .} ' -
> a:
> b: foo
> c: bar
a.b: foo
a.c: bar
What does this do? Let's go over it:
.. recursively select all values
select(. == "*") filter for scalar values (i.e. filter out the value of a)
(path | join(".")) gets the path as array and joins the elements with .
{…: .} create a mapping, having the joined paths as keys and their values as values
Edit: to get sequence indexes in square brackets ([0] etc), do
$ cat << EOF | yq e '.. | select(. == "*") | {(path | . as $x | (.[] | select((. | tag) == "!!int") |= (["[", ., "]"] | join(""))) | $x | join(".") | sub(".\[", "[")): .} ' -
This seems like there should be a simpler way to do it, but I don't know yq well enough to figure it out.

yq v4 get root keys based on existence of deeper keys

I have this structure:
image: 123
image: 456
config: "my config"
and I'd like to print the root keys (i.e. foo, bar, baz) based on the existence of the child "image"
In yq version 3 I could do this:
$ yq read test.yaml --printMode p "*.image" | awk -F'.' '{print $1}'
But I can't find the equivalent in v4. The yq + jq solution would be:
$ yq -j e test.yaml | jq -r 'to_entries[] | select(.value | has("image")) | [.key][]'
Any idea how to do this with yq v4?
You can use the path operator to get the path of the matching object containing the tag image
yq e '.[] | select(has("image")) | path | .[]' yaml
