I have a collection of rst files in a sphinx project and I need to generate several documents, each one including a selection of these rst files.
└── source
├── external_documents.rst
├── install.rst
├── last_evolutions.rst
├── tips.rst
└── tutorial.rst
I want to generate a User Guide with all the rst files and I have to produce a Version Description Document including last_evolutions.rst and external_documents.rst only. The solution I have found is to create two separate root files defining the content of each document in a toctree. Then I generate each document by specifying the root file to use with the option root_doc.
It does the job but I have two problems :
Sphinx raises a warning for each not-included rst file
Sphinx generates a html file for all the rst files, even the not-included ones.
Is there a way to ask sphinx to ignore all the files that are not included in the root file ? If not, is there a better solution to my need ?
I'm currently developing my own Ansible collection and following the documentation. The directory structure looks like this:
├── galaxy.yml
├── plugins
│ └── lookup
│ └── mylookup.py
├── README.md
└── tests
└── unit
└── plugins
└── lookup
└── test_mylookup.py
The location ~/.ansible/collections/gertvdijk/mycollection is chosen for convenience so that it's found on the default search paths for collections (COLLECTIONS_PATHS).
The Ansible developer document section Testing collections mentions that I should use ansible-test command from the root of my collection with the given structure.
You must always execute ansible-test from the root directory of a collection.
However, that fails to me, with an error as if I should use this in a project already.
Even running --help fails with the current working directory error:
$ ansible-test --help
ERROR: The current working directory must be at or below:
- an Ansible collection: {...}/ansible_collections/{namespace}/{collection}/
Current working directory: /home/gert/.ansible/collections/gertvdijk/mycollection
Same thing happens by cloning an existing community collection (e.g. community.grafana). The GitHub CI steps include an installation in a ansible_collections/{namespace}/{collection} path (seen here).
Taking that as a work-around for now (I'd like to avoid that); move the repository of the collection to some path that includes /ansible_collections/gertvdijk/mycollection and then run it from there.
This can't be true, right, that the directory name two levels up make or break the ansible-test tool? What am I missing here?
TL;DR: The path for your home collection should be /home/gert/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/gertvdijk/mycollection
The directories listed in COLLECTION_PATH are actually expected to contain a top level ansible_collections folder. This is linked to the ansible_collections convention used by e.g. module_utils as explained in the documentation
You can also observe how a blank folder gets structured by running e.g.
ansible-galaxy collection install -p /whatever community.grafana
In this case, you will end up with the folder /whatever/ansible_collections/community/grafana.
So your actual home folder collection path should be /home/gert/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/gertvdijk/mycollection
I created the documentation using the autoclass directive in reST, and it generates a header for the class like this:
What I want, however, is for it to not say dataframe.DataFrame but instead EzPyZ.DataFrame (or really any manual override of that default text). This is the code I used:
.. autoclass:: dataframe.DataFrame
The answer is as I expected. I am a moron. As #mzjn pointed out, all I had to do was simply put:
.. autoclass: EzPyZ.DataFrame
The autodocs will fill in the path however you specify, so long as it is a valid path to the class. In my case (see directory structure below), the Column class can be accessed by using either EzPyZ.column.Column, column.Column (because the autodoc implicitly imports the targe package for documentation), or (as I wanted) EzPyZ.Column.
└── EzPyZ
├── __init__.py
├── column.py # Contains Column class.
├── dataframe.py # Contains DataFrame class.
└── tools
├── __init__.py
└── read_files.py # Contains some extra functions.
I'm generating a static website with Hugo.
Here's the structure of my content folder:
└── post
├── post01
│ ├── image.xcf
│ ├── image.jpg
│ └── index.md
└── post02
├── image.xcf
├── image.jpg
└── index.md
Each of the posts has a .jpg files. These images are exported from my image editing program. To avoid confusion, I'm keeping the original working .xcf files from the image editing program in the same folder as the exported image, in case I need to edit an image in the future, and re-export it. But I don't want to publish those .xcf files to the server.
Is there a way to configure Hugo to exclude all files with .xcf extension when generating the static site?
Be aware that there's an open issue at GitHub that this feature might not work exactly as documented. It worked for me with Hugo 0.62.0 and your given directory and file structure.
As per the documentation, you can exclude content files with the ignoreFiles directive.
In your specific case, add the following to your config.toml (resp. YAML or JSON)
ignoreFiles = [ "\\.xcf$" ]
I have a css structure where I have a folder with vendors, other with modules, other with framework, and on the root sass I have my main file which imports all the other sass files form the other folders.
How can I set the file watcher on PHPStorm to only watch that specific main.scss file??
This is what I have on PHPStorm file watcher.
cache --update $FileName$:$FileParentDir$/css/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
Working directory:
Output paths to refresh:
yesterday i had the same problem and gave up and told myself that i have to sleep over it so i can craft new ideas 😁
The magic word here is Partials > SASS Guide: Partials
You have to extend all your non-main files with an underscore so your file vendors.sass for example would look like this: _vendors.sass. The File Watcher now knows that he can skip this file since it's a partial. The main file is then the only one which doesn't come with an underscore :)
Beneath i show you my folder structure and the configurations for the watcher.
├── css
│ ├── sass
│ │ ├── _cookie.sass
│ │ ├── _farben.sass
│ │ ├── _navi.sass
│ │ ├── _schriften.sass
│ │ ├── _sidebar.sass
│ │ ├── _typo.sass
│ │ └── style.sass
│ ├── style.css
And this is the configuration for phpstorm to tell the app where to save the (compressed) output-file:
--no-cache --update $FileName$:$FileParentDir$/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css --style compressed
Working directory:
Output paths to refresh:
I think that you maybe already have solved this problem, since your question is more than five months old. But in my case i was blind to see that this was a simple sass-thing. So hopefully no one needs to struggle for a solution like me in the future!
This is possible with PHPStorm (and presumably WebStorm).
Note: I am using version 2018.3
To transpile just a single "main" file, you need to configure the PHPStorm File Watcher Scope:
Open PHPStorm Preferences (on a Mac, command comma)
Search for File Watchers and edit them.
Find your SCSS file watcher (presumably this will work with other watchers) and edit it.
In the configuration window, click the 3-dot icon that is to the right of the "Scopes" dropdown.
In the "Scopes" window, click the + icon to add a new scope.
From the "Add Scope" dropdown, choose Local Scope.
When prompted, enter the descriptive name of the scope (something like Theme File Only)
Now you should be in the "Scope" window (see screenshot). In the file explorer section in the middle, expand the tree and find the file you'd like to transpile.
Click the file (you can choose multiple if appropriate), and click the Include button to the right.
Click Apply then OK.
In your file watcher dialog, in the "Scope" dropdown, ensure that the newly added scope (named Them File Only or similar) is selected. Click Apply then OK.
At this point, the IDE will only watch, and transpile, the specific file(s) selected.
I am new to Magento 2...and trying to learn CODEPOOL in Magento 2. This is a very basic question regarding Magento 2 Folder Structure.Magento 2 is differ from other previous version like Magento 1.9.1,1.9.0 ...
Magento 2 is significantly different from Magento 1.X and s not backward compatible as well.
In Magento 2,
All Custom Modules will go in app/code
Module Name will be something similar to app/code/[Company]/[Module]
View of the module (layout XMLs, Template .phtmls, Module Javascripts, LESS, CSS and all related files) will now go inside the Module Folder itself, making the module is standalone and independant
No More codepools. Core team has written their own modules for functionalities and core code lives in [MAGE_ROOT]/vendor/magento/. for example Catalog Module is now at [MAGE_ROOT]/vendor/magento/module-catalog having the module name Magento_Catalog
Even the Magento themes are now coming as Modules, look for [MAGE_ROOT]/vendor/magento/theme-frontend-luma or [MAGE_ROOT]/vendor/magento/theme-adminhtml-backend
Usage of Advanced Design Patterns and Features like Namespaces, Automatic Dependancy Injection, Static Content Generation
Some Used Technologies
LESS, jQuery, RequireJS, knockout.js and More
Varnish, Redis, Memcached
A complete list as per the documentation http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.0/architecture/tech-stack.html
Good Tutorials to Follow
Give it a try. It's complex, more advanced. But worth learning...
Magento 2 all module reside inside app/code folder.
Inside app/code folder
/etc (main configuration folder module.xml)
/Setup (database table related file)
/Controller(action file)
/Model(Business logic)
/Helper (Miscellaneous data)
/Block (Block Template function file)
/view (phtml and layout file with css and js file)
/i18n (For translation language feature)
There are no core/community/local folder and those all folders are remove.
Magento use complete MVC pattern as following:-
1.complete module code resides in single folder:VendorName/ModuleName
2.No core/community/local folder
3.complete front end data (view data) resides into view folder.
4.Module register trough registration.php file.
5.dependency manage by composer.js file.
Magento 2 code structure is different from Magento 1. Code can be found under [MagentoRoot]/app/code and can also be installed under [MagentoRoot]/vendor directory using composer. Frontend Themes can be created under [MagentoRoot]/app/design/frontend and Admin Themes can be created under [MagentoRoot]/app/design/adminhtml
As far as concerned with Magento 2, the code pool structure of Magento 2 is different than Magento 1.
There are directories of modules where code found in Magento 2 as:
Every module follows the directory structure as VendorName/ModuleName inside the directory app/code, all the Code can be found under [MagentoRoot]/app/code, and can similar third-party modules also can be installed under /vendor directory using composer.json.
Please check the complete documentation:
magento extension folder structure :
In Magneto 2 very easy to understand folder structure
Common directories
Following are some common module directories:
Block: contains PHP view classes as part of Model View Controller(MVC) vertical implementation of module logic.
Controller: contains PHP controller classes as part of MVC vertical implementation of module logic.
etc: contains configuration files; in particular, module.xml, which is required.
Model: contains PHP model classes as part of MVC vertical implementation of module logic.
Setup: contains classes for module database structure and data setup which are invoked when installing or upgrading.
Additional directories
Additional folders can be added for configuration and other ancillary functions for items like plugin-ins, localization, and layout files.
Api: contains any PHP classes exposed to the API.
i18n: contains localization files.
Plugin: contains any needed plug-ins.
view: contains view files, including static view files, design templates, email templates, and layout files
Theme file structure
A typical theme file structure can look like the following:
├── composer.json ├── etc │ └── view.xml ├── i18n │ └── en_US.csv ├── LICENSE_AFL.txt ├── LICENSE.txt ├── media │ └── preview.jpg ├── registration.php └── web ├── css │ ├── email.less │ ├── print.less │ ├── source │ │ ├── _actions-toolbar.less │ │ ├── _breadcrumbs.less │ │ ├── _buttons.less │ │ ├── components │ │ │ └── _modals_extend.less │ │ ├── _icons.less │ │ ├── _layout.less │ │ ├── _theme.less │ │ ├── _tooltips.less │ │ ├── _typography.less │ │ └── _variables.less │ ├── _styles.less │ ├── styles-l.less │ └── styles-m.less ├── images │ └── logo.svg └── js ├── navigation-menu.js ├── responsive.js └── theme.js
Common directories
Typical theme directories are:
etc: Contains configuration files such as the view.xml file which contains image configurations for all images and thumbnails.
i18n: Translation dictionaries, if any.
media: Theme preview images (screen capture of your theme) can be put in here.
web: Optional directory that contains static files organized into the following subdirectories:
css/source: Contains a theme’s less configuration files that invoke mixins for global elements from the Magento UI library, and the theme.less file that overrides the default variables values.
css/source/lib: Contains view files that override the UI library files stored in lib/web/css/source/lib.
fonts: The folder to place the different fonts for your theme.
images: Static images folder.
js: The folder for your JavaScript files.